All Chapters of Alpha Alexander : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
Chapter 41 Stress
Charlotte hasn’t spoken to me since she found out about Henry not being her brother. I mean, I guess I can agree with Creed when he said she needed to know. Maybe this is the reaction she would have had no matter when I told her. She’s grown up hating herself for not saving them, not being the strong tough wolf her parents wanted her to be, to finding out he is alive and blaming herself all over again for the life he’s lived, just to find out that he was never really her family in the first place. We all put someone before ourselves without realizing they aren’t who they say in the beginning. Life likes to throw curve balls at you and wait to see how bad you’ll go down. Nothing in this world comes easy when it comes to simply just trying to live. I wish I could turn back time, a time where I met Charlotte sooner. A chance to change the life she’s lived so right now wouldn’t hurt as bad. Helping Creed build the
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Chapter 42 waiting game
She never came out of her room yesterday, not for food, not to catch up on her pack duties. Nothing. When I tried to get into the room and talk to her she wouldn’t say anything, just kept the door locked and the tv up really loud. Don’t get me wrong, I have a key to the door. But the goal is for her to want to talk to me again, and barging into the room where I'm not wanting just might not be the answer. She let Creed in the room long enough to give her food and restock her snacks in the mini fridge. He said she looked awful, her hair is  a mess and there’s trash all over the room. It’s been days since she’s left the room and everytime he goes in there to give her food he said it smells like she hasn’t even showered. It breaks my heart to know that she’s broken because of me. My grandma was able to go up and talk to her when they got here but she said I’ve really done a number on her and there&rsquo
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Chapter 43 meet up
Unknown POV “ Have you heard from Henry sir?” “ who?” Confused for a second it clicked “ oh yes the girl's brother, yes he reached out and said he thinks they might be on to him. We set up a meeting in the morning. How he’s going to get away is beyond me but when he does I’m going to tell him exactly what I was him to do. He told me he’s started a fight between the girl and the alpha. Which is brilliant, maybe he’s worth keeping around more than I thought.” I explained tapping my fingers on the desk “ sir may I ask, why are we after the girl?” My men are so stupid. I swear they never listen to a word I say, ever. “ I’ve told you this a million times now. Because sh
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Chapter 44 fixing
Alex POV I hate to admit that I was wrong. I was wrong for thinking she couldn’t handle everything that’s been thrown at her. I was wrong for thinking I could protect her without hurting her as well. She finally left the bedroom all dressed up and showered. She still isn’t talking to me but when we passed each other this morning I got a small smile. I’m not sure what it was about but the bakery is finished and I’m kind of excited to show her it. Maybe it’ll get her to talk to me again.“ Hey Charlotte?” I asked, clearing my throat as I walked into the kitchen. She just looked at me with her big beautiful eyes.“ I have a surprise for you, and I have to take you to see it. Whenever you are ready to leave is fine with me” I’ve learned from
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Chapter 45 permission
“ Alex!” She yelled at me from the bathroom “ Alexander!” “What woman?” I walked into the bathroom to see her standing in the shower squinting her eyes shut “ What did you do?” I huffed trying not to laugh at her “ shut up and just hand me a towel” she pouted stomping her foot “ after you tell me what you did” I mocked holding the towel in my hand only a few feet away from her “ I got soap in my eye! And I forgot to put the towel on the shower door.” She groaned putting her hands over her eyes 
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Chapter 46 interrogating
“ what would you like to know?” He huffed, spitting out blood. We’ve been down here for an hour and he decided to try and bite Creed which led to him getting socked  in the face once more. “ the questions I’ve been asking you for the last hour that you refuse to answer. Why were you sent here?”“ to make you and my sister break up. At first it was to make her go crazy by knowing I’m alive but then once you was brought up and how he’s been fucking with you. He’s interest changed” “ Who is he? I need a name” I groaned. No one could get in between us enough to break us up. “I’ve already told you I don’t know his name” he rolled his eyes wiping his cut
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Chapter 47 Confessions
“” she stuttered more than she gave a solid answer “ So is that a no?”  “ no no, I mean no it’s not a no. I'm just shocked” she mumbled running her hands up her arms hugging herself.  “ Aren't proposal’s supposed to be special, not just blurted out?” She smiled nervously looking towards the ground  “ uhh. Yeah I guess they are. It just seemed right so I just went for it. If you don’t want to get married please just say so. I know it seems sudden but I don’t want to waste another minute not being married to you. I’m not saying we need to get married right this second but when all this stuff is over. When our pack is safe and everything is back to normal I want to marry you Charlotte. I just need you to say yes.” Her face turned b
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Chapter 48 plan
We’ve been working our brains all morning trying to figure out how to catch him by surprise. But nothing seems to add up as a good plan. With Charlotte being the one to help kill him we have to make this as safe and easy as possible, but every opinion put her in danger. “ we can go in through the back door” Creed suggested “ no to predictable. He'll expect us to make some labrient plans. It has be obvious two obvious that he wouldn’t make it an option” “ I can turn myself over to him” her words felt like sharp shards of glass breaking into my heart “ Excuse me?” “ I mean he won’t expect you to just hand me over, I could be th
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Chapter 49 discussion
“ What do you mean I’m not leaving just yet?” He groaned  “ I mean, she’s pissed off at me. You’ll have to talk her into leaving. She’s not going to leave willingly.” I explained swallowing the painful  words.  “ she doesn’t know you are kicking her out and handing her over?” He grinned from ear to ear  “ not exactly I’m not letting you go until both of you are at the border line. It might happen in a day or two.” I want one more day with her to tell her how much all this is fake that I love her.  “ Why the long wait? Getting cold feet already?” He mocked spitting a bit on the floor. Gross  “ no, no cold feet.” I cleared my throat  “ Then w
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Chapter 50 fake goodbye
Charlotte POV I was once told that if you follow your heart your life should never come with sorrow or pain, because you never let yourself or anyone do wrong to you. Man were they wrong. Not one person helped prepare me for the moment I’m supposed to hand myself over to the person that wants to kill me. What’s death anyways? Alex cares, I can tell by the way he looks at me that he doesn’t want me to go. I wasn’t expecting him to fall in love with me, honestly wasn’t expecting me to fall in love with him either. He’s charm is different from all the men I’ve seen or talked to. He’s tough, knows how to keep people out. I don’t know if he has other weaknesses but I’ve noticed that I’ve become one of them more and more everyday. That weakness will get him killed one day, that’s why he needs to be okay with letting me go. If this plan goes south I don’t want him to try an
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