All Chapters of Dream World: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
356 Chapters
Dream 11: Escape 
The Musician is Suspicious But We Still Let Him Tag Along…Coz my love for youIs always trueDon't doubt me, loveThey turned when they heard somebody singing. They saw a musician wearing baggy clothes and a wide green hat that covered half of his face playing a guitar at the platform. "That's one hell of a musician." Mahi said, now calmed down. "Ridiculous clothes.” he muttered and finally calmed down.Blue nodded. "Yeah." He agreed and grimaced. "Can he still see with that hat of his?" he wondered.Their food has arrived. Blue and Mahi immed
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Dream 12: Again
My Dreams Recurred After I Created A Party Of Four…"I really hate you." Mahi said as he drove away from the East Kingdom. He is glaring at them.Hail, Blue and Reyan just grinned. "Eyes on the road, please." They told him and laughed when they saw Mahi’s eyes narrowed due to anger."You won't let us borrow your vehicle, so we've got no choice but to take you with us." Hail told him when they pulled him with them earlier."I really regret saving you two back in the forest!" Mahi told him.“But, you already did. That is really a pity.” Hail said and heaved a sigh as he looked at Mahi with a sympathetic gaze which made Mahi incensed, making them all almost
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Dream 13: North Kingdom
I Got Bedridden And The Others Are Doing POV Instead of Me…"Hm?" The man riding a horse suddenly turned when he felt like he heard someone scream."What?" the other man with him asked.The man shook his head and smiled. "I think she must have noticed by now..." he told him.The other person sighed. "She would, since we have left the East now." He told him.The man smiled and pinched the other person’s cheek. "You are really the best." He told him. "I will make you my queen once I become a king.” He told him.The other person’s eyes went wide and his face went red. "Idiot!" he said and looked away. "How can a
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Dream 14: Meeting
I Got Bedridden And The Others Are Doing POV Instead of Me…Kulv sighed and lowered his hat when some people passed by him."I heard from the guards that there is an unknown group who entered the capital early this morning, seeking a doctor." he muttered. "If by chance they are those who attacked the South Kingdom..." his eyes narrowed. "Hm?" he muttered and stopped when he passed by the forest. "This presence..." he said and looked through the trees. "Is this that presence...?" he muttered.He recalled that a few days ago, they felt a powerful presence.Kulv closed his eyes. "No. It is different..." he muttered and took a deep breath, feeling the presence. Why does this pres
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Dream 15: Negotiation
I Got Bedridden And The Others Are Doing POV Instead of Me…Yuria smiled and looked at the wide plains afar. "So he finally reached the North Kingdom’s capital." She said when she felt that familiar presence that is actually coming from Hail."What should we do?" the guards asked.She smiled and snapped her fingers. They all stepped back when someone emerged from behind her."You called, Lady Yuria?" the person spoke and bowed respectfully. His silver hair fell on his forehead."Make sure to bring the prince back to where he truly belongs..." she told him. "... Kie." She said.Kie nodded and bowed. "As you command." He an
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Dream 16: Awakened
Finally, I Woke Up And Have My POVs…"Hm?" the man muttered when he saw somebody went outside a house after he followed the direction to where that strong presence was coming from. "Could it be him...?" he asked to himself before he shook his head, rejecting his thought. "Nah... he is just a musician.” he said when he saw a guitar strapped on the person’s back.He continued to walk – err, actually, limp. His foot still hurts! He heaved a sigh and grimaced, wincing in pain every time his injured foot hit something while he placed a hand on the walls around him to support himself as he ‘walked’."Almost..." he muttered as he caught his breath. "... there - !" he exclaimed and breathed heavily after he finally reached the house. 
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Dream 17: Promise
Finally, I Woke Up And Have My POVs…"Well, then." Kulv started. "Let's start with Mahi." He said and smiled.Everyone looked at Mahi.Mahi sighed and looked at Hail and Blue. "First of all... so you know I am a prince, huh...?" he muttered and sighed.Blue nodded. "Yeah." He answered.Kulv looked at him. "So – " he spoke and looked at Mahi. " – how are you still alive?" he asked. "How did you manage to escape?" he added.Hail’s eyebrows raised. "Who is that?" he whispered to Blue.Blue grimaced. "This kingdom's king." He whispered back.
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Dream 18: Identity
Finally, I Woke Up And Have My POVs…"You..." Mahi spoke. "I have never seen Kulv so happy like that before." He told him. "Did something happen between you two?" he asked.Blue felt his face go red again. "Wha – " he muttered. "D – don't ask me like that!" he said, feeling embarrassed. "He just interrupted me earlier in the forest when I was taking back my powers.” he explained.Mahi’s eyebrows raised. "Really?" he asked, feeling suspicious."Really!" Blue nodded.Mahi just shrugged. Then, their faces went serious when they looked at Hail inside the house."You know it was him?" Blue asked.
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Dream 19: 'Criminals’
I Don't Understand When They're Talking Related Of The Past … "Thanks for always treating us – " Hail said to Mahi as they ate breakfast in a tavern. Blue smiled at him. “This has ten percent interest.” Mahi told Hail. Blue's smile froze. Hail frowned.  "Anyway – " Blue spoke, changing the topic. " – I already asked this kingdom's king, Kulv, for help." He said. "He agreed to help us gain audience of the East Kingdom’s king and queen." He told them, smiling. Hail nodded, indicating he understood. "I see." He muttered. "Does he also know that we are wanted as criminals there?" he asked him and sipped the soup.  Blue’s s
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Dream 20: Proposal
I Don't Understand When They're Talking About Things Related To The Past…"Just drop me off here.” Reyan said and jumped down the carriage. Mahi threw him his guitar. "Thanks for the ride – " he said and pulled his hat down but Mahi cut him off.Mahi reached his hand out. "Your fare." he told him."Shouldn't you be giving me an allowance instead?" Reyan asked and innocently blinked.Mahi frowned but he withdrew his hand. "No way." he answered. "I already have two sons.” He told him."Then make it three!” Reyan said and ran away."Wha - !" Mahi exclaimed, then sighed. He leaned his back on the vehicle and
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