All Chapters of Limitless Love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
159 Chapters
71 I will find her soon
Ashford comes out of the van with the help of those guards and as soon he saw Gatlin is waiting for him, he started crying like a kid who saw his parents after a very long time. “Mr. Madison, our boss asked you to keep eye on him, he will come for this man” one of guard said to Gatlin and throws Ashford on the ground and Gatlin also didn’t try to help Ashford, he opens the door of back seat for Ashford and waits for him to come and sit.Ashford’s leg and hands are badly injured even his face was so full of blood and marks that it was difficult to read his facial features, he took very long time to crawl from the middle of that small street to the car door “don’t dirty my car” Gatlin said in a cold voice and without helping Ashford to the seat he opens the driver door and intend to drive the car.Ashford was very scared from the last encounter as he didn’t mind Gatlin’s cold tone and enter with the support of car&rsq
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72 love for Griffin finished
Lucy stopped crying when she heard her wooden and small door being knocked and looked at Gatlin in confusion, Ford and Mrs. Madison knows Gatlin is here and they will never dare to do anything to in front of her son.Gatlin wiped Lucy’s tear and opens the door; Lucy wants to see who came but her rooms door is small and Gatlin’s back is wide enough to hide her sight. Without any words Gatlin closed the door with some food in his hands, “come, our food is here, I had ordered you favourite dishes” Lucy looks at Gatlin with wide eyes and then looked at the door like she can see out not believing her eye, in Ford’s territory who is so brave to help them.“He is my man not Ford’s” Gatlin said like he understands Lucy’s mind, “your man here, did Ford know about it” Gatlin placed the food on the small table and asked Lucy to have a sit with his chin “no mom, he doesn’t and never would” Lucy ask
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73 going to Country C
 Ford entered the kitchen after Gatlin left and asked Lucy to come out, he has something to say, Lucy followed him in the living hall, standing in front of Ford who is sitting on the sofa “what did Gatlin tell you about Ashford?” Ford asked first he wanted to know what actually happened Ashford is still unconscious and Gatlin refused to explain the exact situation. Lucy shakes her head “he didn’t tell me about anything, he was tired and wanted some head massage” Lucy said half-truth and half false.Ford knows Gatlin will never say anything like this to Lucy “did you know what Gatlin told me just now?” Ford asked eyeing Lucy’s face looking for any change “no” Lucy again shakes her head, there was no changes in her expression just some discus for Ford. “He said he don’t love Griffin and I can kill her any time” Ford though that Lucy will help him so he is here to force her. “Ask Gat
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74 Waiting
 Gatlin’s each and every move captured in the cameras which aimed on him from the very start and soon Gatlin’s shy expression goes viral over the social media. There is no secret that Gatlin is in relationship with Keller but this is the first time he showed the sign in front of everyone in his four years of relationship.After assembly finished journalist hovered over Gatlin to cover the sensational news about him.Journalist 1: Mr. Vice President, why these new changes in your dressing style suddenly?Gatlin is not only the business man or vice president but also the great inspiration for models, his body and beauty is what now a times young girls likes the most and his dressing sense always on top with handmade big brands.Gatlin: just mood for a dayGatlin’s smiled is always irresistible, and he knows how to manage or handle media.Journalist 2: what so different about today’s moodGatlin: ever
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75 Adair's surprise
 Three days pass in a blink of eye for others and for Gatlin he is missing Adair a lot and every minute when he is not busy passed like a day, but finally his waiting is going to finish.Auction starts at 6:00 in evening, as the next day is weekend many people comes to attend, and to keep their face high they brought expensive things to sell in this auction, Gatlin changed a little rule that is 25% of the amount will be giving to there owner not to burden them lot. Gatlin was little late as he has work to do but his subordinates were with top qualities as they handled every thing perfectly even if he is not available.Keller also attend with Carter, Saya and Kaya sisters come with Mr. Jane their father, Ford comes with Mrs. Madison not bringing Ashford he is still recovering his injuries is serious. Every big face had attended the auction even giving their best for the charity.Ford wasn’t happy, he knows this all arrangements is high notch an
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76 Adair didn't give face to Jane's
