All Chapters of The Timekeeper Dynasty Series- The Wolf Princess: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
127 Chapters
59. Royal Meetings
Genevieve POV I woke up cuddled next to my mate with the morning sun dancing across our bodies as it peeked through the curtains. I rolled over & grabbed my phone to see that it was Tuesday. I found that odd, so I attempted to remember Monday's events, but had no recollection of what had happened. I decided to peer into Ray's mind to figure out what had happened, & was shocked to see that I had been unconscious most of the day. I watched on as my brother, mate & cousin transferred their magical to me, which resulted in Ray falling asleep next to me. "Get out of my head." Ray chuckled into my hair, pulling me out of his mind. "I was just trying to figure out what happened yesterday. I can't believe I was unconscious all day." I told him, pulling my face out of his neck so I could gaze into his gorgeous eyes. "How are you feeling today?" He asked me before I felt his soft lips on my forehead. "Like myself again, so I guess alot better," I told him.
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Sorry for the delay
Hey everyone. I have had a busy week and have a busy weekend ahead of me, and am having issues with my arm hurting me as well. So with that being said, I will return on Monday to kick off on Monday or Tuesday with the Wolf Moon Festival, and will try to do an update every single day, as long as my arm cooperates. I am really sorry for the delay, but life has gotten quite hectic recently. I'm hoping to see in calm down next week and give me a chance to give you all indepth chapters, as well as many of them. I am excited to finally get to this stage of the story and am very grateful for your patience as I work through this hectic time. 
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60. A Meeting with the Council
Rayan POV "Wake up Ray, the council members are here." Ronan's voice boomed through my mind. Ofcourse they were here, first thing on Sunday morning. They wanted their answers & to make their demands. They wanted to give their choices of who my chosen should be, but I already had my mate. They were going to be in for a rude awakening when I tell them that my mother has finally given me a fated mate. I couldn't wait to tell them honestly. "Ofcourse they're already here. Let's get this over then shall we." My mate mumbled through the link. I kissed the top of her head before rolling over & climbing out of bed. She whimpered as I did, & it took everything in me to not climb back in. "I'll hop in first, we don't have time for your shower antics this morning, so sleep a little longer, you can use the extra energy." I told her, & she nodded her head at me as she snuggled with my pillow. I woke her up when I got out of the shower & with a littl
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61. A Meeting with the Council Part 2
Genevieve POV As the councilmen unfroze their heads all lifted, looking towards Ray curiously. They weren't quite sure what had just happened, as the last thing they would remember was him standing from his seat angrily as Razor took over his body. But now, he was seated, calm & in control. It probably shouldn't have been so humorous to me, but it was. I couldn't help myself when a giggle escaped my lips, causing their heads to whip in my direction. "Allow me to introduce you all to my beautiful mate & your queen." Ray began as his outstretched an arm in my direction. Before he could finish however, one of the gentlemen who had obviously lost the plot interrupted him to express his disapproval. "Surely you can't actually believe that you can just make the daughter of a warrior your queen and that the packs will be OK with it. You will lose the approval and good standing the crown has with some of the largest packs if you make this midrank girl your queen. The
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62. Dinner Party
Genevieve POV Ray cooked me a nice lunch & I took a short nap afterwards. Carrying this pup was exhausting me. But, I woke up from my nap to find that my family had arrived while I was sleeping. Ray told me that he had planned a dinner with our allying packs so everyone would be in attendance. I told him that I wanted to do the Alpha families so that Andy could join as well. Since I had gotten a glimpse inside her mind, I knew that she often felt left out, & I wanted to include her in this. My secret would be out in the morning, so there would be no harm in letting her in on it this evening. I know it sounds ridiculous that I would want to befriend someone who was once so mean to me, but I understood Andy. I had known her for as long as I can remember, and though those memories weren't always the best, I had always been able to understand why she acted the way that she did. He ofcourse agreed, as he was always willing to give me what I wanted, so, we invited everyon
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63. Preparing for a New Era
