All Chapters of Domineering Billionaire Husband: Please Love Me Gently : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
372 Chapters
Chapter 141: Playtime Is Over
Carlos stopped in front of an old-style villa. Pink roses were growing outside, and the lawn was meticulously maintained. He looked up at the first window on the second floor and willed the drapes to open. Alas, he was no magician, and they did not bend to his will. He sighed as he whispered his love’s name: “Crystal….”He assumed that she was asleep, and he didn’t dare wake her. Instead, he thought - I wonder what she dreams about, and if she dreams of me. This line of inquiry was painful, and he moved his feet around in his shoes, using the physical pain to distract his mind from the emotional pain. At this point in his life, there were a few things that he didn’t regret, and letting go of Crystal was number one on the list.Carlos walked over to a sycamore tree that was on the lawn and sat beneath it. He looked at his wat
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Chapter 142: That’s The Spirit
Arnold pushed Leslie back into her seat and put his hand on her shoulder so she couldn’t move. She struggled against him, hitting his arm, shoulder, and chest, and he shouted at her to stop. “You are utterly shameless!” he roared.Arnold was pissed. His lips were pressed tightly together, and the veins in his forehead were popping out. Leslie had always done everything she wanted to do, and she had never been afraid of anything. But when did she get into the habit of sitting on men? - Arnold asked himself. Leslie laughed and said, “I am not shameless, but you relieve me of my shame, and I think you do it intentionally. We both know that you have feelings for me!”“Shut up!” Arnold roared. “You are my sister, for Christ’s sake, so don’t ever do that ag
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Chapter 143: I Can Do It Myself
Crystal wanted to tie her up and keep her in one place. It is no wonder that two chicks fought over her. I would fight for her too! -Crystal’s cheeks turned red when she realized what she’d been thinking. Once the dam had been broken, though, they passed through her mind like a torrent, and she was suddenly very wet.They went into a store, and Leslie attracted the female shop assistant’s attention right away. Leslie wasn’t usually the kind of girl who liked to dress up. She typically wore cool, masculine clothes. But, surprisingly, she was familiar with all of the brands that the attendant showed her, and she knew what looked good and didn’t.Crystal took a seat, and she tried to distract herself by texting with Serenity while Leslie shopped. Th
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Chapter 144: Care To Make A Wager?
They chatted for a few minutes more, and then Leslie dragged Crystal back into the mall to find a birthday present for Nathan.The couple wandered through boutiques and clothing stores, and people turned to check Leslie out wherever they went. With her new hairstyle, she really was as beautiful as Crystal had said she was.As they searched for a gift for Nathan, Leslie bought many things for herself, and each time she brought an item to the cashier, she insisted that Crystal pay with Nathan’s credit card. She had become such a high spender in no time at all that several store managers were following them around.Crystal was unhappy with her friend’s behavior, and she said, “Leslie, are you going to empty the whole mall?”Leslie: “When I buy
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Chapter 145: He Loved Her Very Much
By the time they got up to Nathan’s bedroom, Crystal was practically shaking. She had no idea what he had planned for her, but she was pretty sure it would be indecent. Her thoughts run wild, and she’s thinking of a way to escape from him. As he closed the door, she took the initiative to open his wardrobe, but she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary there.“Here,” Nathan handed her something. He was behind her, and when she turned around and she saw what he wanted her to wear, she began to panic.“No,” she gasped. “Not that. Please! Not that one! I can’t wear that kind of dress,” “Are you trying to go back on your word?”Nathan asked as h
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Chapter 146: It’s All Fake News
At the Davis mansion, Mr. Davis and Eric Bush sat across from each other in the old man’s living room. Eric had just arrived, and he seemed genuinely happy to be there. It had been a while since they’d seen each other, and he asked, “How have you been feeling lately? You seemed so busy lately,”Mr. Gate’s smiled at him, “A bit better,” Mr. Davis replied. “I received your gift, the premium Colombian coffee beans. Thank you.” Eric smiled and said, “That’s just the beginning.” He nodded to one of his bodyguards, and the man retrieved a blue brocade box for him and handed it to the old man.Mr. Davis smiled as he tested the weight.“What is it?” he asked.
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Chapter 147: All Men Are The Same
Although Crystal was curled up in Nathan’s arms, she slept restlessly. This was due to a recurring, ongoing dream that she was having, where she was being chased. She couldn’t see who was behind her when she looked behind her, but she could hear their footsteps. It was dark in her dream, and she was barefoot. There were thorns and shards of broken glass on the floor, but she knew that she couldn’t let her pain impede her flight. She was panting and sweating, and her feet were cut and scraped, but she kept running. It was so bad that she was exhausted when she woke up, and her limbs were sore.As Crystal sat up, she was startled to discover that Nathan was no longer in bed with her. She sat up, and she was about to call his name, but then her phone rang. She picked it up from off her nightstand, checked the caller ID, and saw that it was Leslie. She accepted the call, brought her phone up
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Chapter 148: Would You Like One Of These Men?
Leslie’s beauty was undeniable. In fact, she was so beautiful that people almost suffocated because of her beauty. Her thick, long, wavy hair brought out her snow-white skin color, and she was wearing a white, hollow lace, form-fitting skirt.From the control room, though, Crystal had Nathan’s full attention.Suddenly, Leslie looked straight into the camera. She pointed it out to Crystal, and she whispered into her ear. “Do you think someone is watching us?” she asked.Crystal shrugged and said, “Maybe. But who cares?”“You’re probably right,” Leslie smirked and walked over to William. She smiled and said, “Mr. Wright, I’m sorry for making you wait. I hope you don’t mind that I brought my best friend
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Chapter 149: I Must Decide On Your Marriage Partner
When Leslie’s phone rang, she was not surprised that it was Arnold that was calling. She picked up on the third ring and said, “Can I help you?”“Where are you?” Arnold roared.Leslie: “I’m on a blind date. Aren’t you pleased?”Arnold: “You are on a blind date at a pool?”Leslie: “Yup! And I have six potential suitors. Maybe you can help me decide which one to choose. There is the eldest son of Evergrande, the second master of JOINASIA, the young master of the Walmart Group, and three popular stars, all of whom are candidates for Best Actor at the Oscars. Which one do you think I should choose?”Crystal couldn’t help but be surprised by what L
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Chapter 150: What A Rascal
Finally, Arnold made his presence known. He stepped out of the shadows, and two rows of bodyguards followed behind him. Leslie was lying on the deck chair at the time, and when she saw him, she began to tremble. He looked angrier than she had ever seen him.A dozen would-be suitors were hovering around Leslie in their speedos, and when they saw Arnold approach, masks of fear appeared on their faces.Arnold glared at Leslie. “What’s all this about?” He snarled. “Who are these people?” “I told you.” Leslie shrugged and said, “They are my suitors. May the best man win.”When the men heard this, they looked at Arnold. They were used to getting what they wanted, and they weren’t accustomed to backing down. Thus
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