All Chapters of Domineering Billionaire Husband: Please Love Me Gently : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
372 Chapters
Chapter 121: Cecilia’s Evil Plan
Eric gave Cecelia a skeptical look, and after a moment, he asked her if she was an actress. She said that she wasn’t. “And if you don’t believe me,” she added, “you can ask Crystal. We went to school together for three years, and I even gave her a bag recently!”Cecilia didn’t know that Eric had been nearby and watching them when she had been betting with Crystal. For the moment, though, Eric didn’t unmask her. He wanted to see what she was up to, so he pretended to believe her. He smiled and asked, “What do you want to do to Richard?”Cecelia smiled seductively. “I will tell you everything,” she said. “And I will leave it to you to explain it all to Crystal.”Eric stared at Cecilia with interest. “Are you hitting on me?”
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Chapter 122: Didn’t Receive A Notification
As Crystal sat down, Serenity’s eyes slowly opened. She smiled when she saw what Crystal was wearing and said, “It’s so hot out today. Why are you wearing a long-sleeved shirt?”Crystal shrugged, and after pulling her sleeves down, she said, “I don’t want to get a sunburn.” She was ashamed of what had happened, and she wanted to keep it a secret, even from her best friend.Serenity had seen Crystal pull down her sleeve, though, and it made her suspicious. “What are you covering up?” she asked. She reached over to grab her friend’s sleeve.Crystal pulled her arm away and said, “Nothing. Leave me alone, okay!”Serenity smiled mischievously and said, “You have rope burn on your wrists, don’t
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Chapter 123: I Wanted To See You
Crystal was led into a large office and offered a seat and a coffee. She accepted the drink with thanks, and it wasn’t long before Amy Fowler joined her. The woman chuckled as she sat down. “I heard you put the fear of God in our receptionist,” she said. “Good for you. Now, what can I do for you?”Crystal leaned back in her chair, folded her legs, and relaxed. “I signed up to audition for the Assistant Host position,” she said. “But I wasn’t contacted about the written test.”Amy: “It sounds like you were disqualified. Why are you wasting my time?”Crystal: “That may be true, but I doubt it. And I don’t think that I’m wasting your time either. I am a student of Professor Davis, and I am the only one in our school to apply but n
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Chapter 124: What A Coincidence?
Eric looked at Crystal. Others might not think so, but he thought she was beautiful, and he didn’t want to spend another minute without her. He touched her cheek gently and pushed her hair behind her ear. He was there because he wanted her to be his wife, but he still hadn’t worked up the courage to ask her.After an awkward moment of silence, Crystal stomped her foot and said, “Tell me why you’re here, or I’m going inside.”A minute passed, and since Eric hadn’t said anything about his intentions, she turned and began to walk towards her front door. She hadn’t taken more than a step or two, though, before he ran in front of her and walked into her house. Crystal was aghast. She yelled out - “You are trespassing!” as she ran after him.By the time Crystal g
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Chapter 125: I Have A Surprise For You
Once they were in the car and the air conditioning had brought the temperature to a comfortable level, Crystal gave Eric a stern look and said, “I’d like to have this necklace off. I don’t belong to you, and I don’t like people thinking that I do.”Eric laughed cruelly. “Forget it,” he said. “It looks good on you. Besides, you may not belong to me now, but you will. You’ll see.” He leaned back, pulled out a cigarette from a pack in his pocket, and casually lit it up. He brought the fog to his mouth and inhaled.“Nathan and I are married,” Crystal said earnestly.Immediately after hearing these words, Eric began to choke, and smoke billowed out of his nose and mouth. His mind rejected her words,
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Chapter 126: He Is Sick
Nathan gasped as Crystal’s breasts pressed against his skin. He could feel her breath on his neck, and his c*ck was harder than it had ever been in his life. “Can I open my eyes now?” he begged.Crystal giggled and said, “Hold on a second.” She leaned back again, and there was a wet sound as their skin parted. Suddenly, Crystal turned around and ran up the stairs.“Hey!” Nathan shouted as he realized he’d been had. “What the fuck?!?!”Once Crystal was in her room, she closed and locked the door behind her, and she couldn’t stop laughing.By now, Nathan knew he’d lost. He didn’t even bother with throwing out the flowers. Instead, he went upstairs and threw himself into an ice-cold shower. He sta
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Chapter 127: A Bouquet Of Flowers
When Susie walked into the dining room, she saw Nathan forcing himself on Crystal and thought - This is not an appropriate place for sex play. She cleared her throat loudly and said, “Excuse me, but do you want to take this upstairs? Some people have to eat at this table!”When Nathan heard Susie’s reprimand, he took a step back, and his face turned red, and as he let go of Crystal, she began to weep uncontrollably. When Susie saw this, she was embarrassed. “I have to go check on the laundry!” she exclaimed, and she disappeared down the hallway.“P-P-Please,” Crystal begged. “Just drink your tea and leave me alone.”Nathan looked at Crystal and sighed. At the moment, there was nothing attractive about her at all anyway, so he agreed with her request and began to
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Chapter 128: Did They Know She’s Bisexual?
Peter turned to the naysayer, smirked, and said, “Give it a rest, Leslie! You are just jealous of me. Why don’t we have a push-up contest to see which one of us is the strongest?”Instead of a verbal reply, Leslie dropped to the ground. The young man dropped beside her, and once they were both in position, the competition began, with one of their peers counting off each push-up. As they passed fifty, though, it seemed like the event could go on forever. Then, suddenly, someone shouted, “Hey! You two had better give it a rest. The Commander could show up at any minute, and then you’ll both be up shit creek!”“I’m not stopping until I’ve put this punk kid on the ground!” Leslie snapped.“Whatever.” Peter laughed and said, “I could do this al
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Chapter 129: He Was Being Drugged
At this point, Leslie suddenly realized that her commanding officer meant business. Thus, she released Crystal, stood to attention, saluted him, and said, “Should I join the men, Sir?” Arnold: “We will get to that. For now, though, there is your discipline to attend to. You have two choices. Would you like to do one hundred leapfrogs, or would you like to write a Confession Report?”Leslie: “A confession report, Sir. Sir, would you like it written in Italian, French, German, or Arabic?”Arnold smirked and said, “Since you think you’re so smart, you can do one of each!”Leslie: “Sir! Yes, Sir!”Arnold turned to Crystal and said, “I am so sorry about
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Chapter 130: I Want You So Badly Right Now
(Triggered Warning: This chapter contains a sexual scene and inappropriate words. If you're not comfortable reading it kindly skip it and move to another chapter) Suddenly, Nathan picked Crystal up and climbed into the bathtub with her in his arms.Then he turned the water on. They were both fully clothed, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by that fact. Crystal was wearing a T-shirt, which, once soaked, clung to her skin, and her nipples poked through the fabric like two sore thumbs. He pushed her up against the wall, and when he pressed his right hand against her left breast, she shivered.Nathan ran his free hand through her hair. His slender fingers traced the curve of her ear. They ran down her neck and along her collarbone. He could feel her trembling under his ministrations, and he felt his
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