Rayan POV I woke in the morning to my perfect little mate kissing and nibbling on my mark, which made my cock even harder than it normally was in the mornings. I hadn't tried to seduce her in days, with her being pregnant, I didn't want to drain her energy. I figured when she wanted it, she would let me know, & I was right. I gripped her thigh that was draped over my leg & pulled it higher, rubbing it over my hardened cock. The movement made her let out an angelic moan as she nibbled on my mark. That was all the confirmation I needed that she wanted me, so I rolled her over onto her back before capturing her sweet soft lips with my own. She willingly opened her mouth, granting my tongue entrance, and I greedily accepted the invitation as I slid my tongue into her mouth to taste every inch of her. I caressed and massaged her tongue with my own as I rocked my hips into hers. With every rock of my hips her sweet nectar coated my shaft, begging me to enter her tight, moist c
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64. A New Era
Genevieve POV I stood there at the edge of the stage, just behind the curtains with the girls as Ronan made the beginnings of the announcements. He was going over the itinerary for the week, ensuring that everyone knew how meals & events would go. While Ray did his best to pay attention & be present for those announcements, I would occasionally catch him glancing over at me wearing a proud smile. I didn't need to peek into his mind to know that he was ecstatic to announce our mating today. We both were to be honest. The hiding was getting old, & I wasn't sure how much longer Gia would be able to hide our changed scent or our aura with the pup draining our energy. We were completely prepared for this though, all of us. Kelsey & Greg understood their duties for the day, & Stella knew what to expect from her marking. Us girls were dressed perfectly, with me in a royal blue & silver form fitting dress, that was cut just above the knee. Stella had on a royal blue dress, & Kel
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65. Let the Games Begin
Rayan POV After speaking with her family for a bit, we encouraged them to walk around & enjoy the festival, while we would do the same. They took off their own ways, and I was happy to have my mate back to myself, though I knew people would be pulling her attention, wanting to know all about their new queen, all day. But for now, I was content, as I pulled her into me, noticing the way her sweet caramel scent had a hint apple in it, though it was a bit nutty too. She wasn't protecting her scent anymore, or her aura as much, which I'm sure was less stressful for Gia. "Your scent has apples & nuts mixed in it now, is that was I smell like to you?" I told her as I took a deep inhale of her neck. She giggled as I ran my nose along her neckline, now noticing every scent that made the mouth watering scent I knew to be my mate. I noticed that there was a hint of vanilla & cinnamon too, just ever so slightly, layered under the layers of dark chocolate, caramel, apple & n
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66. Long Live the Queen
Genevieve POV We spent the day walking around the campus, greeting members of all the different packs that had come to join us for the week's festivities. Each time we met someone new, Ray would pull me in close & nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck. He was becoming even more protective of me now that my scent was changing. Almost as if my changed scent called to him to do so. I didn't mind it though, everyone knew that he was mine & I was his, & that was exactly what I never knew I wanted. We walked around arm in arm all day, happy & content now that the world knew we were together. He took me back up to our residence for lunch, and ensured I got my afternoon nap in afterwards. The pup had really been taking a lot out of me, and I was needing afternoon naps just to get through my classes most days. On weekends I was spending most of my day in bed with him pampering me, but I didn't mind it one bit. I used them to rest and recuperate from the week and he helped t
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67. Royal Breakfast
Rayan POV It was an interesting evening, having that insignificant Alpha challenge my queen. Seriously, what the hell was he thinking, spitting at her feet like that. Just thinking about it now made my canines tingle, wanting to elongate & rip his throat out. Razor was furious & if it weren't for my mate's touch to calm him, he may have killed that Alpha right there. But, as I had to remind him as we showered this morning, what's done is done, & we will handle him however our queen sees fit tomorrow morning. We came back to our residence after that interesting affair & her brother & sister followed us back, telling her how well she had handled herself. I, on the other hand, had lost control. It's funny, you would think that now that he has a mate Razor would be calmer but with her carrying our pup he was more protective over her than ever & I struggled even more to control him than I had before. But, I suppose that's why she was my better half. The control she had over
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