All Chapters of Limitless Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
159 Chapters
31 Earth quack
When Adair reached everyone was already present their after taking his seat, he roams his eyes to everyone when his eyes meet Gatlin’s smiling eyes, he hurriedly removes his eyes and placed it on the paper in front of him. it’s not he is shy but he is afraid, afraid Gatlin will see his feeling, afraid he would be annoyed about his feeling, afraid that people present here will see something wrong after all everyone present here is experienced person. The smile on Gatlin’s eyes increases even his lips changes angle, it’s common to see smiling Gatlin everyone thinks his smile is fake or professional even Adair also thinks same only Gatlin knows that his smile truly. He doesn’t want to but his heart is happy looking Adair at the top he is happy that Adair is leading everyone when he saw Adair’s dogging eyes his mood increases so his smile. During the meeting Adair noticed Gatlin’s hand with bandage, he can feel that it’s not just small injury, after the meeting end Adair
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32 Adair rescuing mine workers
Adair saw a small hole in that rock one man can easily pass maybe those mans didn’t noticed it because of darkness he ordered “Take them out, I am moving in if there is anything contact me” here Adair is the leader no one can dare to stop him or question him so he entered with that order in to the small hole directly. Hole was little shallow so it takes Adair a lot time to pass, just moving 10 to 15 steps forward after coming out of hole, he saw two men having no major injury just some shallow scratches on their bodies subconsciously lying there maybe because here heat is more than normal and they are hungry and thirsty, because as per there body condition they don’t have much injuries. He opens water bottle what he is carrying on his back pack and make both of them drunk it they were so thirsty that one big bottle finished in one go after 10 mins they got there sense back one of them is a middle age man with lots of white hair and other just in his twenties Adair as
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33 Gatlin's hidden secret
Gatlin was restless after Adair left; he sends some of his mans to that spot to receives Adair’s news as fast as he could. Gatlin has trained some man for his future battel and safety called shadow guards. 5 years back he purchased some killers from black market they were the man trained for protecting Mafia’s but as a mafia declined new Boss will sell them. They are trained to be fast, strong, good fighter, lighting speed and their shooting skills everything is just incredible. He has five of that man only one he placed near his mother, and one around Ford to see his every moment and others are resting. Yesterday when Adair left, he sends his two men after him not to protect just to observer or inform him. He received his man’s call to inform just after the aftershock take place, what the other party said slipped ground under his legs. They told him that Adair got into the cave to safe some workers he successfully saved those workers but Adair himself stuck in that
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34 Adair thinks Gatlin is not simple
Gatlin handle Adair a phone asking him to inform others about his safety “call Ross and tell him that you are safe and will go to them soon” Adair take that phone still not calling and looking at Gatlin. Gatlin explained him “it’s been 10 hours you has been missing, they are finding you like crazy, inform them and let them help others” thinking of something he again said “also don’t let anyone know it’s me who saved you”. Adair didn’t ask much as he know Gatlin saved him in mean time would let everyone suspicious to them, he just called Ross “Ross, it’s me” from other side came Ross’s exhausted but excited tone “President, are you alright”. Adair just replied “I am fine, and in a safe position, stop searching for me I will come soon” with this Adair hung up the call, he didn’t waste more time as he cherish his every single second with Gatlin. Gatlin saw Adair’s questioning eyes he knows Adair have lot to ask “you can ask whatever you want” Gatlin said still holding A
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35 Justin working for Adair
“Inform your leaders that now you are working for President” Adair said Justin looks at Adair’s serious face and asked “what you want me to do for you”. Justin’s only mission is to capture that bastard if not for his lust Justin’s face would if as handsome as before. In his life he hates only two person one is Alex and other is that woman who left this scar on his face. “I am giving you full authority to work with your own plan and team, your first target is Alex I want Alex live in front of me” Adair ordered he is not going to say that Alex should have something to do with his father’s death, thinking about his father he again asks. “From when Alex stablished his organization?” Justin was Alex’s close man and knows much about him. Justin thinks for some seconds and replied “Alex was working for an arm dealer, after army destroys that arm dealer, he got some big party and started his own organisation it seems 10 years” Justin informed thinking if he could say about h
