All Chapters of Domineering Billionaire Husband: Please Love Me Gently : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
372 Chapters
Chapter 171: You’re Afraid I’ll Catch Fire?
Serenity was so surprised by Crystal’s news that she didn’t know what to say. It all sounded very traumatic, and she doubted that anyone else could have handled it as well as Crystal had. She thought If another girl had been faced with such obstacles, she might have had to hide in some corner.Serenity was worried about Crystal, but she didn’t want to stress her friend out any more than she probably already was, so she decided to change the subject. “By the way,” she said. “How are your preparations for the written exam going?”Crystal frowned and groaned slightly. “I forgot about it,” she admitted. “There has just been so much going on lately…”Serenity: “Don’t worry. There is still some time to go before the exam, and we can work
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Chapter 172: Buy Them For Me
Every time Nathan made a dirty joke, Crystal was rendered speechless. When he said such ambiguous, lustful words, though they did not bother her because of his noble temperament, instead, they made her weak in the knees, and she thought - This man is like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. ****Back at the Beverly villa- As soon as Nanny Elma heard the sound of Nathan’s car in the driveway, she ran out to greet him, without even taking the time to wash her hands. She hoped that her pious loyalty would win her the Best Employee Award.Nathan barely noticed her, though. He kicked off his shoes, threw his coat on the couch, and walked into his study without a word.When Crystal heard him come in, she went to look for the medicine box. She had
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Chapter 173: It Was My Mistakes
Crystal laughed as she scooped the bottle of Morning After Pills out of Elma’s hand. She snorted and said, “Obviously, I’m not going to change my mind!” Then she grabbed the bottle, took out a pill, and dry swallowed it. Once the dr*g was down her throat, she tried to slip the bottle into her pocket, but Elma stopped her by snatching it out of her hands.“I’ll keep the remaining pills!” Elma hissed. “Who knows what kind of trouble you might get up to with them….”Crystal sighed and said, “If I really wanted to play tricks, do you think I would need these pills?”Elma frowned and said, “Fine. I don’t take these anymore, anyway. They are not good for my body.” She chuckled. &ld
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Chapter 174: Severe Punishment
Nathan released his hold on Crystal’s wet core and took a half-step away from her. She was right. He was afraid - afraid that when Helen’s baby came, external forces would push him and Crystal apart.Crystal blinked in surprise and said, “I like your strong, powerful side.”Nathan grinned, and then he thrust his hips towards her. “Is it this strong, powerful side that you’re talking about?” he asked playfully.Crystal sighed and said, “Let’s be serious for a minute, okay. You don’t need to be afraid, and it’s not that I don’t want to have your baby; it’s just that I don’t want to have a baby now. I don’t want to make our relationship too confusing. And I’m still very young!”
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Chapter 175: Get Out
Helen’s vision gradually came into focus, and she forced herself into a sitting position. It took her a second to realize who was standing in front of her. When she did, though, a grin broke out on her face. It was the old Mr. Davis. “Grandpa, why are you here?” she asked.The old Davis: “I won’t let you be bullied. Tell me what happened. Did Nathan bully you?” Helen hurriedly shook his head and said, “No. I was being careless. As usual.”The old Davis’ eyebrows were slightly furrowed. He was old, but he was not a fool, and he certainly knew that Helen was not telling the truth. He pointed at Elma and said, “I want you to tell me what happened!” Elma froze for a second, and then she told him th
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Chapter 176: How Could I Ever Leave You?
Nathan eyed the old Davis carefully as he slowly stepped between him and Crystal. Then he touched the tip of the old man’s pistol and said, “If you want to shoot Crystal, you’ll have to shoot through me to get to her.”The old Davis: “You bastard.”Anger burned in Nathan’s eyes as he glared into the old man’s eyes, and in a voice as cold as ice, he said, “There’s something you need to understand about me: The more you want to destroy something that belongs to me, the more I want to protect it, and I would even risk my life to oppose you.”Nathan’s statement shocked the old Davis. He was so angry that he threw the only thing he could throw: the beads on his wrist. The beads were extremely light, though, and Nathan hardly felt a thing. But when th
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Chapter 177: Didn’t I Have You Beside Me?
Nathan’s brow furrowed. He looked at Crystal and said, “How is it that you’re afraid of me, but you weren’t afraid of the old Davis? He had a gun pointed at your head, but you didn’t even blink! I don’t even know if that was bravery or stupidity!”Crystal gave him an innocent look, smiled, and said, “Didn’t I have you beside me?” Naturally, Nathan didn’t know why Crystal was smiling or what she was talking about. He knitted his eyebrows and complained: “Be serious!”“I am being serious,” Crystal said. “If you weren’t there with me, I would have ignored him and said nothing.”Nathan’s face lit up when he heard that. “You see!” he exclaimed. “You need me. Life would be impossible for you
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Chapter 178: He Got What He Deserve
Elma’s eyes bulged. She was horrified by Nathan’s words. “No!” she shrieked. She hadn’t expected him to be so cruel. She was an experienced, loyal servant of the Bush family, so she had thought that her punishment would be light. But, apparently, she had been wrong.Helen was as shocked as her nanny was, and not knowing what else to do, she dropped to her knees and began to beg for mercy for her nanny. “Nathan,” she cried. “Please show mercy. I promise that this will not happen again!”“Get up!” Nathan ordered. He hated to see a woman crying. “And from now on, you might want to watch what you say. The baby protects you for now, but you won’t be pregnant forever. So keep it up, and you will get the same. Eventually.” As he spoke, he nodded to Vic, and the guard dragged Elma to a
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Chapter 179: Wrongly Accused
Once the doctor was done treating Helen’s bodyguard, he took out a paper from his briefcase. Then he turned to Nathan, gave him the report, and said, “I have the results from your blood tests. Everything is normal.”Nathan took the paper, gave it a cursory glance, crumpled it up, and threw it away without even saying thank you.Crystal wanted to say something about that, but she thought better of it and changed the subject instead. She said, “Since you know who the snitch is, would you like to check on Helen and Elma?”Nathan shook his head and said, “No.”Crystal: “But the child is innocent, and Elma wasn’t the rat!”Nathan frowned. Even though he owed Helen somethi
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Chapter 180: His Certain Illness
Nathan grabbed Crystal by the shoulders and shook her. “If you didn’t poison Helen,” he shouted, “then prove it!”“Okay!” Crystal cried. “And if I cannot, then I will apologize. There. Are you happy?” Nathan: “I am. But how will you prove it?”Crystal: “By reviewing all of the security footage.”Nathan nodded to Vic and said, “Make it so.”Vic wasn’t gone long, and when he returned, he had an unhappy expression on his face. He looked at Nathan and said, “I’m sorry, sir, but for various reasons, certain rooms - such as the servants’ quarters - cannot be displayed...”
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