All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
171 Chapters
Chapter 101: David's Lawyer
After Valentino told Aryan about his plan, Aryan decided to calm himself down. He firmly believed that Valentino's plan would never harm his mother. So right now he was trying to get over his annoyance to meet David. In front of the police station unaccompanied by anyone, Aryan visited David to discuss the problem of him becoming that lawyer. After telling the police that he wanted to see David, he was immediately directed to a place where he could meet David Araya. "Ah, I'm glad that you can think wisely." David said it with a grin as he walked in and saw the famous lecturer he had forced to become his lawyer. Aryan looked at the young man who was the same age as him with a look of hatred. "Stop talking nonsense and start talking about your case."David ignored Aryan's words and sat comfortably in front of the young man."Ah, but I think you already know what the case is about. You also don't
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Chapter 102: Misky's Secret
In the same police station, but in another cell, Rosa was still screaming to be released from the cell. The officers were getting annoyed and didn't consider the woman who was now almost out of voice because she was shouting too much. Detective Ferisha, who visited her this time, could only wince when she heard the curses and screams that Rosa Melinda threw at her. "Madam Rosa, you'd better save your energy for the investigation tomorrow morning than you yelling like this. You could run out of energy just to do something so obscure like this." Rosa stared intently at the beautiful detective. "You, Bitch. What do you mean by saying that to me? I am the Mistress of the Araya family. And we are one of the richest families in Indonesia. How dare you ask me to be quiet. What right do you have to say that? Aren't you afraid of being fired for this?" shouted Rosa.Detective Ferisha almost wanted to curse because he
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Chapter 103: A Fragile Girl
Misky only smiled faintly when he heard Almyra's question. He had expected that she would definitely ask him about it. "What do you mean, Miss? I really don't understand," said Misky. "What is your goal in being David Araya's bodyguard and Mrs. Rosa's mistress?" Almyra was very curious and didn't want to let Misky off the hook. Misky just smiled mysteriously. "I have no goal other than making money, Miss." The man then walked away from Almyra who was still standing him thinking about the possibilities regarding Misky. She was still sure that the man was hiding something. She also began to doubt Misky's loyalty to Rosa and David. I don't know why she thought like that. "Would you like to see Mr. David, Miss?" A woman's voice heard. Almyra turned and found a female detective she had met. "Detective Ferisha." "Do you want to see Mr David?"&n
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Chapter 104: Misky's Behaviour
The conversation about David's case went smoothly and Valentino was confused because it was easier to talk about things about it than anything else with Detective Ferisha. He didn't understand whether he had started to really fall in love with her to the point where he started to get nervous about talking about more personal things. But after he realized his current situation made it impossible for him to discuss romantic matters, Valentino decided to get that out of his head first and focus on the problems he would soon face. "Aryan, has David told you anything?" Aryan shook his head weakly because the man refused to tell him anything. "I don't think he's so stupid as to want to reveal everything to you." "You're right, Valen. So now what should I do?" Valentino, who has now changed his clothes into casual clothes, was lying on the bed. "We still have the original plan. You have to keep pretendi
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Chapter 105: Strange Strategy
David felt still not sure he could be cleared of all charges. The young man looked around his cold cell. For weeks he had occupied the cold cell. He didn't complain about it. Because as a man, he didn't want to be seen as weak just because he sleeps on the floor with only a mat. But what became a burden for him was the condition of his mother, who certainly found it difficult to accept the reality they were facing. David even heard Rosa complaining and acting like a lunatic instead. David couldn't blame his mother because after all, his mother had never faced something so horrific in her life. "Guard, can I ask for a favor?" David since he was in the holding cell, let go of all the selfishness that he had and decided to be humble so that he could more easily get what he wanted. "What kind of help, sir?" asked one of the young officers as he approached him. "I want to meet my moth
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Chapter 106: Mother and Son
