All Chapters of The Lycan's Unexpected Warrior Luna!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
301 Chapters
One Hundred-Fifty-One
I am impressed as I always am when I visit, but this time I am keeping my eyes open that little more. I notice that a number of the trainees have a few injuries that are not from normal training or sparring. I turn to Alpha Adrian, “Why are they still training?” “Who?” “Those three over there…” I point to the ones that are the most injured and then continue, “They are injured and don’t seem to have been given the right amount of time to recover?” “Oh, those… They insisted that they could continue. They were involved in confronting a group of rogues trying to come into our territory yesterday.” For some reason, I don’t believe him. After every fight, a warrior is required to take at least two to three days to recover, and that is only for minor injuries. Their injuries look to be a bit more than just something minor. Looking at all of them, I come to the conclusion that they were made to come train or lose their position or possible position. As I scan the training field once more
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One Hundred-Fifty-Two
Felix slowly loses his temper, obviously fighting his wolf as he says.“FATHER… That is no excuse. The training covers everything that is needed. I know as you had me doing it since I was 5. What else have you changed since I have been gone?”“That is a good question, Alpha Adrian... Last time I was here there were not only young pups running around but many females, however, my Beta here tells me that there are very few to no pups and the females he saw were all under the age of 17, care to explain?”“I had to move my vulnerable to a camp nearby so that the warrior trainees weren’t distracted by them…”“But wouldn’t the females left be just as vulnerable? Shouldn’t they have gone and some older ones stay?”I watch as he is running out of excuses and getting more and more uncomfortable, especially under his son's intense gaze. Felix surprises me as he then pushes for an answer to my question.“Father, what have you done? And Why?”“I… I… I had no choice…” he lowers his head as he answ
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One Hundred-Fifty-Three
I enter the Alpha office and walk over to the sofa. As soon as I put the pup down on the sofa, she whimpers and quickly gets off and scurries into the corner. I look at Felix and then back at the pup. I move slowly over to her as she is now shaking and fear is coming off of her in waves. I crouch down and whisper,“Shh, it's okay, little one, no one is going to hurt you…”"I’m not allowed in here unless it is for one of the Alpha’s punishments… What did I do wrong, Alpha sir?" She looks over my shoulder at Felix before continuing,"Even though it hurt, I was doing everything Beta sir was asking of me…"A low growl escapes me, and then I hear three more behind me. I turn slightly and see Felix, Robert and Raphael all standing with their eyes locked on the young pup in the corner. I go to say something else to her, but Felix walks up and then crouches down next to me and whispers,“I am Alpha Felix and I am your Alpha now, sweetheart, and I say that you will not be punished and that you
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One Hundred-Fifty-Four
I take this chance to have a look at the others still on their knees, but they seem to be looking at the scene unfolding before them, surprised. Felix pulls back and growls a little too harshly,“What happened? Why are you down here?”She whimpers and steps back, even more, lowing her head once more before whispering,“I’m sorry Alpha, I will keep a better hold on her…”She then quickly moves back to the other end of the room. I watch as Felix starts to step forward, obviously going to follow her. I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered,“This is not the time or place… She remembers herself, but she has been conditioned for at least the last 3 years, if not longer. Let's check out the other room and then maybe call her up to the office and ask your questions and get Lillian to have a look at her at the same time…”He watches her scurry back to the end of the room and then resume her place on her knees with the young pup on her lap. I turn and tug lightly on his shoulder, getting h
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One Hundred-Fifty-Five
“We walked in on your father with one of the other females…” “Is she okay? Did he hurt her?” She whispers with concern.“She is fine, she is in Lillian’s room… Mil, did your father??”She bursts into more tears and sobs, burying her face into his chest as she whispers,“I couldn’t stop him..." Felix puts his hand on her cheek and whispers,"You don't have to say or explain anything if you are not ready to."She nods and lets out another sob as she continues."He called me to his office not long after our mothers left. As soon as I entered, he had a couple of warriors grab me by the arms and drag me to stand in front of his desk. He cleared everything off of his desk as he said that I needed to learn and know my place now as a female of this pack. As he then walked around the desk, the warriors turned me so that I was always facing him. He approached me once I had my back to the desk. Using his claws, he ripped my jeans, making a hole in them. I started to struggle against the warrio
