All Chapters of The Lycan's Unexpected Warrior Luna!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
301 Chapters
One Hundred-Forty-One
I pace a little, moving from the window to the desk and then back to the window. I then remember the conversation I had with Malik before I left... I turn around and face the 3 of them. "Zaire, Malik admitted to me that he had hired, or at least his father had hired Valentino to kill my mate when I found her under the fear of me finding out the truth. Valentino grabbing her in the woods that first time was not a coincidence. He was there on orders to kill her but took her instead… Wanting to make sure she was, in fact, my mate. I think Henry turning up at Malik's was because Valentino now wants her for his own personal reasons, and once Henry saw that she is a white panther, Valentino very resourceful and it wouldn’t have taken him long to figure out who and what she is, and what having her in his possession would bring him." Zaire looks at me, confused once more, as he asks, "Who and what is our Luna?... What truth was he trying to keep from you?" I lower my head and turn back to
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One Hundred-Forty-Two
I smile as I am still standing with my back to them, knowing that was exactly the answer and reaction I was going to get out of him. Even his wolf coming to the surface isn't a surprise. I then straighten my face once more, becoming the Alpha everyone fears, and turn. I walk up to him and place my hand on his shoulder, as I whisper so only he can hear,"I know, my friend, but I had to check..."I then let my hand fall from his shoulder and move both so that I hold them together behind my back. I walk over so that I am now standing in front of Kai, Aaron, and Colton. I look at each one as they stand in the relaxed attention pose all officers are trained to do when in a meeting with the higher ranks.I then turn around, facing away from them. I take some undetectable deep breaths to calm myself once more before I continue so that I don’t take his head off before I can get some answers,"Jasper, who has the codes for the security system? Or more to the point, who has your codes to the se
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One Hundred-Forty-Three
I can't control Morpheus anymore, he pushes and makes me do a partial shift, as my hands get bigger, my claws lengthen and my body nearly doubles in size as I lounge at him grabbing his neck and taking him to the floor, I hit his head on the floor once, twice, three times as I growl in his face, "Why Her?"He didn't say anything. I ask him again, "WHY Her?"He doesn't answer again. I punch him once, twice before I ask him in a low, threatening growl, "WHY HER?"He still doesn't answer me. My temper, as well as Morpheus's rage, is getting harder and harder to keep under control the longer he stays silent. I growl one more time, letting out my Royal Alpha aura, this time making him answer, "Why allow them to take your Luna?" He just laughs and spits in my face,“She is not my Luna… She is an abomination!! And if that stupid thing we called a King had stayed out of the way, she would be dead and we wouldn’t be having this conversation…” That does the trick and cuts the last tether
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One Hundred-Forty-Four
I turn away from him and walk out the door without another word. I head back to the room I was sharing with Yasmine to pack, but as I step into the room, I get a nose full of her scent. I stop dead as I then fight with Morpheus,"Calm down, Morpheus..." "No, you are giving up on our mate!!!""I am not..." "GRR... YOU ARE! GO FIND HER!!" "I am doing what she asked..." "GO FIND HER!!!" "Morpheus, calm down or I will cage you..." "NNNOOO... I will not let you..." I continue to fight him. I end up on my knees as pain floods my body and I fight the shift he is trying to force. A shift that would cage me, allowing him to cease full control. I mentally put up silver bars in my head and slowly surround Morpheus with them, as the bars shrink around him, effectively putting him in a cage. The shift he is trying to force slows and then finally stops. "ZACHARIAH!... Don't you leave me in here!... ZACHARIAH!... Let me out!!!" I ignore him as he bangs on the bars growling at me and I know
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One Hundred-Forty-Five
I wake with a start and a small, pleasured groan as small soft hands run over my chest; I let out a low growl as she then starts kissing my skin, following her soft hands. I like how Yasmine is getting bolder with her exploration of my body and what she can do to me. I don't open my eyes as I bring my hands up and wrap my arms around the soft body they come in contact with. I pull her tightly up against me as she finally trails her kisses to my lips. As I kiss her, I slide my fingers along her skin, looking for her scars, as I love tracing the patterns that they make. I know Yasmine hates her scars, but I see them as a badge of her strength and the fire she holds inside. They show me that no matter what, she will fight and she will come out on top. I frown a little and stop my side of the kiss when I don't find them. I then realise that there are no sparks from her touch. I sit up suddenly, throwing the female off of me, off the bed and onto the floor. I smirk as I hear a small whimp
