All Chapters of The Lycan's Unexpected Warrior Luna!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
301 Chapters
One Hundred-Seventy
“I have been kicking myself lately. I should have listened to you ages ago… and maybe we would still have her with us…”“Zach, I don’t really think it would have mattered if we left earlier or not. I believe that whoever was behind those attacks would have done them, anyway.”“Yasmine was blaming herself. She said they put a tracker in her shoulder and she was the one that lead them to our packs…”“My point…” He holds up his hands in surrender as he continues, “No I am not saying it is her fault, but if she has a tracker in her that those human Hunters used to find her then they would have found her anyway and would have probably found a lot more packs as well as our own… The question is why they attacked so soon after leaving King Malik’s territory. If they had waited longer, they would have had the locations of more packs.”“I'm not sure. The
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One Hundred-Seventy-One
Raphael, Isaac, Zaire and Farris all look at me and nod before turning and walking out of the meeting room. Once outside, we meet up with our assigned extra warriors. I then shift into Morpheus and he lets out a loud,“HOWL!”Signalling to everyone to move out, everyone shifts and as soon as I start running, I can hear the pounding of paws behind me. I let out one last short ‘Howl’ and then it is silent, travelling for the next day and a half. When we get to the border of the HellFire pack, I stop about a mile so we are not seen by border patrols. I get a link from Raphael,“Alpha, we have just made it to FireMoon’s East border. Isaac has moved around to the Northeast. We are just waiting on your go-ahead to enter.” “Alpha, we are in position,” Zaire says.“Isaac? What was the report on their shift changes?”“During the day,
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One Hundred-Seventy-Two
I then make my way back into the hut and over to the first young female still hanging connected to the wall. She flinches as I reach up my hand. I stop and whisper,“I am not going to hurt you. I am going to get you down, okay? Do you know where the key is?”She nods her head with tears sliding down her cheeks and barely whispers,“Top drawer, over by the door.”I step back and move over to the drawer, open it and have to suppress the growl that wants to escape once more than I see what is in the drawer beside the keys to the cuffs holding the pups to the wall. I reach in and pick up the keys, and wonder if the Alpha knew exactly what his warriors were doing to these slaves as punishments or maybe even just for their fun, but then from the extra scent, maybe he does and watches before joining...I then move back over to stand in front of the first pup and reach up again. She jumps a little as my fingers touch the skin
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One Hundred-Seventy-Three
I let out a loud whistle and wait for everyone to look in my direction and pay attention. I then say,“Attention… We have warriors incoming. Now I want all members of the camp to start their way back to BlackLight. You will have 50 warriors escorting you on your return. Dustin, keep a close eye on the injured…”I look at the sky and then take a deep breath before continuing, “You will have about a 2-hour head start if any of the warriors get past me.”Dustin nods, acknowledging my request. I then continue again, “Gather anything that you feel is personal and essential you need to take with you, otherwise leave everything it will be replaced either at BlackLight or at LightMoon. You move out in 10.”I look around at the warriors, “Choose who is staying and who is going. At least 50 are to escort them. The rest stay with me.”“Yes, Alpha.”I then l
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One Hundred-Seventy-Four
By the time I had made it to the back of the group and the last high-ranking officer in front of me, I had killed at least half of them, including Gamma Thomas. I make my way back to the front of the group and face Beta Jack and Delta Jaxon as I say, “There are going to be more changes within this pack, starting right now. Jack, take me to the Alpha’s office and pull out all the files concerning the pack and territory. Jaxon, everyone here is to report to the training field in an hour.” “Yes, Alpha.” I let out a whistle and within a moment, the rest of my warriors walk out of the trees and into the pack yard. I look at Delta Jaxon again and say, “These are my males and they will oversee everything that is done until I join you in the training field but be warned if I get one report of someone not doing as they are told, then the whole will be punished. Understood?” “Yes, Alpha.” I then make my way into the packhouse once more with Beta
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One Hundred-Seventy-Five
