All Chapters of Betrayed by the Alpha : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
18: Danger and curiosity
Dane’s POV “Alpha, there has been another attack on the rogue pack this past week and two were killed. This now makes many others afraid and uncertain about how to live and where to go.” “Who are the attackers?” “We are not sure, but it might we believe the redemption pack or perhaps your brother’s pack, the rage pack. We don’t know, but the pack long to hear from you.” Liam reports, stepping into my room.  “What do they want to hear? Have I not done enough for them? If the rogue pack is being attacked, then maybe it’s best to go out in a group instead of one or two. I can’t keep giving speeches anytime something happens. The rogue’s pack has been through hell other packs can only dream of and we survived that. So this shouldn’t be so difficult.” My eyes shut and I rub over my head to ease the minor ache of it. “What do you suggest, then?”  “It’s been over ten months since I lost Jaclyn and the pain, guilt and agony still eat
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19: Fighting for forgiveness
The boxing instructor placed the boxing gloves around my hands. My eyes dart around the ring to see Jaclyn already in her fighting gloves and clothes, bouncing around the ring in anticipation of what’s coming. She has on a pair of back crop tops and high-waisted leggings, her hair, she makes into a ponytail bringing out her beautiful face. For a moment I forget I’m in the ring about to fight her. We are the only ones in the building and the instructor had also taken his leave after fitting my gloves. It seems as if he hopes one of us dies. She texted me the address for our talk and it’s the training Palace where fighters come to either train or let off steam. Since we aren’t training, I take it she’s here to let off steam, which also means take her anger on me.When I came in to meet her, I found her and I moved to speak to her, but she told me we would only talk in the ring. I thought that was absurd, but she looked dead serious. I
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20: Force of love
Third POVTwo weeks later,Jaclyn was a few blocks away from her apartment when she spots Dane leaning against his Ford car parked beside the street of her apartment. He has on a black jacket and a pair of black trousers on. His head is dipped, staring at the phone he’s currently pressing on.She slows down and scoffs so loud in displeasure that his head snaps up and his eyes land on her. His heart skips a beat at the sight of her, looking elegant in her polka-dot dress reaching her mid-thigh and a pair of black boots. Despite looking furious, she looks lovely, and he knows deep down that she would be his downfall.“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she growls, looking anything but happy to see him.“Jaclyn,” he calls out, his eyes looking unsure. Probably from not knowing how she’d react to seeing him here.“What are you doing here?” she demands, accusations rising in her voice.
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21: Hope
Flashback Eight months ago, a month after Jaclyn woke. “People say the moon goddess loves all his children equally. Well, they lied because the moon goddess loves the fire wolf more.” Ken read aloud as he came to take his seat on the couch next to Jaclyn, holding two small textbooks in his hands. “How do you mean?” she asked from beside him, her legs folded in a yoga style and her hands rubbing her knee. “Remember when I told you fire wolves can never be mated or marked, but they can choose their mate and mark them?” when she nodded he continued, “This book confirms it.” “That, never having a mate sounds like a bad thing instead of good,” she said with a displeased scowl. “It’s not. The purpose of a fire wolf is more than finding a mate. The goddess, knowing this, made them unmarkable at least to an extent.” he closed the book and opened the other one, having a brown hardcover back. He did a dramatic throat-clearing before read
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22: Misery
Cathy brings over the second round of the shot of vodka Jaclyn ordered. Franklin, the bartender, went on leave to see his sick mother last week and Cathy here has covered for him since. She smiles at her before bringing the glass to her mouth when she feels someone sit beside her and, without turning to see who it is, she knew it was Ken. Her mood changes slightly. These past months she’d missed him so much, but she didn’t want him here. Not now.  “Hello, Jaclyn.” “Ken,” she nods in acknowledgement, rounding her finger over the mouth of the small cup she just placed down. “It’s been a while, Jaclyn. I’m left to believe you forgot about me at this point.” She didn’t, but she can’t tell him that. “I’ve been quite busy.” Pain flashes in his eyes and he clears his throat. “Caroline told me you accepted the job at the Vixon’s industry four weeks ago.” “I did.” “You didn’t tell me.” “I didn’t think I had to, besides I kn
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23: The wrong step
Jaclyn was still working on the broadsheets on her desk before her when she sensed Dane’s presence at the door of her office. Last month, Dane had helped set her back into the Northrich university she left a year ago. The plan was to work while schooling and she told him she could take on both responsibilities. Dane saw to it to assign her the minimum work while paying her the salary as if she was a full-time employee. He also stayed off her way, only seeing her a few times a week, giving her time to adjust to the working routine.She didn’t bother to lift her head from the files she worked on. He hadn’t lurked around in the last three weeks and so she knows something is up today. But knowing Dane, she doubts he’d go straight to the point. Well, he stands in her office and she can’t ignore the hell out of him like she wants.“Hey.” He speaks, and her head slowly lifts to see him with a wide smile on his face.“Hello.
