All Chapters of The Lycan's Unexpected Warrior Luna!: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
301 Chapters
One Hundred-Eighty
With FireMoon sorted and still under the guidance of a great Alpha, I head toward the tree line. Once I am just inside, I strip and shift, picking up my clothes in my mouth before handing over control to Morpheus so he can run back to the HellFire territory.On returning to the HellFire packhouse, I head straight to the hospital and go check on Ambrose, Arthur and Ruby. I meet up with the healer first,“Alfred, how are they doing?”“The young males are fine and very protective of the female. She, however, developed an infection from whatever they raped her with other than themselves. I have put her on a high dose of antibiotics mixed with a very small dose of vampire blood. If her body continues to fight the infection, she should be better within the next few days.”“Good.”I turn away from him and head down the hall, knocking on the door right at the end. I stand and wait until the door is opened just a little and I see Ambrose peek out. As soon as he sees me he opens the door more a
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One Hundred-Eighty-One
When I return to the Royal Blood Moon territory, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I enter my home territory. Jade is waiting on the steps of the packhouse as Farris pulls up out the front. I get out and she makes her way over to me until Farris gets out of the driver's seat and faces her.I watch as her eyes go wide and she then screams before running and jumping into his arms. I close the door and just lean back on the side of the SUV. I chuckle as I watch Farris wrap his arms around her and then spin her around, laughing along with her.I then don’t miss the low growl that comes from the back of the SUV as Zaire makes his way around from the other side. I hold out my arm as he goes to walk past me. He turns his head and growls at me. I just smile and return my attention back to Farris and Jade. I had forgotten how close he and Jade were before he went rogue.As I didn’t react to his growl, he calms a little and turns his attention to his mat
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One Hundred-Eighty-Two
Unfortunately, Morpheus’s warning came a little too late, and I miss the large downed tree branch and go flying through the air and landed with a hard thud at the base of the next tree. I whimper a little as I try to get to my feet and pain shoots through me. I lie back down and take a couple of deep breaths before trying again.I manage to get to my paws this time, but as soon as I go to put some weight on my front right paw, I nearly collapse again as an immense sharp pain shoots up from my wrist. I swear at myself and shift. Once I am back in human form, I sit on the ground and look down at my right wrist and swear once more. I grab a small thick stick from off the ground and place it in between my teeth.I bite down hard as I grab my hand and quickly pull. I growl biting down hard on the stick until I hear the resounding echo of a very loud snap and crack. I slowly move my fingers and make sure it feels as it should I then remove the stick from my teeth and p
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One Hundred-Eighty-Three
I then make it seem that I am already partially drunk. I slightly slur my words and say just a little louder than I should have. "Dddaamn Bbitch... Wwhat does she know..." I purposely stumbled into the counter and lift my hand to the bartender, who was a werewolf, so he could tell I hadn't even had a drink yet. "Hey! Bar keeep a ttriple on the rooocks..." "Sshe bbelieves I ccan't get aanother... I ccan have my cchoice of..." "Hey, man! You should be happy you have one..." "Rreally? Why? She iis nothing bbut ttrroouble..." He faces me with his hand on his drink. I can tell that he hasn't had much, maybe just a sip or two. I have a feeling he is not in here to drink. "Is she someone special?" "I thought she ccoulld be tthe oone... You kknow... Bbut sshe's jjust ssoo... ccant get eeven aa mmooment to mmyyself..." "You should be thankful. Someone like that doesn't come along every day and anyone can snatch h
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One Hundred-Eighty-Four
I walk around the front of the car as the valet gets out; I hand him a few folded notes out of my pocket and get into the car. I then drive back to the pack and pull into the garage. By the time I walk out of the garage and to the front steps, the van holding Charles pulls up after taking a long way around and then backtracking a few times to make sure no one was following them and that Charles himself would be turned around a little and not be able to track where the pack was located... The door slides open and my warriors step out and then help Charles out and onto his feet. They remove the bag, and I watch as he blinks and looks around. He walks up the steps and says, "Wow! Now, this is impressive. You taking me to the boss, or should I say the Alpha, now?" "Yeah, sure. Follow me." I smirk as soon as I turn away from him. I lead him through the packhouse and up to my office. I open the door and walk in. As Charles follows me in, he sees the empty chair behind the desk and says,