Maybe Jade is right, even though I don’t want to yet. Once I get confirmation that he is at least one of the ones behind all these attacks, including the one that took both Rania and Yasmine, I will be taking his position and then the kingdom will not know what hit it. I look at the clock on the desk and sigh. However, just as I get to my feet, there is a slight knock on the door. I look up and see Beta Jack. I nod and he enters carrying a pile of folders. He goes to hand them to me, but I shake my head and say, “Place them on the desk. I will look at them later. For now, you will need to follow me down to the training field. We will be spending the rest of the day there.” He nods, walks over to the desk, and places the folders down. He then turns back around and falls into step next to me as I then head downstairs and out of the packhouse. Just as I get to the training field, Zaire and Farris join me. I turn to Zaire, “Any trouble?” “Nope, as
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One Hundred-Seventy-Six
Once morning hits I go down to the training field and oversee Jefferson with the start of the training program, Raphael was right he was the best choice other than having Raphael or Zaire or even myself do it, and at the moment the three of us just don’t have time. I also go over the rest of the files on the pack while keeping an eye on Jack and Jaxon. I get everything that I need to for now done within the 24 hours that I told Jack I would be here. Jack actually surprises me by having a big feast prepared for the entire pack. They decked out the backyard along with the main dining hall. Just as we sit down at the main table within the dining hall for dinner, he stands and says, “Attention… Everyone…” He waits for the gathering of pack members to quieten before he then continues, “First of all, welcome to the new look of our pack and in saying that I would like to take this opportunity to say 'Thank You!' To Alpha Zachariah for finally freeing us from
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One Hundred-Seventy-Seven
The last warrior drops to the ground just as Jefferson and my warriors get to the small clearing. Morpheus shifts, and I face them.“We have 13 young pups here, both male and female. They need to be taken back to the packhouse, treated by the healer, and then fed.”“Yes, Alpha.”I turn around and walk into the second tent first and then over to the female pup lying on the bed. As I reach for her wrists, she flinches and struggles, only this causes her to whimper, no doubt in pain. I ignore her reaction and undo all her bindings; I slide my arms underneath her and pick her up and pull her in close. I then carry her out of the tent and look around to make sure the others were being taken care of.I then move around the back of the first tent I entered and over to the bushes, I was actually expecting the two young male pups to be a long way from here but as soon as I got close the older of the two stood up in front of me.I nod
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One Hundred-Seventy-Eight
I smirk and get to my feet. I turn and head out of the office. Zaire falls back into step beside me as Ryan, Calvin and Edgar walk behind us. Zaire leans in close and whispers,“Did you see Edgar’s reaction to the mention of the slave camps?”“Yes, I did. Even though he tried to cover it, we will need to keep an eye on him. He may be the one behind them… Do you have the coordinates of the slave camp Raphael is in?”“Yes, it will take about an hour from here in the SUVs.”“And the one Isaac raided?”“Is another 2 and a half hours on by SUV from the first camp...”I nod and continue our way out of the packhouse and back to the SUV. Once I am standing next to the SUV, Zaire opens the back door and I climb in, I am followed close behind by Ryan. I hear another car pull up behind ours just as Zaire closes the door and we get on our way. I quickly link with Raphael,“Raph, we are on our way to you. Is everyone out?” “Yes, it is only me, Isaac, and our warriors. All the members within the c
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One Hundred-Seventy-Nine
“What’s her name?”“Ruby. She was only 13…”“What was she doing going to town on her own at that age?”“She didn’t. She always went with two warriors, as it is not far and we had never had any problems with rogues before. She would go to town to collect supplies and the information that was sent out via paper for the library.”I have a feeling that the female Ruby that I pulled from that rogue and pack camp tent is his cousin, but there is no way that they were within that small camp for two years, even with them moving the camp. Ruby was in no condition to travel, but then that could have been the reason why Morpheus came across them.I will need to talk to Ambrose and see if he is willing to tell me how long they were within the camp and where they came from, to begin with. I don’t tell him that I think I know where she is yet. I just say,“I don’t know all the names of the ones we rescued, so it may take a little time, but she could be in amongst them.”His eyes light up at the pro
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