All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
357 Chapters
Chapter 131
Leonna had just left her home late that day, she was waiting for other young girls to be done filling their containers with water and head home while she quietly walks down there to fetch some for herself, she just wanted to ensure that she avoided having an encounter with them and of course avoid the bullies and so many insult they would remain on her which always leaves her sleepless at night.The previous day had ended so well for her after she saved Terry from drowning, she had been unable to get his thought of her head especially his cute face and the way he smiled at her, over and over again she tried to shake the thought off her head despite being glad that she was there on time to save the young men else he would be a dead man now.She had been sitting in front of her small house for long when she finally decided to go ahead and fetch water from the river believing that the girls must have all gone home but she was rather wrong and she only realized that after
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Chapter 132
The girls bursted into laughter making mockery of her statement and pain, Leonna felt even more terrible now and wished she didn’t say anything at all.“What a perfect speech by a stupid girl, is it our fault that your stupid, is it our fault that you’re a witch and you ended up killing your entire family? Is it also our fault that you’re so poor that you look like a riffraff? Take a good look at yourself and take a look at us” the first girl said with so much pride turning around slowly while the other girls giggled loudly “can’t you see how different we look from you? We dress well, we have nice dresses, we eat good food all because we didn’t destroy our family just like you destroyed yours!” The girl cursed in anger.Leonna shook her head “I didn’t kill my family and you all know it, they died in the war, why are you making me feel like their death was my fault, non of it was ever my fault and it woul
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Chapter 133
Zara looked worried, she paced for room wearing a sad face, her hands comfortably placed in front of her while she constantly shook them over and over again, her eyes were glued to the ground and her feet didn’t seem to be hurting as she have been pacing her room for a couple of hours, she was a little bit scared about Joshua’s delay in coming to her house just like they have agreed, she was scared that he might have changed her mind and she won’t be able to set her eyes on her daughter Diana. She had dreamed of seeing Diana all night, she had dreamed of hugging her closely and watching her explain in details why she eloped with the human, she had imagined Diana coming back home with her and apologizing to everyone while explaining in details why she left but right now it seemed that that dream, all those beautiful imagination of hers would never come to pass as Joshua was no where to be found around her house.She took a deep sigh refusing to give into her
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Chapter 134
Carmella got to her room huffing and puffing, her mother’s last question really got to her and she understood that she was right, what if Diana returns and somehow regains her memory then definitely she would be doomed for ever, she shook her head in fear “that would never happen, over my dead body would I be made to suffer for it, I only did what I felt was right after all she stole what rightfully belongs to me, assuming she never got married to Joshua, non of this would have never happened, but because she was so greedy and selfish, she accepted to marry a man who was supposed to be my husband just to make me feel intimidated, as far as I am concerned, she deserved what she got, I just still do not understand how she survived that fall, like… it’s totally impossible to survive falling off that cliff especially at her condition then” she mumbled in anger.She moved over to where she kept the bottle Azora had given her and placed it comfortably
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Chapter 135
Melanie moved the strokes of hair that had found it’s way across her face dangling as the wind blew it here and there, she fixed them behind her ears shutting her eyes as the wind blew helplessly past her face brushing them smoothly, she could see the dry leaves which laid on the floor moving from here to there, she smiled at the beauty of nature agreeing to the fact that truly life was beautiful but was her life in particular beautiful at all? All that she had heard and discovered today were way too much for her to digest at once, for a moment she was beginning to wish that she was dreaming or perhaps she wished she never got well, maybe she wouldn’t be feeling as hurt as she felt at the moment, her heart was hurting badly, she felt like she had been stabbed with a dagger but she wondered how humans could be this cruel, how could a man and woman who call themselves are best friend and husband be this cruel towards her, she wondered what her crime was and what she had do
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Chapter 136
Melanie shook her head desperately “what are you talking about and who is Diana? My name is Melanie, Melanie Clifford” she answered taking glances at their faces.Zara shook her head at once “who told you that? What happened to you? Your real name is Diana, you are my daughter and you suddenly disappeared when you were sixteen” she turned to Joshua and pointed at him “that is your husband Joshua, the king of our clan.”Joshua nodded walking closer hoping that Zara’s words convinces Diana.Melanie was speechless, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing “another husband? I am already married, I have a husband, who the hell are you people and what are you talking about?” She asked feeling totally confused, she had already heard a lot today and accepting this very fact that even her name was a lie was too much to digest, like… how exactly was she to take all these news?She shook her head de
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Chapter 137
Zara gulped hard “it was really true, she looked totally confused, she doesn’t remember or know anything, she just looked like a helpless child whom is still learning how to speak and walk.”Zara held her hand “that is the truth, you don’t belong to that world out there, come back home with us and we would resolve all these.”Melanie shook her head “you all are making a big mistake, I assure you, you are making a mistake” she laughed softly hoping someone could just wake her up from the horrible dream she was having at that moment.Zara grabbed her hand tight and looked straight into her eyes, Melanie was shocked to look down at her hand, furs were growing out, it was changing quickly into that of animal, she let out a loud cry “stop it, please stop it” she pleaded.Carmella who had been following them heard Diana’s scream and followed it at once, she heed behind a rock and watched with dee
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Chapter 138
He placed his hands on her shoulder “you disappeared from the clan just two months after our marriage, I was able to find you few months back and it broke my heart to hear you call a human “your husband” I have always loved you right from our childhood days and dreamed of spending the rest of my life with you, I don’t care about whatever that happened between you and the human Diana, I know you still love me very much as much as I love you and we can always make this work, we can fix things, just come back with me to the clan and explain yourself, come back and tell mother how the human bewitched you, I can’t see myself living the rest of my life without you.”Melanie gulped hard, Joshua sounded too sincere to be lying but she felt it would be stupid of her to believe this stranger she just met and follow him to God knows where, she took a glance behind remembering that she had a mystery to uncover, she remembered that she had a beautiful d
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Chapter 139
Rose flung her bag to a corner in her bedroom, she was fuming with rage and wondered how long she would be in control of her emotions cause she was so sure she was loosing it, she could feel her whole world, efforts and patience crumbling right in front of her eyes yet she can’t do anything to save the day, she moved over to the living room slipping her shoes of her feet and flinging them to God knows where, she found a bottle of alcohol lying peacefully in the bar, she picked it up and and poured in a large amount into a glass cup, she gulped them down at once like it was just ordinary water, she poured in another into the glass and burst into tears, her black expensive eye liner mixed up with her tears and rolled down her cheeks forming thin dark marks all over her face, she mumbled in tears and quickly drank up the drink in the cup, she scoffed shaking her head, she was about pouring in more into the cup when she paused wondering why exactly she needed the cup when she coul
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Chapter 140
Rose chortled rubbing her hands on her cheeks, she paced a little in the small space in front of her and finally looked up at Charles, her face was in a mess as her hands held tight to the bottle of alcohol like her life depended on it, she took a long sip and dropped the bottle on the table in front of her.Charles gaped “Rose you shouldn’t be doing this to yourself, you shouldn’t be drinking that.”“Shut the fuck up!” She yelled in anger.He was startled, he quietly looked away waiting for her to say something or maybe push him out of her house, he didn’t know what next to say to her.“I should give you a listening ear? Do you really know how hurt I am right now Charles? You betrayed me! You lied to me Charles! You made me believe that we have an agreement, that you love me, that you would marry me, you made me believe that we are sharing Melanie’s inheritance between us, you made me believe all of t
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