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36 Griffin is not with Ford
Adair in car is still confused how to explain Gatlin, before to maintain his image he indeed said that he loves Kaya. Adair don’t know if he should explain it to Gatlin as today Gatlin said he was scared maybe he has some feelings but if not, isn’t he is making fun of himself but that kiss. Adair is complete frustrated he don’t know what to do with Gatlin, explains him or leave it just like this or wait for suitable situation. A message came to Adair’s mobile thinking it must be some work related he opens it. That message brings smile on Adair’s frowning face that was from Gatlin saying, ‘I am not a possessive person but would kill if someone tries to covert my person’ massage ends with this but Adair knows here someone is Kaya and my person indicates himself in short Gatlin accepts Adair as his own. Adair haven’t noticed a gentle person and business man like Gatlin saying about killing so easily, what got his all attention is just Gatlin accepting him. Adair
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37 Ella Adair's doctor
After finishing Gatlin stood up to leave, he wants to leave and work on what Lucy said as soon as possible, if Griffin really not in Ford’s hand, then it will be more dangerous for a little girl to live in this cruel world. “Gatlin come with me to study I have something” with this Ford left for study and Gatlin followed behind. When he reached study, he set in front of Ford like he is the boss here not Ford, “I have work to do please finished it soon”. Ford took a breath and kept a file in front on him, that file is something about shipping company. Gatlin opens it and the content was Ashford is going to start a shipping trade business but his experience and ability is not in line even some documents are missing and some are fakes which Gatlin saw at first sight. “You want me to pass in through Government?” of course without governments approval they can’t start it. “Gatlin, I am asking you because you can do it fast normal process takes long-time, I have som
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38 Let’s be together, secretly
When Gatlin turns to Adair, he saw Adair is staring him like anger rising in him. Gatlin sits beside Adair asked without smile “aren’t you accompanying your lover Kaya” he stressed word lover more. Adair looks down with and said in a very slow voice “I don’t like her, before I lied to you”. Gatlin know about his lie for a long time and this is good “Well, I know” Gatlin said with a playful smile then he continued “it’s good if others think you have relation with a girl no one will doubt about our relationship” this sentence was in serious tone. Adair asked in same serious tone “What relationship do we have?”. This make Gatlin silent yes, what type of relation do they have; they are enemies who love each-other they both are man so who is girlfriend and who is boyfriend they have no name in this society. “Are we gay?” Adair asked he had some relations with girls but no girl make him excited just a man Gatlin is he not a man? This question he is asking himself again and
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39 Keller is changed
Gatlin knows it’s been three months after Keller came back but because of both where busy Gatlin didn’t ask her to meet after thinking about Ford again asked his about marriage Gatlin knows it’s time to take any action. Ford is asking him to get married after election and he is ignoring his words but if Ford directly talk to Carter things will get out of control and as per he knows Ford, he wants Ashford to win next election. Keller is Gasper’s only daughter marring her in his family means brining her complete property to them. Gatlin knows Ford still had his weakness in his hand and as per he knows Ford, he will capture Gasper’s property as much as he can then will ask Gatlin to withdraw and give his position to Ashford. It’s not Ford loves Ashford that’s why he wanted him to become on top but he knows Ashford will be under his hand all his life and will do whatever he says, he is not Gatlin who is doing because of life of a person. Gatlin called Keller “Hey
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40 what it feels like loving
Gatlin drives Keller to his own restaurant, he is now vice president and Keller and other his subordinates handling his business but he is still the boss. Complete restaurant is empty just both of them having dinner. If any other girl than Keller were here, she would be impressed to fall but Keller knows Gatlin is not being romantic he wanted to talk about something serious. After taking their seats Keller order all the signature dished with her favourite dessert and Gatlin not to waste food didn’t order anything, he knows Keller would eat everything and left little bit which is enough for a normal person like him. looking at Gatlin’s eyes on her body Keller knows what he is thinking “don’t think I will be fat; I do exercise regularly to keep fit with my extra food” Gatlin just smiled now he thinks Keller is same just something changes inside her like something also changes inside him after yesterday’s night. Thinking about his changed feeling from last night Gatlin
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16 Protection Status