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One Hundred-Forty-Six
A low growl rumbles through my chest at his tone and slight disrespect as I say,“Yes, you will…” I then look at Cecilia and growl at her."Cecilia, would you like to explain to your father what Ian is to you?" "What? Ian? Who's Ian? He's no one to me... Just another low Omega..." Morpheus pushes to the front and, using his Alpha power and growls, "LIER! The truth?" She goes to her knees in front of me and whimpers, "He is my mate, Alpha Zachariah." I'm not exactly sure where it is directed, whether it is what she said or if it was the fact that she said the truth, but don't miss the anger that crosses Alpha Beau's face when she tells me the truth. He then growls at her,"Cecilia, I thought I had brought you up better than that." “But Dad, you said he was a low Omega… And that I need a strong mate to run this pack with me, not a snivelling little runt like him…” she whines, proving that I was right.What Alpha Beau does next surprises me as I watch him step up to his daughter, w
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One Hundred-Forty-Seven
The next few weeks are filled with meeting after meeting, after meeting, I had no choice as I had to catch up on all the work that I didn't do while I was at King Malik's territory and working things out with Yasmine... I groan at the thought of her, her scent is slowly fading from our room I have however managed to keep a couple of pieces of her clothing separate and saturated with her scent so if the loneliness of the mate bond affects me too much it is there for me. We don’t really sleep much. I rest while Morpheus takes us out and we run the territory every night, taking care of any rogues that decide that they want to try to enter my territory.I don't pay much attention as this meeting is the same as the one I had 4 hrs ago just for a different pack. My informants that Raphael sent out have all come back with locations of illegal sex and slave villages, one even stumbled on a breeding camp, he has inter-graded himself into the camp and is keeping Raphael up to date on any new in
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One Hundred-Forty-Eight
As I go to tell her that I love her too, she disappears and the emptiness returns, telling me that they must have given her that drug she mentioned again. I hate this feeling of emptiness. Morpheus howls in my head and I return my attention back to the males in front of me. "Raphael, get in contact with our informants within Valentino's territory. Tell them to keep an eye and ear out for anything on Yasmine's arrival, but make sure it is on the down low." He nods and leaves the office as he says, "Yes, Alpha." "Zaire, that list of fighting packs. Do we have any informants in any of them?" "Yes." "Good, get in touch with them and discreetly see if they have any information about a possible new fighter that can't fight." "On it Alpha." He then follows Raphael out of the office. I take a few deep breaths, getting my emotions and Morpheus's conflicting rage under control before I walk out of my office and return to the meeting room and the 10 Alphas waiting in there. As I re-e
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One Hundred-Forty-Nine
I feel her tense as she eyes the Alphas in front of us, but doesn't argue with me. I give her a soft kiss on the neck as she steps out of my arms. She then slowly makes her way around the room touching first Maverick and then moving around to run her hand over Harrison's shoulders, then as she goes to walk past Rhett he grabs her around the waist and with a slight scream of surprise from her, pulls her into his lap so she is straddling him. I watch as Rhett places slobbery kisses along her neck, and Vivian smiles as she lets out a small moan. Showing me that even with the daggers she was sending my way, she was enjoying every moment, and that I wasn't mistaken when I chose her for this, knowing she would love it. Keeping up my facade, I smirk and then say, "Gentlemen, since your attention is now focused somewhere else I think we will call this meeting to an end for the day… Alphas you can either take her to your own private rooms individually or you can use one of the free guest ro
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One Hundred-Fifty
"My feelings exactly. I would like to continue King Darius' mission and put an end to as many of these camps as I can." "I can now see why you didn’t include the others in this part of the meeting. There is no way those Alphas would even consider agreeing to what you are now proposing. Now, how are you planning on raiding these camps and such? Won't you need the King's approval? Raiding so many packs and territories?" "Of course, each raid will be done properly and by the book. At the same time, I will be looking for the females and males, including my mate that was taken from Alpha Jasper's pack and territory." That, of course, would depend on whose territory that they are in as going through Malik would definitely give some of them the heads up. I am not stupid; I now realise that the reason he and his father never continued with King Darius' mission of shutting all of them down is that some of the illegal packs, camps and villages are either run by them or they are involved cl
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