All Chapters of Limitless Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
159 Chapters
11 Adair Rejected Keller
On other hand Gatlin is in very good mood he came out spoke something to his one of bodyguard’s ear and left for the hall, its late there were only few guests remains others left, Stoll is busy seeing off everyone and Keller stupidly looking for Adair everywhere Gatlin can guess from Adair’s reaction that Keller didn’t tell him her feelings, his bodyguard came and gave Gatlin a small box wrap with sprinkling paper looks very beautiful. Gatlin called Keller “Keller, Adair is in room 2011 he called you there and also give him this gift from my side, I am leaving and don’t want to disturb you and him” there was an ambitious smile on his lips, there is different glow on his face but Keller didn’t notice that, she is happy hearing Adair is waiting for her. After sending Keller, Gatlin didn’t wait he don’t want see their love story being complete after losing his virginity so he also left, after saying hello to Stoll. Keller goes to the room Gatlin mentions, there
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12 Confused Adair
“Is everything alright” Gatlin asked lightly, he know whenever Keller felt sad, she likes to be alone, but this place he can’t let her stay. Firstly, Keller is starter then sensing it’s Gatlin she again become silent, Gatlin also silently accompany her sitting beside her. After very long time Keller said “Adair, he has someone he likes”. Gatlin didn’t believe he himself had experienced Adair’s jealously for Keller “Maybe he doesn’t wanted show you, or is upset about our relationship” If Adair did not love Keller, then why he did that to him. “He said I am like his elder sister, from childhood to now he respected me and treated me like an elder sister, Gatlin I know I am not good at emotional things but his eyes, he is really in love, he loves someone more then I loved him” when she is telling there was a bitter smile on her face, she is trying very hard not to cry and look carefree but a single drop of tear spill from her eyes. “Gatlin, I should leave now” Ga
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13 Lovelorn Keller
Keller got ready in a very sexy dress, it is a white coloured shirt type blouse and red skirt leaving her long and white legs open, between her top and skirt her waist is little open showing snow white skin she left her shoulder length hair open and completed with glass styled 5-inch-high hilled shoes. Looking at Keller’s dress Carter is furious he asked “Keller how have you been dressed; you can’t go out like this” Carter himself as a man knows her daughter can’t go out like this but Keller ignored “Don’t worry it’s just a party with some old friends and Gatlin will also be their” hearing that Gatlin is also their so Carter let her go but not without an over coat which is so long that it can covers her red skirt and legs till knees. For Carter’s shake she wears that coat and left for the bar, in those three days Keller only repeated whatever she did for Adair, Keller a strong girl don’t know how to cry like other girls and she also don’t want to cry for a person who
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14 Hero saves beauty
Just when he wants to kiss her a strong hand forcefully pulled him and throw him on the ground, “your stupid man how dare...” before he could finish, he saw the face of visitor ‘Stoll Adam’. Stoll first turn to Keller he removes his coat and cover her upper body then looked coldly to man on ground. Mintz know Stoll former Vice president and brother of current president. Stoll then again kicked Mintz in a place between his legs, his kick was so powerful that Mintz start to bleed on spot. “don’t let him out of this room till his place become useless” Stoll said this to his Bodyguards who were following him. he picks Keller in his arms, Keller protest instantly but when she smells the smell of man she hugged back, she remembers Stoll’s smell even in her drunk state. She tightly hugs Stoll’s neck her lips near Stoll’s neck blowing hot breath, Keller lightly said “brother Stoll” her voice was very low but Stoll heard it, which let him have goosebumps all over his body. St
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15 Ashamed Keller
Next morning Keller woke up with throbbing headache, looking at unfamiliar room she is daze all she remembers is that she has gone to bar for drink, then someone tried to take advantage of her then brother Stoll…. She didn’t remember everything currently what is the truth and what’s her dream is difficult to find. She saw her dress no were to find, she only wears a black shirt which is oversized on her slim frame. Opening few buttons, she realises that her inner wears are still same as yesterday, probably nothing happened like that, but who changed her dress. She timely opens window curtain’s and saw a familiar seen, she remembers the garden it is the Stoll’s suburb villa, thinking she is with Stoll Keller got relived, she knows nothing will happen if the person is Stoll. She left room without thinking, first she goes to kitchen, looking at time it’s almost 10:00 am Stoll should have left for company so she starts her hunt for food last night she hasn
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16 Adair's Entry with Kaya