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One Hundred-Fifty-Six
I then link Raphael and Zaire once more,“Everything and everyone ready?” “Yes, just waiting for you.” “How are we approaching HunterMoon?” Raphael asks,I cut the link as I don’t know how to answer his question yet. I’m not even sure yet. I don’t even know if they have been warned of our coming. I guess the best way to go would be for me to go in with Raphael first again and have Zaire wait just outside the territory to be called upon if necessary.It isn’t long before Raphael, Zaire and Kai, along with the fifteen warriors that we brought with us, meet us at the SUVs we came in yesterday. I look at Zaire and even before I ask, he says,“The other warriors are already on their way back to meet up with the other team and move to a safe distance from HunterMoon territory’s border.”I nod. I really don’t know what I would do without either of these two. We get into the SUVs and start on the journey to HunterMoon. I doze again with the steady motion of the SUV but wake up regularly wit
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One Hundred-Fifty-Seven
He nods again and the ten warriors around me attack. I dodge one as I grab another while kicking one of the others. I then use the one I grabbed to block another. I then adjust how I am holding the one I grabbed and use him to throw at two of the others that are moving toward me. I then crouch down and sweep three pairs of legs before straightening, blocking and then punching another male, finally knocking one out.I try my best not to hurt these warriors too much as they are just following orders, unfortunately; I do accidentally kill three of them, as Morpheus extends our claws and takes out their throats. I get through those ten rather quickly. Alpha Benjamin nods his head again and the next wave comes at me, only this time there is a difference these ones actually want to kill me.This time I don’t hold back and within a few minutes, I have another ten warriors sitting at my feet. Unfortunately, the last ten are all dead. As I stand there only just starting to breathe heavily, Alp
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One Hundred Fifty-Eight
He chuckles down the link. I shut it off and connect with Zaire. “Remove the Beta. He is not the male he stated to be. He will not be good for young Alpha Lucas.” “Yes, Alpha.” I slowly step out of the shadows and come face to face with the new young Alpha. He has fear skim his eyes, but he stands up tall in front of me. I nod my head a little and then move on through the shed. “Raphael, take note of all the rogues and pack wolves. This will need a similar clean out that WarriorMind did.” “Consider it done, Alpha.” I then move on quicker than the others. I move out of that shed and move down just a little more and find another. I go through that one which has more of the same. I then exit out the other side of that one and run through the trees for a while. I am surprised when I come across another shed. I open this one and it is full of female wolves all in different stages of pregnancy. They are all chained to the beds; I growl low as I make my way through the shed from o
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One Hundred-Fifty-Nine
We are interrupted by a scream from one of the cots. Sara gets to her feet and moves quickly over to the female. She says in a calming manner, “It’s okay Millie, this is not your first. Relax and allow your body to do what it does.” She then looks at me and says, “I could use some help here because I can tell you now that Millie has gone into labour, the other Alpha females will too. Ava, Mia, and Sophia have all had previous pups all from Alpha Benjamin, but Gianna is new and this is her first. Even though she is carrying the Beta’s pup with him being part Alpha and her being full, she will go into labour with the others.” “Okay. What do you need?” “Towels and my medical bag from the small room, at least the Alpha, always made sure that it was fully stocked with whatever I needed. There are also pup packs made up in the small supply closet by the other door for when a pup is born and then taken away.” I nod my head, letting her know that I will get her what she needs. As I walk
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One Hundred-Sixty
Kai meets us on the front steps with his mate standing by his side when we return. I get out as soon as the SUV comes to a stop and make my way up to stand in front of him. I hold out my hand and he takes it, shaking it as I then quickly pull him into a bro hug. He chuckles and pulls back, wrapping his arm around a very beautiful female. She shyly smiles at me as Kai introduces her to me. “Alpha, thank you. This is my mate, Summer. Summer, this is my Alpha and friend Zachariah.” She steps a little closer and whispers, “It’s nice to meet you, Alpha Zachariah…” As our hand's touch, my eyes lock with hers as they change from brown to orange to violet. When she next speaks, her voice has a strange angelic tone and Morpheus adds his saying the same thing, “Your mate is the key to bringing peace or war. Your son is the ultimate healer and more… Only as a united family will you be able to overcome everything that is to come… Trust in your love, trust in your mate, trust in your friends, t
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