All Chapters of Alpha Alexander : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Chapter 51 with him
They let us go at the border, shaking my limbs. I was kinda glad to finally be released. I hate being held like that. I know this isn’t real that they can hear everything I do and that I can hear them. But honestly it feels good to be back in the woods. I’ll admit I miss being on the run. I was never really being chased but I had to keep going to stay alive, I didn't smell like a rogue so that attracted them in my direction. Alex doesn’t really know much about me and my past before I met him. It wasn’t too horrible being out in the woods alone going from town to town. This walk is sad, Henry hasn’t said anything yet and honestly I’d rather be walking on my own at this point. Kicking rocks and sticks entertained me for the meantime. We just kept walking straight ahead. I let him walk infront of me so he could lead the way.  “ hey Can you hear me?” Alex’s voice rang in my ear. I almost forgot about the
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Chapter 52 first encounter
The room is darker than the hallway. Looking around I see no windows, no ways to escape if I need to. Everything in here is the same shade black. Thrown onto a leather chair in front of his desk. I scanned the room to see if I could find the best spot to place the piece I was told to put in his office. The only best place would be underneath the coffee table but that only made it more tricky. The two men that stood next to me on each side would notice in an instant.  “ I would like to thank you for the wonderful challenge you have given me, little one.” He smiled sitting on the chair behind his desks. My memory of him, time must not have done him good. Not sure how old he was but now he looked as if he was in his early 60s. His hair is grey and his face has gained a few wrinkles. I don’t know if he does much training either because it looks like he’s gained some weight since the last time I saw him.
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Chapter 53 torture
Sitting on the floor I wouldn’t be caught dead sitting on a bed he could of had sex on.  “ How are you holding up?” Alex asked, hearing his voice is all I need to keep going with this plan.  “ I’m fine. Have you seen what I have? You know exactly where I am right?” I asked to play with a book I found on the bed.  “ Yeah, I know where you are. Don’t worry princess you aren’t alone. It’s not too late to retreat on this deal. I will come and get you right now and kill him and everyone there” he hissed with anger in his voice.  “ no, I need to know why he killed my parents and why he kept Henry alive all these years. I’ve held a grudge against him for so long. He made my life hell before I got to live it. But I promise if I feel as if my life is going
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Chapter 54 regret
Alex POV My wolf shivered in pain as she fell unconscious. Rage burned inside me like someone just lit a fuse.  I couldn’t contain the anger I felt right now, all I wanted was blood. I wanted to hear him scream my man, pleading for me to end his life after I’ve tortured him to death. I’ve never understood why my father would get so angry over my mother when they told us stories. But now I get it. I couldn’t think of anything else, everything inside me was on overdrive. I felt the blood in my veins boiling.  “ I shouldn’t have let her leave” I yelled at Creed and Ryan who were pacing back and forth in my office. Punching the wall that already has 5 holes in it. My knuckles are bloody but I didn’t care.  “ Why did you let her leave? Alex how could you be so stupid!?” Creed yelled at me in a way I nev
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Chapter 55 unexpected
Creed POV Hearing her cry out in pain was the worst sound I’ve ever heard. From the moment I met her I knew there was something about her. But when Alex told me she was his mate I knew I had to swallow my feelings forever. I can’t explain it but I feel drawn to her, I don’t think it’s a mate bond but what do I know. I’ve never felt love before, I didn’t date in school or even give any of the girls in the pack a second look. I knew by the way Alex was acting that he was head over heels for her. He deserves to be happy, I would rather rip out my own tongue then ruin that for him. When I snapped on him I couldn’t hold it anymore. I hated this feeling of anger towards him for letting her leave. Yeah I didn’t help the matter but I couldn’t just blurt out reasons why I didn’t want her to leave. She’s amazing in every way possible. Her humor matches mine which makes my heart melt into millions of pieces. I under
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Chapter 56 reliving
Alex POV   I looked at my mate as she clung to my best friend. Pain filled my heart when she wouldn’t come to me instead. Could it be because Creeds the one that found her? The car ride back to the pack was torture I watched as she shifted in pain in his lap but didn’t move from it just held onto him for safety. I wanted to pull her away from him and hold her so close to me that no space was left. But I couldn’t. He made her feel safe at this moment and the last thing I need is ruin that. He looked at her with love in his eyes. They’ve bonded a lot over the time she’s been with us. She’s closer to him than she is with me. I’ll admit we haven’t clicked the way I thought we should. We don’t talk or communicate as easily as they do. But I still cherish the moments I get her all to myself, I’m not good at this and think my grandma was right about it being my downfall. I’m losing her by the distan
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Chapter 57 dealing with it
I held Creed's hand as we just sat in silence. I didn’t know what to say, and I’m sure he didn’t either. He just rubs my hand with his thumb and I can feel him looking at me. I wouldn’t dare try and make eye contact because I know I’ll start crying again. I don’t want to cry anymore, so I did this. I killed him so what gives me the right to feel bad about it. hearing a knock on the door didn’t surprise me, I figured Alex would come in trying to see if he could help in any way. Creed let’s go of my hand placing it softly on my leg. Standing up he goes into the bedroom to get the door when no one enters. But to my surprise the one person I wasn’t expecting to show up did. Grams, she stood at the bathroom door looking at me as if she’s just as disappointed in me as I am in myself. “ Now what are you doing mopping and sitting on a dirty ba
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Chapter 58 one step at a time
Creed POV I watch her as she walks out of the bathroom in just a towel. Tears stain her pale cheeks and her curly red hair dripping water onto the ground. She doesn’t look at me, looking towards the ground I can tell she wanted to say something. But I wasn’t going to push her, I just wanted to see her happy again, to see her smile. “ Are you okay?” She mumbled softly holding on to the towel that’s wrapped around her tightly “ Yes Char.” was all I could say. There’s more I wanted to tell her, I wanted to wipe that sad frown off her face and replace it with laughter and smiles. I want to take away every ounce of pain she’s feeling right now. Seeing Alex walk up behind her pressing his body against hers made my wolf want to growl and rip hi
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Chapter 59 Anything for her
Alex POV   She stormed out after hearing me say I wanted her to become my Luna sooner than later. She almost died.. not because we were attacked but because I sent her out to the person that wanted to kill her. No sign of Henry when we showed up either. I made Ryan search the territory for his body. He had to have skipped out before we showed up. I need to find him, I want him dead. He’s the whole reason she got mixed up in this mess. I can see the pain in her eyes every time I look at her. Since we got her back she hasn’t looked at me nor wanted to touch me. I’ve been sleeping in my office because the cold shoulder in bed kind of sucks. Creed and her have gotten closer than I like. I still don’t understand why she’s so attached to him all of a sudden. Grandma tried talking to her again this morning but she said she still won’t even look at her. After dinner I followed her scent and it led he
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Chapter 60 Henry
“ Wake up!” Creed yelled through my head making me jerk  “ This better be important” I growled back looking down at Charlotte sleeping next to me. She rolled over late in the night away from me, as much as I wanted to stop her and hold her tight I didn’t. She's curled up in a ball hugging one of the pillows with the blanket over her head  “ I think we know where Henry took off to” he said making me sit up  “ Where are you?” I asked standing up from my spot stretching my arms and legs  “ in your office” he said, cutting off the link. Sighing I look over to her knowing I should wake her up. Pulling the blanket off her she groans hugging her legs  “ you’ve got to get up” I tell her in a calm voice&n
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