Auction finished near 8:45pm, as everyone started to eat and drink and doing socializing for the business or etc. Gatlin also stood in front of CEOs of the companies promoted this auction, they are all his subordinates working for him only, as they smiled and talk about no other but business and how this little lose going to help them further as the live show of this bidding and auction is telecast on the T.V, news channels even some international also and what profit them most is they never called or invited any media they come on their own and they are much more than their expectations. Adair was also same he was in meddle in between people who are talking to him about some national and army issues and also random questions and answers, most of the politic and army person’s is talking to him and some random people coming to say hello to him, media is far away from Adair Ross already handling media not to approach as he doesn’t like taking photos and answering unwanted ques
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77 Adair's lover
“Miss Jane, this is man’s washroom” Gatlin said in a very cold tone his eyes are shooting arrow to kill this Kaya at this moment. “Mr. Vice President, I am sorry can you please give a me little time alone with my boyfriend” Kaya said her eyes staring directly to Adair no bothering Gatlin’s eyes killer intensions. “Sure, good luck, Adair” Gatlin said this gritting his teeth and looked at Adair angerly, and left the washroom, closing the door behind loudly.Adair is really annoyed, just now he explained Gatlin that there is nothing between them but this Kaya spoiled his hard work, well he doesn’t know if Gatlin will come out with him tonight. “What is it?” Adair asked in a cold tone, “you could just deny for the time begins, why have to embarrass us?” Kaya has a little tear in her eyes. Adair sigh, if he was General in army, he must let Kaya stand all night in cold wind but here he is a President can&
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78 sharing secrets
 Adair again started to drive; he is happy with Gatlin’s answer. Gatlin also liked him for a long time he must be playing hard to get or afraid with the new feeling which came without invitation like him. carriage becomes silent after that both Adair and Gatlin having their own thoughts, Adair drives forward for more ten minutes and stopped in front of clear ground with little grass no plant and in front was clear sky. They are near cliff at the peak of mountain.Gatlin comes out of the car and look around, the air is very clean with the fragrance of grass, plants and some flower like the nature, Gatlin is familiar with this fragrance, this clean air is as same as in his village which was away from the pollution of noisy city.They are at the height, from the cliff Gatlin can see the fog type smoky cloud in front even in his village he hasn’t seen this beautiful nature like a very beautiful and peaceful painting.After admiring the beaut
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79 sharing secrets 2
Gatlin understands Adair’s meaning behind his question “no, I don’t but can cook for you someday” Adair kissed Gatlin’s cheek “done” as both smiled ear to ear.After this they again got in silence just staring in front without any focus and feeling others body’s warmth which is reaching to their heart making it warmer.After a very long time Gatlin manged to ask “Rose Gasper is not your mother?” Adair’s body becomes little stiff but he nods and looked at Gatlin, it’s dark but they can see others face clearly because of the burning fire in front of them making their face looks more stunning in orange flames light of fire as they both admire other beauty.Adair is always first in this relation even in sharing the secrets but he also believed Gatlin and their love “my father meets my mother in one of mission, she doesn’t know that Mark is married and had a son and fell in love with
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80 I am not your girlfriend
They again got in silence but this time Adair who was tired form running from Country B to the auction slept feeling safe in Gatlin’s arms.Gatlin looked at sleeping Adair he knows Adair must be exhausted from running than, their drive to here, Gatlin gently took Adair’s long legs under tent and closed the tent to stop cold air coming in. Gatlin saw the blanket in one corner of the tent, tent wasn’t too big but enough for them to sleep comfortably.Gatlin took those blankets there were two blankets but instead of covering one for Adair and other for him-self, Gatlin made them both covering on Adair’s body one over others, the night is being colder and they need to be warmer. Gatlin himself also goes under the same double blanket with Adair and hugged him, Adair was in deep sleep but his unconscious mind also knows Gatlin’s touch and his smell as he hugged back and they slept like this complete night.In this sleep Gatlin felt someon
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16 Protection Status