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24: The repeat of history
Ken stands before the white wooden door and knocks on it. After about a minute, it opens and Silas stands before him in black trousers and grey polo. The man looks surprised to see Ken, however, the look on his face remains welcoming.  “Ken.”  “Silas.” “Hey,” he says.  “We need to talk.” Ken interrupts and pushes past him further into the room even without being invited in.  If Silas took offence at this, he says nothing as he closes the door and follows Ken further into the house.  “How did you find me?” he asks once they reach the living room.  Ken scoffs, “I’m a witch, Silas. I know where you and ten others I passed by while coming here live.” “Fine. Why are you here?”  “To ask you what it takes to be a spineless father.” Ken shoots immediately.  This time, his words strikes Silas, and a frown forms on his face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”  “It
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25: Fury of blood
“Your brother believes I have an ulterior motive for coming back to you, doesn’t he?” Jaclyn asks, leaning against the door while Dane puts on his shirt.  He had brushed over everything that had happened at the party, including his brother’s challenge to Jaclyn after they left the party yesterday. He promised he will handle everything today and when Jaclyn asked to come see him before the face off; he didn’t object.  Dane sighs, adjusting his shirt. “Ace has had a hard time trusting anyone but himself for the longest of time.” She turns to stare him straight in the eyes. “What about you then? Do you think I have an ulterior motive for coming back?”  He doesn’t hesitate, “At first I did, but you had the chance to kill me months ago at the boxing ring and you chose not to, I’ve never been good at gambling, but I’d bet my life that you don’t want me dead. And if you do, it will be because I deserve it. It’s hard for people to see the truth
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26: The final chapter
“Alpha, there is an attack on the entrance of the pack house. I think the alpha of the fury park is leading the raid.” Liam announces, stepping into the room where Dane lay, trying to regain his strength. After the fight with his brother a few hours ago, Dane felt his strength leave him and it’s still yet to return.“How did they know we would be in fewer numbers today?” Dane asks, his tone dominated by confusion as he properly sits up.“Could this be Ace’s doing?” Liam asks, his voice rising curiously.“Ace is a lot of things, but he will never betray his own. If he wanted me dead, he wouldn’t do it through anyone. He’d challenge me up front.” he ran a hand through his hair. “How many of us are left?”“We are twelve, alpha. Yourself included.”“And them?”“They were over a hundre
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27: The truth unseen
Ace lay spread out on his gigantic bed with his eyes closed. Two women are resting beside him. He had brought them along to celebrate his victory over his brother and claiming the rogue pack. Now, as midnight passed, they needed rest. However, Ian stepped into the room to interrupt his much-needed rest.“Someone is here to see you.”“Who is he?” Ace moans, his lashes cracking open. The girls beside him wake as well.“His name is Kenneth Miller. He once trained with the rogue pack alongside the fire wolf and Caroline Matters. He’s like me, a witch.” Ian answers.Ace doesn’t need all the information. He knows who the kid was. He had faced him about a year ago when he came to the safe house. “What did he say?” he asks, helping himself up with his elbows on the bed.“He said he needed an audience with you. He believes what he has to say is important.”“Let him speak to you, then.” Ace
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