All Chapters of Domineering Billionaire Husband: Please Love Me Gently : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
372 Chapters
Chapter 151: Hold On
Leslie’s tongue was like a beautiful snake, and she used it to entice Arnold. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not get him to open his mouth or return her kiss. He was like a marble statue, hard and cold.Meanwhile, no one even noticed that Crystal was in the water or that she was struggling for her life. Nathan had a firm grip on her ankle, and he was trying to drag her down to the bottom of the pool. He had done it once, and he obviously thought it was a game, but there was no guarantee that she could survive a second round. Unfortunately for her, everyone was oblivious to her struggles. **** Leslie was angry and annoyed, and when Arnold continued to ignore her sexual advances, she bit into his lower lip. The bitter, coppery taste of blood flooded her senses, and she sm
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Chapter 152: Her Curiosity About The Cufflinks
“Will you be at school for the rest of the day?” Serenity asked. “The school has invited the National Championship Fencing Team to give us a special demonstration and teach us a few moves. It will be a valuable opportunity, and I wouldn’t miss it if I were you!”Crystal poked her head with her index finger and said, “You seem to be quite dissatisfied with my absence from school lately. Don’t worry. I won’t skip any classes today, especially if the National Championship Fencing Team is here!”After the first class ended, they went to the dressing room. Crystal put on her fencing clothes: a white suit with white shoes and a black and white protective mask. The outfit not only showed off her figure but also made her look elegant and handsome.Crystal tied up her hai
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Chapter 153: My Question Is Personal
Serenity was shocked. She grabbed Crystal’s sleeve and said, “Hey, are you crazy? Do you want to get your ass handed to you?!?!”Crystal laughed and said, “Lady, I am wearing protective clothing, okay?”Johnny Angel, the school counselor, began to clap his hands to encourage her, and pretty soon, everyone else was cheering her on. “She looks just like Mulan!” Archie shouted, and someone else called out, “You go, girl!”Crystal drew her sword indifferently and walked towards the fencing master. They crossed swords, and the match began. Warren struck first, and as his sword swung at her, he said, “Be warned, my sword does not distinguish between men and women or young and old.”Crystal smiled as she blocked
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Chapter 154: I Can Be Your Driver
In their rush to leave the gymnasium, the rest of the student body quickly caught up to Crystal. Serenity was the first one to reach her, and when she saw that Crystal was upset, she hugged her and said, “Don’t look so gloomy. If Professor Davis is forced to hug you, then everyone will know your relationship status. Is that what you want?”Crystal rolled her eyes and ignored her friend. Then she turned to Nathan and said, “Are you okay?”Nathan lowered his voice and said, “Call me, ‘Honey.’ I think that would make me feel better.”Crystal: “When we get home, I will make it up to you.”Serenity giggled when she heard that, and she leaned into Crystal’s ear and whispered: “Are you going to make l
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Chapter 155: How Deep Is The Wound?
Nathan glared at Crystal through the rearview mirror and said, “From now on, if you need to go somewhere, I will drive you. You will not walk, take a taxi, or ride the bus. Do you understand me?”Crystal gave Nathan an incredulous look. “How will you hold up your end of the deal?” she asked. “You are a busy man. You can’t just drop everything and be available to be my driver 24/7!”Nathan grunted noncommittally and didn’t say anything. When they arrived at the supermarket, when Crystal got out of the car, he followed her. “Hold on!” he shouted. “Do you think you can leave without paying your fare?”Crystal was stunned. She had not expected him to ask for a payment for the ride. “How much do I owe you?” she asked.
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Chapter 156: I’m Not Your Biological Father
Once the potatoes were boiled, Crystal turned off the stove and took out the butter and milk from the fridge that she would need when she mashed them. Then, as she was reaching for the strainer, her phone rang. She answered it without checking the Caller ID and was shocked to hear Lucy’s unusually anxious voice on the other end. Lucy was her parents’ housekeeper.Lucy: “Crystal, come to the hospital quickly! Your Father is dying!”When Crystal heard that, it was as if all of her bones had turned into spaghetti, and she collapsed onto the floor. Upon hearing the noise, Nathan rushed into the kitchen and crouched down beside her. Then he wrapped his arms around her and asked her what was wrong.“My father is dying….” Crystal replied lamely. Although she was not close to her F
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Chapter 157: I’ll Take Care Of Her
Nathan ran his fingers through Crystal’s hair as she cried into his muscular chest. “I’ve known about Todd’s secret for a long time,” he admitted. “And don’t worry, I’ve been trying hard to find your Biological Father. Soon, we will find him,”“But why did my Mother leave you my inheritance?” Crystal asked. “Was it because you paid off all of her debts?”Nathan nodded. “There was that,” he said. “But there was more to it.” Crystal raised her head and looked at him in confusion.“There was also the matter of you,” Nathan explained.Crystal had already been crying, but when she heard that, she remembered what
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Chapter 158: She Is Nathan’s Fiancée
When Leslie returned, she was wearing her white strapless dress. She looked stunning, and even Arnold had to admit that the garment suited her. Dressed as she was, she appeared delicate and charming, and her short blonde hair radiated femininity.When Arnold looked at Leslie, he recalled the kiss that she had given him in the bathroom, and his desire for her was undeniable.Leslie had said that she would bring a decent boyfriend home, but Arnold hadn’t taken her seriously. By bringing this decent, extraordinary man home, she had really surprised him. He didn’t expect that Leslie would be entangled with someone coming from a rich family. When Leslie walked past Arnold, there was a coy smile on her face.Arnold stared at her without blinking his eyes. Her
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Chapter 159: I’ll Wait For You
Once Crystal recovered from her shock, she said, “If Nathan is engaged to Helen, where does that leave me?”Leslie shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I can see now why Eric hasn’t been around lately, though….” She produced a pack of cigarettes, took one for herself, and offered Crystal another. “Want one?”Crystal looked up and nodded. She knew how bad she looked now, and it made her feel like a harlot.Leslie lit up a cigarette and placed it directly into Crystal’s mouth. Then she said, “Everyone knows how much Helen loves Nathan. She would die for him. It is quite the triangle you’ve landed in. If Helen still loves Nathan, though, he will have to marry her. So you have to be prepared for that.”
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Chapter 160: She Is Pregnant
Helen was sitting next to Nathan, and although she couldn’t see the expression on his face, she felt his body stiffen up. She didn’t know what he was going to say. She was afraid, though, that it wouldn’t be good, so she spoke up before he could. She turned to the old man and said, “I just got back. Why are you so anxious to send me away? Besides, Nathan deserves a better person than me. I am not good enough for him.”The old Mr. Davis: “Bullshit. He must be responsible for you.”Helen: “It’s not his fault. I blame myself, and you should blame me as well.”The old Mr. Davis: “How can I turn a blind eye to this? You are the person that I worry about the most. I will take care of your business. It’s Nathan who is not good enough for you, so don&rs
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