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One Hundred-Eighty-Five
I wake the next morning as normal, freshly showered and dressed in boxers. I shake my head at the fun Morpheus seems to be having overnight while I sleep and don’t keep tabs on him. I smile as I feel the new addition to our family. It isn’t completely there as Jade has marked him and then completed the mating. Once he is changed and marks her in return, he will become an official member of our pack.I smile, get up off the bed, and walk into the closet. I pull on my training pants and a plain black t-shirt. I then make my way out of the room and downstairs, I grab a piece of toast from the dining table and then walk out the back.I head straight to the training fields. I stop and look over the area. I am proud of what I see, males and females all running through the obstacle course as well as in the sparring rings. I then make my way down onto the training field and, without a word or a misstep from me or them, I join in with the exercises, slowly moving ar
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One Hundred-Eighty-Six
As per tradition, about 2 hours before dawn, I climb back down the tree I was sitting in and let out a loud howl calling my pack to me. Once everyone is in attendance, Morpheus shifts back into his wolf and lets out another loud,“HOWL!”“Hhhoowwll!” the rest of the pack replies and joins in.Once the howls die down, I then take off running. Zaire, Farris, Charles and Jade all fall in, flanking me and the rest of the pack falls in behind me. We run the territory until the first rays of the morning light the sky. I then lead everyone back to the packhouse, ready for the day of rest.I, however, can’t rest. No matter how much I try, I can not sleep or rest the same as everyone else anymore, and after watching Zaire with Farris and now Jade with Charles, I miss Yasmine even more. I miss her fire; I miss her fight; I miss the way she would fight against me and then once I got my hands on her; I miss the way she would melt into my touch. Most of all, I miss loving her and holding her in my
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One Hundred-Eighty-Seven
I strip as soon as I reach the treeline, shift and go for a run. Morpheus is still resting, so this is all me and it feels good. It feels free… I am playing, swapping between chasing a rabbit and a squirrel. I then sense the presence of something slightly larger and go on the hunt, but still with no intention of actually killing it. I am taken a little by surprise by the sound of her soft voice in my head and nearly lose my footing as I jump over a downed tree and skid to a stop as I land.. "Zachariah?" It has been a little while since we actually talked. Wondering what's happened to make her contact me, I ask, "Yasmine... What's wrong?" "I just met my mother. She told me that my father was killed trying to protect her from a group of hunters..." I breathe a sigh of relief when she tells me that. I had a feeling that there was more to her mother's story than what she was being told and the only one that could tell her was her mother. I just wish that I could have introduced th
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One Hundred-Eighty-Eight
As I reach the treeline, I strip and shift. I grab my clothes in my mouth and then start running; it is a day to PowerMoon territory and then once we meet up with our teams; it is another day's run to each of the locations we have marked on the map. Hopefully, Charles's tracker within Yasmine's arm will give us a better and more accurate location. As it slowly gets dark, I nearly trip again as I come to a skidding stop when I hear her sweet, soft, pained voice in my head once more. "Zachariah?" I know she is trying to cover and Lorelei and Zelda are helping as much as they can, but she is still scared and in pain. Unfortunately, all I can do is reassure her that I am with her and that I am not going to leave or give up on her. "I'm here." "They are about to sedate me and move me to the breeding camp. You should be able to activate or follow the tracker as soon as they take me out of the barrier you should be able to follow." Her words are shaky and full of emotions that I kn
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One Hundred-Eighty-Nine
-- PRE BATTLE -- Zaire and Farris walk in the opposite direction as Zachariah enters the strategy tent to make his phone call. Farris places his hand on Zaire's cheek and pulls him into a hard, passionate, dominant kiss. Zaire returns the kiss with a dominant one of his own. They don't say much to each other knowing that these small stolen minutes within each other's arms could be the last they spend together. With Zaire always being part of a pack and Farris originally being from a pack and then going rogue, they both know that as with any battle or fight, anything can happen and there is always a chance that one of them will not come back from this battle. They share one last kiss before breaking apart and going their separate ways, heading to where their warrior teams are waiting for them to join and then infiltrate the territory they stand at the border of. Now, Charles was a little surprised that Alpha Zachariah gave him his own team to be in charge of. That he trusted him
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