All Chapters of Defenders of the Crown: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
132 Chapters
Diana A WORRIED RUDOLPH equalled a forthcoming panic attack, and Diana would much rather avoid that. She could take anything without a word, just so Rudolph wouldn't worry.  "A little bruise won't kill me," she smiled softly, even when it stung badly.  "But King Lennon could,” Rudolph mumbled, then groaned as he realised it was actually the truth. "If I had come in a few seconds later, he might have killed you." "He would not have. I would not have let him. Also, I know you would have turned him into an ant," she said seriously, sounding proud of him for some reason.  "You do not know that," he said, standing up from the bed where he lay with Lacey.  "And the council members just stood there, watching the scene without doing anything. What was that about?"  Diana sighed. "He is still their King, Dolphy, they
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Diana  "CAN SOMEONE TELL me why almost every cloth I saw at the boutiques had fur on them?  "Are they doing an animal theme for this year? Is that what it is?" Rudolph asked as he put all the bags down.  Diana chuckled as her prediction came to pass. "Werewolves love their fur. They love displaying the animals they kill. It strokes their egos."  Rudolph gave her a disgusted look. "So, you mean, if I put on one of those clothes, I would be wearing the fur of a dead animal on me." "Exactly, but we do not see it that way. Hunting is in our blood and our wolves love showcasing their kills," she grinned at the thought.  "It's just animals, Rudolph," Lacey laughed.  "You guys are disgusting," he said seriously, then smiled as he took in their faces.  "But you two are my beautiful disgustin
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Aiden "DO NOT BE ANGRY at me, Your Highness, but I think you should go to her," Richard suggested in a fearful tone.  Aiden didn't look at him. "You think that will solve the problem? She left of her own free will. Choosing to go to that mate of hers, even after I made my intentions known to her.  "She left, to a man who left her while she was in a coma and had not returned to check up on her. That… is who she left me for." "Werewolves believe in soulmates and would spend their lifetime waiting for that one person.  "Still, I have heard of some wolves leaving their mates for other people. You might have a chance after all," Richard said.  "You know what is the worst part," Aiden started, finally looking at him.  "I was willing to defend her against my people if she chose to stay with me. I was going to figh
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Diana "CAN I HAVE the first dance, dear niece?" Her uncle asked from behind her, loud enough for everyone to hear.  She was about to decline when she caught his eyes challenging her to try and decline. With gritted teeth, she responded, "Of course."  Bowing slightly, he extended his hand which she took hesitantly. The floor was cleared and he led her to the dance floor just as the music began again.  She placed her hand on his shoulder, just as he placed his on her waist. They started dancing and other dancers soon joined them.  "How is your neck, Diana?" He asked with a smirk on his face.  "Just fine, thanks for asking." He gazed at her with a fake smile on his face. "You look so much like your father, it's revolting. Dillon always acted like he was better than me but now, where is he? Dead and buried." 
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Diana   AFTER WATCHING THAT Rudolph made it into the restrooms, Diana turned to her mate. "Can we dance later?"    Asher chuckled humourlessly. "Why do you avoid me so, mate?"    "I just said I was tired, is that too hard to understand?" Diana asked tiredly. All she wanted to do was get off her feet, and take off those killer heels.    "Do not take that tone with me, mate," he warned, causing her to narrow her eyes. "You know what, just come with me and let's talk."    "I am not going anywhere but back to my hotel room to rest," she deadpanned.    She could not understand where went the man she met before who spoke so softly to her was. The person in front of her, to put it in simplest terms, was an asshole.    "You are coming with me, whether walking beside me or hanging over my shoulder, I do not care. No m
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Richard  RICHARD HAD GONE to the wildering woods to find the Oracle called Darlene. She was said to have migrated thereafter all the Oracles were exiled.  He kept a steady pace while vamping, with four foot soldiers behind him. The wildering woods were located somewhere near the Fay kingdom.  It was called the wildering woods because it was the area of the supernatural world, most underdeveloped.  There were no buildings or constructions, just numerous trees and vegetation. But it was suddenly plagued with an unending drought.  There was no rain or rivers, causing most trees to dry up, leaving behind wildering woods. This was one of the lands to be claimed by the Supreme King which was now Aiden.  Richard stopped at the very end of the land, where it bordered the free lands inhabited by bandits.  There,
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Diana LACEY WOKE DIANA and Rudolph up the next morning, saying that there was someone at the door.  "It might be Councilwoman Dunn, she was supposed to bring breakfast," Diana said.  During these past days, Diana had befriended the sweet Lady. She was the only one who knew they were leaving that morning, having overheard them talking about it the night before when she came to drop dinner.  Councilwoman Dunn promised to help them escape from the kingdom without Asher's notice. They just had to wait for her signal.  "No, those footsteps sounded heavier than a female's, it can not be her," Lacey pointed out. Diana quietly walked to the peephole and took a quick look at the person outside. She saw just a black shirt but when she saw his sandy brown hair, she knew who it was.  "It's Asher," she whispered to her friends
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Diana "What on earth happened to you?" She asked curiously. "You weren't like this when we first met." His character switch was as if he had multiple personality disorders. If that was the case, she needed the first version and not this one. "Oh, that was my Wolf. He takes over sometimes," that was his response. The fact that the first version was his Wolf, made it even more complicated. This was worse than multiple personality disorder. Diana had heard of his kind. They were unstable wolves that were prone to being feral. Their wolves were more primitive and animalistic than other werewolves. If Asher was an unstable Wolf, it meant more trouble for her. Diana could not imagine a life with him. He would ruin everything she had worked hard for. If only she had her Wolf, she would be able to stand a chance to escape. "So, mate, time is ticking. Will you do as I say or should I do it my way?" It was at that moment that Diana got the answer to Rudolph's question. "You are just
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Unknown  ON THE OUTSKIRTS of the kingdom of the witches where the human population began, a female witch stood beside her dying mother with tears in her eyes.  She had tried all the spells possible, but nothing had worked. As she watched the light slowly fade her mother's eyes, all she could think about was, what was next for her and the coven.  "Tell me what else I can try, mother, I can not lose you too," she cried desperately. "No, Sia, go-" The dying woman coughed. "Take the book and go!" She wheezed, trying to force the words out.  "What if he returns? And the coven... What do I do about the coven?" Sia asked, letting the tears flow freely. "Book… more important… world destruct…" the woman's words were cut short as she finally gave up the ghost. Instantly, a loud rumble was heard from outside.  
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Aidan  HE STARED AT his red torso in the mirror, his focus on the tattoo of the wolf howling to the moon.  Though a simple yet beautiful design, it caused him the most physical pain he had ever felt in his life since wooden needles were used.  But looking at the result now, the pain was worth it. The light blue Wolf stood on a hill, her face lifted and howling to the moon.  An artist from the nearest coven had been invited to the castle for this job. At first, the artist was confused about why a vampire king wanted a Wolf tattoo.  But Aiden being the smart person that he was, did not say anything. Instead, he blood bounded the artist to secrecy. The artist would die if another person learned of the tattoo.  The only opinion Aiden wanted and cared to hear about the tattoo was Diana's. He could only imagine her reaction. Her forest
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