All Chapters of The Three Little Guardian Angels: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
2769 Chapters
Chapter 141
‘What’s more, who in Zlokova doesn’t know that my mother is the distinguished daughter of the nobility of Stoslo?’Louis had no feelings for this woman and did not want to pay any attention to her.Willow stopped him. “I’m sorry, I was too impulsive just now. I still have to thank you. You’re the one who caught me in time…”“You let go of—” Louis’s gaze landed on the bracelet on Willow’s right hand, and his expression changed to one of shock. He grabbed her hand abruptly and asked, “Where did this bracelet come from?”Willow was flustered.‘Why would he ask me about this bracelet?’“Answer me!”“This… This is…” Willow felt that he cared a lot about this bracelet.‘Could it be that the bracelet left by that wh*re’s mother has any connection with him? If that’s the case, then I…’She bit her lip and answered, “It’s a gift from my mother.”Louis stared at her closely and asked word by word, “Is your mother Marina?”Willow felt a little guilty.‘How could Marina be my mother? B
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Chapter 142
‘This bracelet belongs to Maisie’s mother, but how could I know that Maisie’s mother was a noblewoman? If I were to return the bracelet to Maisie, wouldn’t I be creating an opportunity for them to recognize her?‘How could I allow Maisie to regain this identity of hers so that she could step on us for the rest of our lives?’“But, as for Dad’s…” Willow still had concerns.Leila thought about it calmly for a moment. “Your dad probably doesn’t know about this, so don’t let him or your grandma know about it.“Willie, take the bracelet and go to meet Madam Lucas, then find a way to hide your past until you get the chance to approach the de Armas. You’ll definitely get everything that you desire when you take that b*tch’s place in the family!”Leila had gotten used to difficult times since she was a child. If she had not met Stephen, she would still be living frugally in a small hut somewhere around the city.She naturally did not want Willow to be like her. Although she knew that the
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Chapter 143
Colton responded, “Oh, okay.”He then scampered out of the room again.Louis picked up the information on his desk and took a glance at it.‘Colton… This boy’s last name is Vanderbilt too?’…Nolan had heard that Stephen had come to see Maisie. Nobody knew what he had told her, but it was obvious that Maisie had been a little depressed and had been staying in her office since then.‘Did Stephen come to make things difficult for her again?’He went directly to the 16th floor upon thinking of this.Nolan walked up to her office door and opened it, only to see her curled up on the couch. Her expression looked a little depressed.She did not even give off her usual reaction when she saw Nolan.The woman who would swing her claws like a tiny wild cat whenever she met him was sitting quietly as if she was a poor cat that had been abandoned, making Nolan feel a little at a loss.He walked up to her, looked down at her, and stretched out his hand to rub the top of her head after a l
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Chapter 144
‘This b*stard only knows how to ruin the atmosphere!’Quincy did not care if Nolan was about to kill him and reported, “Mr. Goldmann, Mr. Goldmann Sr. has called you via a video call, saying there’s something important!”Nolan returned to his office. Mr. Goldmann Sr., who was on the screen, seemed to have been waiting for him since long ago. Seeing that Nolan had sat down at his desk, Mr. Goldmann Sr. asked, “Zee’s mother is from the de Armas?”Nolan’s gaze looked indifferent. “Did Hans tell you that?”‘I’ve only asked Hans to investigate this matter and didn’t even tell Quincy about it.’Mr. Goldmann Sr.’s expression dimmed. “Your grandfather will return to Zlokova in mid-June.”“Grandfather is coming back?”“Hmph, isn’t it obvious that he’s coming back because he learned that you have kids now? What makes you think he can resist the urge to come back to take a look at those kids? Above all, what makes you think you can hide the news from him?”Nolan did not say anything.He
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Chapter 145
‘Vaenna Jewelry was frequently in the limelight some time ago, not to mention that this young lady named Willow Vanderbilt was deeply involved in the scandal that framed Ms. Santiago.‘If it wasn’t because she had Marina’s bracelet…’“The incident with Ms. Santiago, is it really your doing?”“That isn’t my doing.” Willow pretended to be aggrieved. “I got framed. I don’t even know Ms. Santiago, and I don’t know why she would frame me.”Larissa put the coffee cup down. “How come you and your mother Marina are so different in character?”The sentence almost choked Willow as her heart skipped a beat.‘Is she suspecting something?’Willow’s forehead was perspiring imperceptibly, and her expression looked embarrassed. “My… My mother passed away when I was very young. A nanny brought me up.”“Is it?” Larissa scrutinized the young lady in front of her‘She’s very obsequious and extra careful. She’s indeed very different from Marina.‘Marina ran away from home decades ago, and there w
