All Chapters of The Three Little Guardian Angels: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
2769 Chapters
Chapter 131
“You’re talking about the de Armas, right?”Seeing that Maisie already knew about it, Erwin nodded and continued without hesitation. “I want to wait until you’ve attained certain achievements in life before I tell you more about her.“Zee, even if you were to know something about her in the future, don’t blame your mother. In fact, your mother loved you very much. She knew that the Vanderbilts would mistreat you after her death, so that’s why I showed up.” Erwin sent Maisie to the door.Maisie got in the car and left after bidding goodbye.Not far away, Willow, who had been following Maisie around the city, was sitting in the car at the moment. She was grasping the steering wheel tightly with both hands and took out her cell phone as soon as she saw Maisie coming out of the strange man’s house.Looking at the photos on her phone, she gave off a wicked expression and smirked.‘B*tch, I finally have something on you!’At the Vanderbilt manor…Leila walked out of the bathroom wear
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Chapter 132
Willow did not forget to add a sentence. “Don’t be captivated by her lies anymore!” Captivated?Indeed, in her opinion, Nolan had been captivated by Maisie. And Maisie was the seductive vixen who had hooked up with her man and stolen his heart.Maisie crossed her arms, her expression looking indifferent as if the person Willow was talking about was not her.Nolan raised his hand and lifted Maisie’s chin as the corners of his lips twitched slightly. “Is that real?”Maisie did not respond.But in the eyes of all the bystanders, Mr. Goldmann was nowhere near being angry!Maisie sighed. “Yes, I stayed at that man’s place for an hour last night.”Willow did not expect that she would admit it, so she tried to add fuel to the fire. “Nolan, did you hear that? I didn’t lie to you. She’s—”“What did you do in that hour?”“I did everything that was supposed to be done.” Maisie smiled.Everyone present gasped.‘Is she asking for an ugly death!?’Nolan pressed his thin lips together t
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Chapter 133
…‘I’ve actually fallen to this point!’Maisie returned to her office calmly.‘Thank God, the dbag has left.’“Zee!” As soon as Maisie turned around, she was sturdily bear-hugged by Ryleigh. “Hey, how can you not tell me that you’re no longer working in Vaenna?!”Ryleigh was dumbfounded for a split second, let go of Maisie abruptly, and sniffed her body. “Why do you smell of men’s perfume?”Maisie’s heart trembled, and she looked away calmly. “Really?”“Yes!” Ryleigh sniffed again and frowned slightly. “It’s one of the Gucci colognes, and this fragrance is rather familiar. Ah, isn’t it from Mr. Goldmann—”Maisie pushed her head away. “Are you a dog? Why are you looking for me?”“We haven’t seen each other in quite a while, and you don’t even miss me? Hmph, you really are the type of woman who places her boyfriend before her best friend.” Ryleigh snorted with her arms crossed in front of her chest.Maisie walked to her desk and sat down. “Hehe, aren’t you dating a man too?”“
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Chapter 134
‘Even Mr. Goldmann was enchanted by her, while Willie has suffered a lot after trying to deal with that b*tch several times!’She thought about it carefully and had the hunch that someone was helping Maisie behind the scenes. Otherwise, how could she be so confident!?‘Even Mr. Goldmann has been deceived.’What surprised her even more was that Erwin, who was quite powerful in the upper-class circle, actually addressed Maisie as his niece!‘Could it be that Erwin is the one who has been helping her from behind the curtains? But Erwin is also in his 40s. He’s about the same age as me. If he’s saying that Maisie is his niece, could it be… That woman, Marina Gonzales!’Leila could not help but fall into deep thought. Having said that, although she had never seen Marina, she had heard about her.‘Marina helped Stephen to establish a foothold in Bassburgh by starting Vaenna Jewelry. It’s conceivable that she was a capable woman.’Unfortunately, Leila really did not know much about her
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Chapter 135
Colton raised his head, looked at him, and said with his childish voice, “Then why did you still choose to help me?”“Did someone help you?” Louis frowned. “You’re just a little kid, and you dare to talk to a professor like this?”“I’m not just a little kid.” Colton was enraged.Louis moved his hand and gestured to Colton’s height. “You’re only this tall, aren’t you a little kid?”Colton refuted confidently, “It’s not that I can’t grow up anymore!”“Pfft, but you’re just a little kid now.” Louis looked at this kid.‘He’s not only a little smart but also not afraid of me. Not to mention the good results that he obtained in the academy’s rating selection just now. He’s one of a kind.‘But why does his face look so familiar?’“I’m going to practice the piano already. See you around, Professor Lucas.” Colton propped his little arms on his waist and left the scene in tiny steps.Louis watched as the little rugrat walked away.‘I wonder which family this brat is from. He actually p
