All Chapters of Domineering Billionaire Husband: Please Love Me Gently : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
372 Chapters
Chapter 131: Are You Crazy?
Leslie lifted her head and smiled. Then, instead of replying verbally, she stripped off her shirt. Underneath, she was naked, and when she leaned forward, her medium-sized breasts pressed against Arnold’s chest.Arnold stared at her in disbelief. “Are you crazy?”Leslie:”  Weren’t you the one who said I needed to start playing the part of a woman? Well? Is this woman enough for you?”“Stop!” Arnold exclaimed. “You are my sister!”Leslie: “Didn’t you receive the DNA report? We are not related by blood.”Arnold: “Even if we are not related by blood, in my heart, you are still my sister, and you always will be.”
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Chapter 132: You’re Popular
Nathan had his arms around Crystal’s waist, but he didn’t dare to touch her breasts. If he did, he didn’t think he could control himself. He tried to think about the last thing she’d said, and then he asked her, “Don’t you have a party to attend tonight?”“I do,” Crystal replied. “But I’m not interested in going. There is a bet on whether I will show up or not, and the amount of the bet has passed the half-million mark. It seems rather silly to me.” She pushed him away and sat up. “I am definitely not worth that much money…“Not worth that much money?!?!” Nathan exclaimed. “You are worth that and more. Much more!”Crystal sighed, but before she could reply, there was a knock on the door. “What do you ne
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Chapter 133: I Want You To Kneel
Carlos smiled at Crystal. “Do you like talking to me?” he asked.Crystal shrugged, took a sip of wine, and looked around. “Where’s your girlfriend?”“She’ll probably be late,” Carlos replied. “You know how she is. She likes to make a dramatic entrance. Anyway, did you hear my question? You should know that I’m breaking up with Joyce. She’s too needy. Do you know what I mean?”Crystal was a bit shocked by what Carlos said, but she didn’t let it show. “That’s not any of my business,” she said. “Especially if she doesn’t even know yet….”Of course, the only reason that Carlos had said this was because he
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Chapter 134: You Don’t Want To Miss It
Shawn Walker had tears in his eyes, and he was smiling, “I appreciate your apology,” he said. “You should know, though, that your rejection gave me strength. I was angry at that, and I used that anger to push myself forward. Now I have a very successful career.”There was a moment of silence, and then everyone began to cheer and chant Shawn’s name. Not only had he turned his life around, but he had hosted the party on his boat, and they all appreciated it-everyone except for Joyce, whose heart had hardened to stone by then.Joyce grabbed Crystal by the hair and yanked her backward, slamming her to the ground. Crystal shrieked in pain and outrage, and before she knew it, Joyce was standing over her with the sole of her shoe hovering over her face. “Lick my shoe!” Joyce roared. “You fucking bitch! Lick my Goddamn sh
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Chapter 135: You Caught Them In Their Trap
(Triggered Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene and inappropriate words. If you're not comfortable reading it kindly skip it and move to another chapter)Nathan’s hands clenched and uncleaned at his sides. He looked around at the faces of Crystal’s classmates. For a moment, he felt helpless, and he didn’t know what to do. Eric came rushing into the room behind him, though, and he felt no such hesitancy. He ran towards the door and kicked it open.Inside, a woman could be heard crying out in ecstasy, “Yes... Yes... God, Yes...harder...give me harder!”Inside, all of the furniture had been knocked over, and women’s clothing strewn about all helter-skelter. There was a sofa against the back wall. On it, a man and woman were entangled - both naked. They were fucking, and the
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Chapter 136: I Can’t Let You Get Hurt
Suddenly, Chris walked through the door, and when Judy saw him, her eyes lit up. “Talk to you later! My darling has arrived!” she exclaimed, and then she ran to greet him.Once she was gone, Eric wrapped his arms around Crystal. He laughed and said, “I knew you’d be fine. You’re tough, and you don’t put up with anyone’s bullshit. That’s my girl, you never failed my expectation,”Nathan couldn’t bear the sight of Crystal in another man’s arms, so he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards himself. Eric would not let go, and she felt like they were tearing her in two. “Stop it!” she cried. “You guys are hurting me! What are you guys doing here? I was told to come alone! You are fucking everything up! I didn’t ask any help fr
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Chapter 137: You Are Too Adorable
Judy was on Cloud Nine. With a smile on her face, she called for everyone’s attention and said, “We should always watch our tongues from now on. Crystal’s boyfriend is a man of stature and renown. You said he was her Sugar Daddy, but you were wrong! You are lucky he is a forgiving person. He is not without his limits, though. From now on, anyone caught gossiping about Nathan and Crystal will be sent to Gossiping Jail! Furthermore, you shouldn’t dr*g, r*pe, or plan to kill Crystal either.”Afterward, Judy approached Crystal and said, “Don’t worry about them. If anyone dares to spread any rumors about you on WhatsApp, I will help you put them in Gossiping Jail. We are friends after all,”Crystal smiled and shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t care what they say. Neither of us does.”
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Chapter 138: Aren’t You Just Full Of Surprises?
When Crystal looked through the videos on the stolen cell phone, she was disgusted to find erotic photos of Joyce and James, the middle-aged director. Then, under her breath, she muttered, “Isn’t that Cecelia’s Father?”Nathan nodded, verifying Crystal’s suspicion.“Gross,” Crystal muttered. She couldn’t stomach the photos for very long, and she quickly turned off the screen. She had initially intended to return the phone, but she hadn’t found the video with her in it, so she decided to keep it handy as insurance.Nathan had his hand on hers, and he said, “Penny for your thoughts.”Crystal: “Leslie asked me to accompany her on a blind date, and I said that I would.” 
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Chapter 139: You’re The Crazy One
The room was so quiet that Leslie and Arnold could hear each other breathing. She was still lying in his bed, gawking at his wound, and he was focused on her self-criticisms.Leslie watched his abdominal muscles twitch every time he moved, and she drew closer to him. Then, when she was within kissing distance, like a man lapping up a woman’s menstruation, she dipped her tongue into the bloody gash in his side.Arnold’s body instantly tightened. Every muscle of his body stiffened. The muscles on his face twitched, and Leslie could hear his teeth clench. And then he struck her, and she flew across the room, and her back smashed against his dresser. Her head cracked against the metal handle on the drawer, and when her ass hit the carpet, she made no sound.A minute passed - meanwhile, Arnold seethed. His ha
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Chapter 140: You’re Nothing
Joyce glared at Carlos. “Without me,” she hissed, “you’re nothing! You have no abilities and no money. Your company is getting back on track, but now you’ve betrayed me. If you have any backbone at all, leave me. But don’t expect any support from me for the Foster Group in the future.”This was an idle threat. When faced with an ultimatum, Joyce assumed that Carlos would cave and get off her back. But, instead, she was about to have a very rude awakening.Carlos stared at her with his mouth open. He was at a loss for words for a moment, but he wasn’t dying, as he’d thought he was. He was as far outside of his comfort zone as a person could go. He allowed his body to collapse to the floor, and he ran his fingers through his hair in dismay. “Well,” he finally muttered. “You’ve had your
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