All Chapters of The Timekeeper Dynasty Series- The Wolf Princess: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
127 Chapters
Crysanthi POV When Benji said that there was a freak attack happening, I knew we needed to get there as soon as possible to help. I wasn't going to let those freak destroy a coven on my watch, and I knew Azak felt the same when he abruptly let me go to portal out with Benji. Perhaps because of our newly formed bond he knew I would be able to portal myself to him, which I was able to do. When I got to the open field, Benji was pointing to the hillside where the sounds of a magical battle could be heard. I wasted no time portalling myself over to help the witches fight off the freaks, who were throwing every time of elemental magic they had at them. Exactly where I portalled to a freak was using earth magic to wrap the witches up in the branches of one of the trees, so I immediately overrode their magic to stop the witches from being bound and unable to use their hands to perform their spells. Once I had stopped the earth magic spell, I began to throw my own spells back
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2:11-Dark Magic
Azak POV I felt her uneasiness through the bond we shared as she stood in the interrogation room staring at the freak that we had chosen first. He had made a terrible hissing noise as he stared back at her, so I touched her arm to assure her that everything was fine. I knew she blamed herself for the condition of these creatures, but I hoped that she would one day understand that each of these citizens of ours had made a choice to succumb to the darkness. What they chose to become was not on her, and all she could do now was stop them. I knew it was unlikely but I hoped that my feelings on the subject could be transmitted through my touch. She stepped forward towards the creature, and though I wanted to pull her backwards and keep her as far away from these freaks as possible, I knew I had to let her do whatever she was about to do. She was a Timekeeper Princess, and her power was insurmountable, so I knew that the best chance of us finding out anything through these creat
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2:12- Solstice Jump
Crysanthi POV I woke up that morning aware that today I would jump through the time, space and dimensions continuum. Though I expected it, I was still slightly shocked when the feeling took over my body. As I floated through the continuum I prayed that I would wake in a body that was still good and light. The moment I landed I knew that it wasn't, that I was in fact in a body that had succumbed to the evil it had been raised around. I hoped this jump would be quick as I opened my eyes to have a look at myself. I wasn't sure what to expect as I opened my eyes, but I prayed that my skin hadn't started to turn black like the freaks I had seen the day before. Unfortunately I opened my eyes to find my skin a light grey color with sparkling scales starting to raise up in small patches on the uncovered parts of my skin I could see. I was appalled by the sight, and let out an audible gasp at the sight. The high pitched laughter that came from outside the room sent a burning r
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2:13-Crysanthi 10
Azak POV We were eating breakfast when Crysanthi fell into her jump. I was instantly paralyzed with fear as she drifted off into her jump because I wasn't prepared for whichever Crysanthi would take her place. I had expected her to jump later in the day, but I suppose the solstice had other plans for the timekeepers this go around. That was the worse part about dealing with timekeepers, though you knew what day they would jump, you never could pinpoint an exact time. So, all I could do now was hope that the Crysanthi that jumped into her body was from a dimension where she was still good, and not evil. As she began to awake I stood back and watched her carefully. I knew that soon enough I would know exactly what type of Crysanthi I was dealing with as she opened her eyes and glanced around the room. I didn't sense anything dark from her, but I wasn't a timekeeper. She straightened up in her seat before looking over to me and smiling softly. Her smile let me know that she wa
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2:14- Research
Crysanthi POV The hours dragged on as I laid there in that bed, unable to do anything else. Day turned to night, then back to day, then back to night again. So when I finally felt myself being pulled into the continuum I was elated & allowed myself to go willingly. I landed back in my own body & opened my eyes to find Azak staring down ar me with his gorgeous orange eyes. He brushed a stand of his long blonde hair behind his ear as he smiled down at me, before reaching out a hand to help me up off of the floor. The butterflies that consumed me as his orange eyes twinkled made warmth spread throughout my entire being, causing a giddiness to take over. I giggled as he helped me up and he just smiled sweetly at me. Once I was finally on my feet I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me before pressing my lips against his pillow soft ones. I was truly happy to be home again and in the arms of my fated. He kissed me back more eagerly than he ever had. As our tongues danced tog