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Chapter 136
Why would she want to have more children with a horrible man like this? No way!“Shameless man who could only think about sleeping with me. Dream on!” she mumbled while she was folding up some clothes, planning to go sleep with Daisie instead. Maisie didn’t notice that the man who was leaning against the door with his hands crossed was squinting at her. Nolan wasn’t angry hearing her mumble insults about him because it was true that he did want to sleep with her. When Maisie turned around with the clothes in her arms, her body jolted, and her expression froze. No, she had been too careless!“Done with the scolding?” Nolan’s eyes stared straight at her. She was pretty energetic when she was angry at him. That was quite adorable. Maisie didn’t say anything. She carried the clothes out calmly and said, “I’m going to sleep with Daisie tonight.”Nolan didn’t stop her but smiled helplessly when he watched her walk away. Maisie was worried that the man was going to stick to her
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Chapter 137
Her father would do anything if she threw a tantrum in the past, but now he was ignoring her. It was all because of Maisie!Laila didn’t say anything, but she was thinking. After Willow finished breakfast, Leila went to Stephen’s study. She wanted to find out what that old man was doing. She didn’t know what to expect before she started prying, but when she found out, she was shocked. It was all things that Marina had left behind!Leila’s eyes turned red. He had been hiding in the study all these days to tidy up the items Marina had left behind!That old man really still missed that dead woman!Leila looked at those items. What surprised her was that there was not a single picture of Marina. They were all random, worthless objects. She had no idea why he wanted to keep them.Suddenly, she found a red wooden box at the bottom of the box. Leila held the box and opened it. There was a very delicate vintage bracelet made with blue agate with a gold rim. The bracelet didn’t
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Chapter 138
Maisie paused, her eyes looking down. “Why did you suddenly decide to tell me now?”Stephen never wanted to talk about her mother, and Maisie always thought that he had forgotten about her. She would feel sad whenever she saw Willow and Leila. Stephen saw the dismay in her eyes, and his heart was heavy. “I didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to get into it.”“I always wanted to know, did you really hate my mother that much?”She had given him a daughter but wasn’t better than Leila?Stephen gnashed his teeth. “You don’t know what happened between your mother and me, and you think that I hate her?”Maisie looked away without saying a word. “Zee, you probably didn’t know that when your mother married me, she came to me. We didn’t get married for love at first.”Not for love? Maisie was stumped with surprise. Stephen looked sad. “I was young and ambitious, wanting to build a career in Bassburgh after leaving Coralia. But I kept getting stonewalled until I met your m
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Chapter 139
Stephen had spent two years in hopes that he would move her one day, but other than giving him a child, she never showed any love for him. When Maisie had started growing up, and Marina’s health started deteriorating, he realized that she had chosen to have a child because she knew that she wasn’t going to live for much longer. This was her way of making up to him—such an absurd way. She had tricked him and made him fall head over heels. He resented her even after her death!She never said anything until her death. All these years, his pain would worsen as Maisie grew up, resembling Marina more and more.Although Stephen had brought Leila and Willow back and started focusing on Willow, he still cared about Maisie. He just didn’t want to be reminded of Marina. Maisie buried her face in her hands while seated on the couch. Her face was pale as paper. All these years, she had been under the impression that her father cheated on their marriage. Since her mother had been treatin
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Chapter 140
Daisie laughed. “You little rascal! What are you laughing about!?” Willow’s face turned green after hearing her laughter. She hadn’t even started with them yet. Ryleigh stood in front of Willow. “What are you trying to do, Willow? This is a restaurant. If you want to go crazy, please do that in the streets, don’t disturb the patrons here.”A man with headphones sitting at the front just wanted to have some lunch but frowned when he heard the commotion. This had nothing to do with him, so he wasn’t going to step in. The other patrons looked toward them, seemingly unhappy. The server went up to try and stop them but was chewed up by Willow. No one could have predicted that Willow was going to throw a cup of coffee at Ryleigh.Everyone around them stood up, startled. “Godmother!” Waylon stood up, took off his sunglasses, and threw a glass of water at Willow. Willow’s makeup started melting because of the water. “You horrible rascals, how dare you—”Willow angrily raised h
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