Detective Ferisha went to the female detention cell occupied by Rosa Melinda. She felt very relieved to have been separated from Valentino. For her, being around him was now very dangerous for her heart health. Then she seemed to be starting to distance herself from the guy and not getting too close to him. When Detective Ferisha arrived at the cell, Rosa Melinda immediately gave herself a hateful look. The detective couldn't fault the reaction of the woman who deserved to be her mother. She really understood if the soul of David's mother was shaken by surprise with the change in her status. Detective Ferisha unlocked the prison. Rosa who stared at her with hatred, now stood up. "Why did you open the lock of the prison cell? Do you want to release me? Am I free already?" said Rosa then she laughed happily and smiled mockingly at Detective Ferisha. Detective Ferisha then opened the holding cell. "W
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Chapter 107: Almost Done
Valentino, who was initially curious about what happened between Rossa and David, finally chose not to worry about it. At this time he had just arrived at his apartment and was then greeted by the two people he loved very much. "Ah, my grandson. How's it going? Is everything going well?" asked Hari. "It's smooth, Grandpa. Everything is going according to my wishes. Oh yes, why haven't you slept yet?" "Ah, I was just waiting for your arrival and wanted to tell you that we spoke with your mother over the phone. Thank you, son. Finally we can contact each other now. You know, Valen. Your mother is my favorite daughter-in-law. She is Araya's proud daughter-in-law," said Day with pride. Valentino smiled. "Of course. you only have one daughter-in-law and Mother is your favorite daughter-in-law." Hari Araya then laughed happily because his grandson could always make him laugh. "Ah, yes. Yes. By the
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Chapter 108: David's Bad Luck
The trial day had begun. Now David and Rosa have been brought to court for their first trial. Aryan Febrian, who had become their lawyer, was already waiting for them in the special waiting room for prisoners. The young man had been wearing his suit that had been covered with the typical lawyer's clothes when he was in court. Aryan stood in front of a window that would not be opened because it was made of indestructible glass. This was of course to prevent the prisoners from escaping from the room. Aryan was staring out and contemplating all that had happened in his life. He felt very unlucky to have to be a defender for criminals. He had never liked being a lawyer because to him he only wanted to be a law school lecturer. Indeed he had not taught at the university, he became a lawyer who was quite famous in the city where he worked. But because he preferred to impart knowledge to others, he decided to leave h
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Chapter 109: Another Secret
Before entering the courtroom, Stefan chose to light a cigarette outside the building. He chose to sit next to the garden building which had several benches that could be used to relax. Stefan circled the fairly large building and found someone who had destroyed his cousin coming in a luxury car, Aditya Putra or Valentino Araya. Stefan actually dodn't hate Valentino at all but he's just very annoyed at Valentino's actions which he thought were very cowardly. Because at this time he was alone without the presence of Bara who was accompanying David in the detention waiting room, Stefan stubbed out his cigarette and then approached Valentino who was guarded by two bodyguards. "Ah, look who's coming now!" Stefan smiled crookedly as he crossed his arms. Valentino, who could sense that Stefan wanted to talk to him, then ordered his two bodyguards to leave him for a while. "But Young Master." "It's
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Chapter 110: The First Trial
Stefan turned his face away as he said that. Stefan caught a surprised look on Valentino's face which meant that his cousin's step-brother did have a relationship with Calvin Miller who didn't know what it was like. Valentino smiled faintly. "I didn't know who Calvin Miller was but what I do know is that it's time for your cousin's first trial to begin." Stefan slowly backed away and made way for Valentino to head into the courtroom. Valentino, who was dressed like when he was Aditya Putra, chose to be in the middle row rather than in front or behind. He saw the two people who had destroyed his family already in their respective places. Aryan Pratama, his best friend was also there and then looked at Valentino from his place. Valentino clearly saw the confusion in his best friend's eyes. He knew Aryan very well and was confused and felt bad for him so from where he was sitting now Valentino gave a c
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