All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
357 Chapters
Chapter 151
Brenda had her gaze fixed on her father the moment they sat on the dinning table opposite each other waiting for Melanie like always to make and serve breakfast, something seemed totally improper with her father, he was suddenly acting nice and that didn’t go down with her, neatly dressed in her clothes with her beautiful her packed in bunches, she forced a smile on her pretty face from time to time each time she caught her father staring at her, she watched wondering if he was going to switch at any minute just like he always does, whatever he was up to she wanted to find out but it was totally impossible for her to accept the fact that the man who she called father, who molested and treated her mother like trash suddenly woke up one morning and changed into a nice man, that wasn’t possible, it was either he was pretending or he just chose to act nice just for that morning, she smiled at her mother as she walked past squeezing her shoulder softly, she caught her mother
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Chapter 152
Charles wagged his forefinger in front of his face standing to his feet at once “no…no… my darling, I insist that you join us for breakfast, you always join us for breakfast, yeah… I know you really don’t understand exactly what’s going on right now and you’re trying to figure out your life but this is who you are, this is who we are, one happy family, isn’t that right Brenda?” He asked.Brenda almost choked on her oath when Charles threw that question on her, she quickly grabbed a napkin while Melanie hurried to get her some water.“Oh… what happened? Are you okay?” Charles asked sounding so concerned, at this point he was beginning to realize how much Brenda have grown, she wasn’t that five years old kid anymore, like… she must be seven or eight according to his guess, he suspected that she was uncomfortable with what he was doing and knew how much he wouldn’t hesitate to d
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Chapter 153
She took a deep sigh pacing the living room for a while “that bastard thinks he has everything under control including my life huh? Well we would see about that” she quickly cleared the table and cleaned up everything she was supposed to clean, she had a cold bath and dashed out of the house dressed in the most decent clothe she could find in her wardrobe since everything looked so shabby. She squeezed the money Charles had given her the previous night into her small pause and hurried out of the house shutting the door behind, she just couldn’t wait to find out the truth, she just couldn’t wait to get answers to all her questions and maybe discover even more things about herself, she moved down to a small store and got herself a burner, that way she could be able to call whoever she wants to call at anytime, she also got herself some clothes, though her hair looked totally messed up and she couldn’t recall the last time she ever went to the salon but sh
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Chapter 154
Melanie sighed pulling the chair closer “you said you were my late father’s best friend which means that they must have trusted you right?” She asked wondering if it was right to ask such question.Mr James nodded staring at her.“Then I have no other choice than to trust you too, I really need to know the whole truth, are these people who you claim to have willed their inheritance to me my real parents? Are they truly my family?” She asked staring straight at his face.He fixed his gaze on her for a while and sighed deeply “actually Mr and Mrs Clifford had a daughter called Melanie but she lost her life at a young age and when they found you, they adopted you and named you Melanie after her since you couldn’t remember your name or where you came from but trust me, they love you and treated you just like they did to their own daughter” Mr James smiled while saying this.Melanie gasped in fear slumping into t
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Chapter 155
Melanie stepped out of Mr Jame’s office, she felt this rush of hope within and her, a fulfillment she couldn’t explain and for once in a long time she felt like she had blood flowing through her veins, for days after she discovered she could remember whatever that happens in the previous day, she couldn’t deny the fact that she always felt like a statue especially with the way Charles tossed her around and made her cook for him or do things just to please him, she arched her brow while nodding her head knowing that her life is about to take a better shape once she successfully deals with Charles and prove to him that she wasn’t as stupid or as foolish as he thought, she had bags in her hands now, one from the boutique and the other from Mr James who was so kind to help her, trust her and agree to her terms, she walked down the road without knowing exactly how to locate the hospital Mr James had told her, she stood right there and waited impatiently until she
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Chapter 156
Melanie nodded, this what she actually wanted, discovering the truth about herself and trying to set her life straight, she turned the door handle, she could feel her nerves going cold, she all of a sudden felt nervous, perhaps because she didn’t know what to expect from the doctor or what might become the outcome of the visit, she pushed the door open slowly walking in with few steps, she shut the door behind and was dazzled by the beauty of the office, very neat, beautiful and it had pictures of various organs in the body hanging carefully on the walls, the doctor looked up at her, he was middle aged and sitting comfortably opposite where she stood, he looked up at her and smiled exposing his white set of teeth “you didn’t change much Melanie Clifford, you have really grown” he said grinning.Melanie didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know if she should smile back or maybe say thank you after all it was more like a compliment, she rather
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Chapter 157
“It’s obvious that your health have progressed unlike when you were found, you see… years back a man and a woman who happened to Mr and Mrs Clifford, same people that adopted you had gone on a boat trip when they found your body floating on the ocean, you had this heavy scare on your head and you were unconscious, at first when they brought you in here, we doubted that you would survive but you did though you had a fractured brain which actually affected your memory, you couldn’t remember your name, what happened to you, who you were or where you came from, we also found out that you were pregnant with twins, you should be between the age or sixteen or seventeen then” he informed.Melanie gasped looking away “pregnant??” She repeated, she couldn’t believe this, does that mean that Charles isn’t actually Brenda’s father? How come the doctor said she was pregnant with twins but she only has one child with her “d
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Chapter 158
Rose have been at home all day thinking of the best and possible way to stop Charles from doing what he has decided to do, she couldn’t afford to sit with her fingers crossed and watch him rip her off everything she believed she worked hard for, she insists over and over again that she was the only reason why Melanie’s parents ever trusted him, she was the reason why Melanie also agreed to get married to him and here he is, finally when what they have been watering for years is ready for harvest, he wants to divert it all to himself, a thought had clocked her mind that afternoon when she was enjoying her lunch in the living room, she was scrolling through her phone as well and bumped into Charles’s contact, she thought of calling and maybe a conversation or two between them would smooth out their differences as they have not been talking since the last time Charles left her house but on remembering Charles last words to her and how he looked determined, it was cert
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Chapter 159
Rose ate in silence, she couldn’t get her mind off the thought that Charles was smart enough to remove the documents from the house knowing fully well that she would come for it, she was glad that he didn’t underestimate her capabilities but he was wondering where he might have kept it, if it wasn’t in his room then where else could it be? She munched slowly on the food Melanie had served her sipping the glass of juice in front of her at intervals, Melanie sat opposite her, eating slowly as well while she thought about Rose and her evil motives, she just couldn’t wait to have her leave already as she was tired of watching her boss her around claiming to be her husband’s sister, well she couldn’t act otherwise else she would be in big trouble, she just needs to keep playing the dumb Melanie everyone knows, in few minutes Rose was done with her food, she moved quietly to the couch and sat there, she just couldn’t believe that she was unable to
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Chapter 160
Melanie was sure that Charles had gone to Rose’s house, well whatever the case might be, she didn’t seem to care, she just couldn’t wait to watch them fight each other especially now neither of them trust each other, she brushed her hairs behind her ear fling the rest which have crippled out from her roughly packed her, it scoffed feeling relieved that her plans were truly falling in place and just sooner or later, both Charles and Rose would find themselves behind bars where they truly belong, well her birthday wasn’t far from near which means Charles would do anything and everything to get the papers from Rose cause it was impossible for him to believe that she doesn’t have, who else would have been smart enough to take them after all?Melanie was all smiles, twisting the end of her dress slowly while she climbed the staircase to her room to check out the gadgets Mr James had helped her purchase, she got into her room and locked the door, she rem
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