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2:15-Haunted Memories
Azak POV Crysanthi came back from her jump more determined than ever to figure out how to reverse the darkness that had taken over so many of our people. I was truly in awe of her strength as I watched how such a horrifying experience could only drive her even harder to save our people. She was truly a Queen in every sense of the word and I had been blessed to be fated to her. Crysanthi 10 assured me that she was capable of looking past my indiscretions that had occurred over the centuries and truly see who I was both as her fated light and the King of her kingdom, so I was feeling better about our bond. I took her into my chambers and could almost feel the anxiety she had about being in my personal space. I watched as her eyes roamed over my quarters in wonderment and I couldn't help but to smile. She was a beauty, my fated light, and I was truly proud to call her mine. She followed me up the spiral staircase to my personal office and I pulled some of the books I had taken off the
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2:16- A Royal Shopping Trip
Crysanthi POV I awoke the next morning anxious to get started on my research, but Azak insisted we go down to the dining room to have breakfast. So, I ate my breakfast quickly but still I had to wait for him to finish his. Though I couldn't put my finger on it, something seemed off about him this morning. I brushed my feelings off as he led the way up to his quarters so I could continue my research. He seemed to be easily aggravated today, so I did my best not to annoy him. I hated walking on eggshells around him, but I figured it was probably for the best. We entered his chambers and I began climbing the iron spiral staircase while he watched me from the bottom floor. When I asked if he was coming, he told me that he would be back to check on me shortly and turned around and left the room. I thought it odd that not only would he not be joining me, but that he would allow me in his quarters alone. Still, I proceeded up the stairs and continued the book I had left off on last night.
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2:17- A Princess of the People
Azak POV I woke the next morning full of anxiety over Crysanthi reading through those damned books. I knew I had to let her, but every time I thought about her doing so I felt a sense of impending doom and I hated it. But, just as I knew she would, she was anxious to get started on her research for the day. So, after breakfast I led her to my quarters to get started. I had decided on my own plans for the morning though, so I left her there alone in my quarters to read. I had decided that although fae didn't celebrate the human holiday of Christmas, this year we would, atleast inside the palace, if only to bring some joy into my light's heart as she navigated through those dark texts. So, I set about making the proper arrangements to have the place decorated for Christmas. Seeing her face when she saw what I had done made it all completely worth it, even if I did appear ridiculous to my servants. When I offered to take her into the village to shop her eyes lit up like the sun rise
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2:18- His Darkest Night
Azak POV I retreated back to my chambers after saying goodnight to the Princess. As I entered my chambers fully prepared to head to bed, I couldn't stop myself as my feet carried me to the iron staircase and up to my loft office. Before I knew it, I was sitting there on my knees infront of that old chest. I had no intentions on spending my evening going through those old photographs, but there I was, pulling them out. I pulled out the biggest one, knowing exactly what was in it and how it would break my heart, but still, I did it anyway. I flipped through those old yellowed pages, looking at those black and white photos that showed my beloved belly getting bigger and bigger. Then, there it was. The one of her laying in the bed, holding our little boy. This picture had been the most precious item I had in this palace until recently. These days, the most precious item I had was sleeping just down the hall. I flipped through those old pages, looking at the photos
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2:19- Acceptance
Crysanthi POV Azak told me his story with tears streaming down his face as I comforted him. Part of me was relieved to understand him better, but the other part was full of worry. Knowing that there was a possibility that there was an incredibly powerful freak out there that bore his mark bothered me something awful, but still I hid my worry well. I knew the chances that she was still alive were great, seeing as though Azak was an immortal. I also knew that if it came down to it, I would have to be the one to take her down, which I was willing to do for my fated. However, I managed to push those worries aside to enjoy the Christmas season with my beloved. I felt it the moment Genevieve regained her Timekeeper power and even I felt stronger because of it. She and Rayan were completely mated and now nothing could tear them apart. I was so happy for her that Azak made several comments about me glowing over it. I suppose that being as she was my only real friend, and a Timekeeper at tha
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