All Chapters of Dream World: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
356 Chapters
Dream 31: Kulv
At This Point of Time, We Should Be Ending Already, But Won’t.…"Thank you so much." Kulv told her and bowed when they reached the exit.She nodded. "Yeah." She just said and flew back inside the forest."Wai – " Kulv called to stop her. But, he saw that she was already gone.Kulv felt his heart sink. He heaved a sigh before he walked back to the castle.…"Kulv!" his mom called and ran towards him when she saw that he had returned. "Where have you gone?" she asked and hugged him tight. Her face is filled with worry.
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Dream 32: Blue
I Wonder When Will I Wake Up And Have My POVs Back?…Flashback10 years ago...Blue pressed his lips tight as he raised his head to look up the trees. "I have to fly higher, or I won't have a gift to show to Hail!" he muttered and balled his fist as he fluttered his wings. "Higher..." he said.He gnashed his teeth as he urged his wings to flutter faster while he slowly rose from the ground. Cold sweat trickled down the side of his face and his face is becoming pale."Waah!" he screamed when his wings suddenly stopped fluttering and he fell. "Oww...!" he cried when his body hit the ground.This is
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Dream 33: Reconciliation
I Wonder When Will I Wake Up And Have My POVs Back?…"Ah. Kulv!" Kulv heard Sybb called. "Good thing you are here. I would like to ask… Kulv?" Sybb called when he saw Kulv’s expression. "What happened to you?" he asked. "Your face is red.” he said, puzzled.Kulv’s eyes went wide and his face went redder."Huh? Hey, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Sybb asked in concern.Kulv grimaced and looked away. "I – I'm not.” He answered and took a deep breath, calming himself. Blue loves me – he thought. His face went red again and he lowered his head. "Wah!" he screamed.
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Dream 34: Iero
As I've Guessed, I'm Still Asleep Even In This Chapter…Iero smiled as he watched his elder brother Kulv and Blue fly in the middle of the pavilion with the fireflies surrounding them two. "It is really beautiful, brother..." he muttered as a tear fell from my eye. I am so happy for them... he thought as he looked at the dreamy scene "Finally, they have their happiness with each other. It is beautiful – " he said and sniffled as he bit the croquet in his hand. "– and delicious.” he said, referring to the croquettes he is eating. "He didn't only give me an advice, but he also gave me food..." he muttered as he took another croquet from the plate beside him. "He is really a kind man..." he said, referring to Jun.He then continued eating.
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Dream 35: Cannot Be
As I Have Guessed, I Am Still Asleep Even In This Chapter…Laila laughed, obviously guessing what he was thinking since it was displayed on his face. "It is really surprising." She told him, then smiled. "But, this is who we are and proud to be what we are." She said and smiled brightly. "Also, we love what we are doing and we feel closer to our people, so..." she explained and smiled as she looked at the citizens.Amazing... Iero thought as he looked at them in awe."Oh. Right. I forgot – " Laila muttered and turned. "Mahi! Come here!" she called."'Mahi'?" Iero asked.She turned to him a
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Dream 36: Mahi
As I Have Guessed, I Am Still Asleep Even In This Chapter…Kulv, Jun and Blue were left in Hail's room after Iero left earlier, saying that he is going to see Mahi."Iero..." Kulv muttered and sighed.Jun just grimaced and fixed Hail on the bed. "Hm? What's wrong, Blue?" he asked when he saw Blue’s face. "You look pale." He added."Err..." Blue said and looked at him. "How do you say this...? Those two..." he muttered, referring to Iero and Mahi."Hm? What?" Jun asked.Blue pressed his lips tight and looked at the door. "Mahi heard what Iero said." He told him."Huh?" Jun mutt
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Dream 37: Together
Even At This Pacing, I Will Still Be Sleeping…"Mahi!"Mahi turned when he heard Iero called him."Where are you going?" Iero asked and smiled as he walked towards him."Iero..." Mahi muttered and stopped.They are in the garden beside the pond."Why are you still awake?" Mahi asked him. "It is already midnight.” He told him."I asked first." Iero said and smiled. "So answer me first. Where are you going at this time of the night?" he asked and looked at him in the eye.Mahi looked back. "I am going to check the supplies the mercha
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Dream 38: Woke Up
Finally, I Woke Up. But, I Don't Like What Will Happen Next…A deafening silence fell after they ate breakfast. They are all in the dining hall, waiting. For one, we are silent because we barely had any sleep last night. Blue thought. And for the other one... They all looked at the raven-haired guy with deep blue eyes sitting between him and Jun.Yes. It is Hail.FlashbackThey smiled as they pulled Mahi and Iero out of the pond."Ah! I was wondering why you are all not in you
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Dream 39: Acting Suspicious
Dream 39: Acting Suspicious Finally, I Woke Up. But, I Don't Like What Will Happen Next … "Huh.... So it is fall in here since it is the meaning of the name of the current king?" Hail asked as he looked around the wide field filled with orange leaves. "Yes." Blue answered and smiled. They are all outside, roaming around the kingdom. When Hail said that he would like to see the kingdom, he was surprised that they all followed him. What the hell is with them today? He thought, then shook his head. No, they were acting strange since last night. He frown
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Dream 40: Story
I Don't Like Where My Dreams Are Leading Me…"Hm?" Laggas muttered and looked at the lamp when the fire flickered. He lowered the document that he was reading and massaged the bridge of his nose. "It is this late...?" he muttered and shook his head when he suddenly felt drowsy. "I should at least make it to my room – " he said and rose from his seat. "Ah – " he exclaimed when he almost fell after his body swayed.He immediately reached his hand out to the table to borrow support and he steadied his figure."What the..." he muttered and he sat back in his seat. "Damn it... I forgot to eat dinner…” he said and sighed as he looked outside the window.The moon is bright and the sky is clear, and t
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