As the party starts Gatlin’s family comes first but Gatlin was not with them, he wanted to go as late as he could, this is not only his thinking Keller and Adair both are thinking same. Keller as a host have to present when Carter called and argued her to come, she has no other choice but to ask Gatlin. Gatlin and Keller, if ignoring their genders they are best brothers who never hides anything from one another only this time they both hides, it’s not they don’t want to share but they don’t know how to share. “Gatlin, come and pick me from my office” Keller asked Gatlin from Carter she knows Gatlin also not reached there. “What are you doing in office, isn’t it holiday” Keller is annoyed by Gatlin sometime she thinks Gatlin is more annoyed than her father. “Did I asked you what are you working on national holiday” but Gatlin is not someone who can see soft “I am vice president not just a manager of some company”. After arguing for a long time, they mutually decided t
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17 Adair confessed Gatlin
All the time in party Gatlin and Keller stick together, Adair and Kaya was busy together and Stoll also busy managing guest with Carter. At the time of dance opening, Stoll was forced to do it by her mother Rose, Rose wants Stoll to dance with Kaya but Kaya as Adair’s girlfriend will dance with Adair so Stoll have to do dance opening with Saya. Same Adair did with Kaya. Stoll didn’t want to dance with Saya, at the sight of her he will remember his disgusting past. Adair is also unwilling to dance with Kaya, particularly as a soldier he likes her but as a girl he had a bad feeling for her. Gatlin is luckier from them as he doesn’t love Keller but they are best friend, what make him happier is that Adair will come to settle account with him he himself didn’t realise that he is looking forward to meet Adair. As party end Stoll run away from Saya, she is pestered him all the time, he saw Gatlin and Keller going together so he stops them. “Keller, it’s lat
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18 Adair confessed Gatlin 2
Gatlin is still processing what Adair said, he like him than he started laughing loudly, this is the joke of month for him, his enemy likes him. Adair knows why Gatlin reacting like this, he will also react like this if any man will come and say he like him. Adair stood from bed and sits next to Gatlin, Gatlin is little afraid when Adair comes near him so he sticks to other side of sofa, Adair also moved little trapping Gatlin between Sofa edge and his body. He gently placed Gatlin’s hand in his own hand and said what he is here for. “I like you; I have realised it more than 4 months before and wanted to keep safe distance with you” then he looked at Gatlin’s eyes and said with smile “don’t provoke me like today, or I will ruin myself alone with you” Gatlin just there sitting like a statue don’t know what is going with him when Adair kissed him on lip after a long kiss he said “stay as far as you can be with me” with this last sentence he left Gatlin’s house through
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19 Project for Country B
Keller is familiar with this question, when Keller was just kid Stoll would ask this question in answer she will kiss his cheeks, the last time Stoll asked this question is when she was 16 years old, that time Saya was with them and she said in front of Stoll that “Keller, you are no more kid, you can’t kiss man like this” she answer back “but, brother is my brother” then Saya again said “you are not connected from blood, what brother” that day Stoll had a big fight with Saya even his and Saya’s friendship ends there but after that day Stoll didn’t asked this question again she also forgets about this because her gifts are regular. Keller have no emotional experience but now if thinking she can feel Stoll is different. She is little scared thinking that Stoll thinks about her as a woman. She has no guts to conform her doubt she only knows that she have to run from here. For few seconds she just stares Stoll with wide eyes then stood without wasting her time and run away sayi
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20 Gatlin's mother
When Gatlin reached Madison’s house, the house was complete dark. Before entering living hall, he heard man’s gaps and women’s scream, like they both are enjoying. Out of curiosity he switches on the lights and saw as expected Ashford doing something which is not appropriate for children to see, they were so turned on that they did it in an open place like living hall. Looking them Gatlin though Adair and Saya also being this impatience to do, he is still thinking about Adair. When he saw girls face, he was little shocked isn’t she Miss Jane’s elder sister who is Adair’s girlfriend ‘Saya’. As far as he knows Ashford and Saya have 7- or 8-years difference, here Saya is trying to hide her naked body and face but Ashford is like there is nothing to hide he is showing his and Saya’s naked body to everyone like a live show. Madison’s house is a big house and there are servants 24*7 in house, Ashford not only showing his women’s naked body to Gatlin but also servants watching from
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16 Protection Status