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Chapter 146
“Grandma, you can relax now that Vaenna is getting back on track.”“How could I not relax? Vaenna is in your hands now.” Madam Vanderbilt happily smiled while holding her hand. Leila took the chance to say something. “Of course. Willie is the lucky star of our family. When she becomes well known, you will be able to enjoy the rest of your life peacefully.”Madam Vanderbilt was enjoying it all. Who wouldn’t wish that their family would one day become successful so that they could enjoy life?”The business wasn’t doing well, so she had to rely on her grandson, but the latter was a disappointment. Hadn’t she come to Bassburgh because of Vaenna?She wasn’t disappointed after coming to Bassburgh. Even if it was because of her granddaughter instead of her grandson, it was worth it. “It would be great if Lynn was half as capable as Willie.” Madam Vanderbilt moved the topic to Linda, who was sitting on the couch. Linda had been staying in the city for a while now, but Willow never br
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Chapter 147
Three days later…The Summerton Auction started at 7:00 p.m. The buyers entered the auction hall with masquerade masks given out by the ushers. On top of high-valued jewelry, the Summerton Auction also auctioned antiques, and all the transactions were legal. The auction hall was shaped like a circle with traditional wooden structures. It was vintage and classy and made up of the grand hall and the VIP rooms on the first floor. There were eight VIP rooms on the first floor with ceiling-high windows. The people and auction stage in the grand hall were fully visible from the rooms. To get into the VIP rooms, one had to have outstanding social status and a net worth of at least $150,000,000. Anyone who would be a patron of Summerton Auction would need to have deep pockets. Maisie and Kennedy put on the masquerade masks and entered the hall. She was wearing a high-collared white dress with her hair up in a bun for a sleek look. Tassel earrings made of sequins went well with h
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Chapter 148
Maisie and Kennedy stood up and left with the hostess. Willow’s face dropped when she saw them going to the first floor. She heard that the first floor of the auction hall was only for people with a great social standing. Was it… Nolan?Willow bit her lip when she came to that realization. She was going to tear Maisie into shreds in front of Nolan that night!The hostess brought them to the Stork Room and saw four bodyguards standing behind the door. Maisie was thinking if it was Nolan who was there, but the silhouette didn’t match. Maisie was surprised when the man slowly turned around.The man wasn’t wearing a mask. His warm smile narrowed his pretty eyes. “Looks like I have a good enough eyesight to recognize you.”Maisie smiled. It was Helios Boucher!Maisie walked to the window and looked at the crowd below, curious. “Why are you here? Are you interested in jewelry auctions too?”This bigshot rarely appeared in public except for that one time at the party. He wouldn’
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Chapter 149
Applause erupted. The next item to go on auction was still from Taylor Jewelry. After a few items, the highest price for jewelry from Taylor was $263,000,000, far more than any other item. The screen showed a peacock blue necklace next. When Kennedy saw it, he nervously looked toward Maisie. Helios, who seemed to have noticed his gaze, looked toward Maisie through the corner of his eyes too. Seller: Willow VanderbiltThe crowd booed and whispered among themselves. The sellers here were either well-known companies or famous jewelry designers. Willow was a name that many did not recognize. Only a few people had followed the ‘drama’ on Twitter and learned about her fiasco with Ms. Santiago.However, the item on the screen was pretty unique.The peacock blue necklace had a brilliant teardrop-shaped sapphire. The melee blue diamonds on the tail of the peacock were a beautiful addition. This item was ‘Peacock’s Pride’ that Maisie had designed. Too bad Willow just copied the
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Chapter 150
That meant that there were two ‘Peacock’s Pride’.That was the first time a situation like this had occurred at Summerton. “Would the international designer copy someone’s work?”“They’re a world-renowned designer. Why would they plagiarize? It was probably the new designer Willow who plagiarized.”The discussion grew louder and louder. Larissa waved for one of the bodyguards to approach, whispered something to him, and he left. The bodyguard said something to the crew, and the crew made an announcement. “I’m sorry, we are facing some technical issues. I’m afraid we need to put the auction on hold. We suspect that one of the items has been plagiarized, so we’ll launch an investigation immediately.”“So it really was plagiarism?”“It’s so rare for plagiarized items to show up at an auction,” someone said out loud. The two items were placed on stage, and an appraiser was asked to do an appraisal. If there really was plagiarizing, it would be a huge problem. Helios looked
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