All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
171 Chapters
Chapter 81: Presentation
"Introduce me Valentino Araya, the biological son of Mr. Budi Araya, the legal heir of the AL Group," said Valentino confidently. Gery was stunned because it turned out that what he had previously suspected about Budi Araya's biological son who was still missing was true. "Are you really Mr. Valentino Araya?" asked Gery with a stupid look. "Do I need to show my ID?" asked Valentino calmly. "Oh no Mr. Valentino Araya, Gery clearly didn't want the person who made everyone curious about his whereabouts to be offended by his words. "Ah, yes. I did live in England before but I've been back here since a few months ago," said Valentino. Gery was even more surprised because the news circulating was not what Valentino said. "A few months ago? Does that mean you've been living in Indonesia all this time?" asked Gery to be sure. "That's right. A few months ago I was in In
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Chapter 82: Got Wrong
Almyra stood up and looked at Valentino. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you, what exactly are you trying to do in this company?" asked Almyra. Valentino sighed softly. "Almyra, I've already told you that everything I do, there's no need to know all that. Was everything I said yesterday not clear?" asked Valentino. Almyra tossed her hair and then with a worried look she looked at Valentino. "I know very well that you are doing something dangerous. Can't you not do that? I know Calvin. You are incredibly rich and maybe even richer than David, but the problem is that the person you are dealing with is no ordinary person. You don't know what the real David is, you even know he killed Agusta Irawan. Isn't that proof enough that he can do anything to you if you get caught later?" explained Almyra.Valentino was mistaken. At first he thought that Almyra wanted to interfere in his affairs but apparently h
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Chapter 83: Bad News
"You don't need to worry because the cooperation proposal has been approved. Everything will be processed immediately and you can take over from here," said Valentino. David immediately laughed happily because it turned out that the geeky Aditya Putra's work was quite good and also fast. At first he was very doubtful that he was able to get the proposal and he also thought that if Aditya Putra failed to get the company to cooperate and rejected the proposal he had submitted, he would not keep the employee and would immediately fire him. But everything was unexpected and this was enough to surprise him.Misky entered after David Araya allowed himself to enter. With a very pale face, the man gestured for David Araya to talk to him alone. "Oh, Aditya. You can go back to your room," said David.Valentino nodded and immediately left the president director's room. Valentino returned to his room which was downstairs leavin
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Chapter 84: IT Expert
Valentino was quite annoyed that it turned out to be a very big mistake to let David visit his house. Because now his house became the hangover of David's friends. David himself was now very drunk from drinking too much alcohol. Even though everyone knew that David was a very strong drinker but because that night he did drink a lot, he ended up getting drunk followed by Bara who was more drunk than he was. He was forced to let the two people to stay in his apartment. Meanwhile Stefan Aditama, David's cousin who according to Valentino lookef different from David and also Bara, is now helping him to move the two friends to the guest room. "Ah, you're really unlucky to have friends like us," Stefan said with a silly laugh. "Calvin, I don't think you should get too close to that cousin of mine because I think he could have a pretty bad impact on you. I asked a person as innocent as you to get in trouble for hanging
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Chapter 85: Important Files
"Who's this?" asked Rosa from the other side. "Ah, sorry I had to answer your call. It's me Calvin and David staying at my house because there's no way I'd let David come home drunk," said Calvin directly because he didn't want to beat around the bush. "Oh, Calvin. I think someone took David's cell phone. Was he with his two friends too?" asked Rosa. "Earlier there were three of them, but then Stefan came home and now only David and Bara are staying at my house," Valentino replied, giving Ruslan a sign to check on David. "Oh I see. Well then please if he wakes up tomorrow morning tell me that I will be out of town early with my friends. Actually, I wanted to say it myself, but considering that the child will wake up late tomorrow, I don't think there will be time," said Rosa, who estimated that the trip would take quite a while on the plane."Ah, yes. Okay ma'am. I will definitely pass it on to David
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Chapter 86: The Truth
"Perfume?" Valentino repeated pretending not to know what David meant. "Yes. What perfume are you wearing?" David asked. "Oh, I only use Pak Agusta's perfume which is still left at my place," said Valentino. David looked thoughtful but then he shook his head. "Okay." Valentino heaved a sigh of relief. He knew exactly what David meant. This morning he was in such a rush that he put on the perfume he always wore when he was Calvin Miller. This was because earlier he asked Ruslan to get rid of his belongings as Aditya's son. And when he was about to leave he didn't have time to look for the cheap perfume that Aditya used to wear. But fortunately, he remembered his friend who also loved to collect limited edition perfumes like his, so he felt that when an Aditya Putra had this perfume from Agusta, surely David would not be suspicious. Valentino spent his time in the o
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Chapter 87: Almost Losing Control
"Please let me go! I was only told. I didn't know anything. I was just carrying out orders. I...""You don't have to defend yourself like that, Lawyer," interrupted Valentino. Joshua immediately fell silent. "Because I also know that you received funds from Rosa for what you did. You said you changed the entire will. You did that knowingly, didn't you? You wanted something in return. Right?" asked Valentino. Joshua was sweating profusely. "Yeah, I did get money for that but I was in a pinch at the time so I had to accept the offer," Joshua lied. Valentino stared lazily because he thought Joshua had no shame at all. "Lawyer, I told you you shouldn't try to defend yourself because it's completely useless. We've met before and I've also given you some money, haven't we? So it's pretty easy to analyze your character for the day. So you don't have to waste time trying to make up
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Chapter 88: A Weak Man
David, who was currently in Almyra's apartment, saw an international number which he guessed belonged to Valentino, his half brother. Almyra, who had just come with coffee for David, saw her boyfriend who was hesitating while looking at his cellphone screen. "Why do you look your cellphone like that?" asked Almyra. David was still looking at his phone screen but then he swiped the screen and then put it on loudspeaker mode so his girlfriend could hear it too. "Ah, why did you bring it up at all, my stepsister?" said Valentino. "Did my phone call scare you that much, David?" said Valentino then he laughed mockingly. David's face was red with irritation, Valentino was the only person who could mess with him mentally. "Why did you call me, jerk?" cursed David. Valentino laughed again because he was glad that David was provoked. "Oh, I just wanted to ask how a
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Chapter 89: Get Caught
"What's your business asking what I'm doing here?" Aryan looked at David sarcastically. "You're so arrogant. You're a butler's son. You're so stubborn. Do you feel rich already because you can go to the Gardenia Hills apartment?" David sneered at Aryan, who was eager to get out of David's presence. "I don't care what you think. So get out of the way because I want to pass," said Aryan, looking annoyed at David who was blocking his way. David then snorted because he felt Aryan was too arrogant and haughty. "You don't deserve to be here, the butler's son. Besides, the security guard will immediately kick you out as soon as he finds out you are poor," David insulted. Aryan who was already walking stopped his feet and turned to look at David. "You know, even if I was kicked out or not allowed in by them, it's still none of your business and you don't have to interfere in my business," sa
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Chapter 90: Young Man
"If I hear you insulting her again, I swear I'll never think of you as my son again. And just so you know, I do prefer men younger than your age," admitted Rosa. David was surprised because this was the first time he had heard the truth from his mother. "Yeah, David. You didn't hear anything wrong, Mother prefers young leaves to an old man who can't do anything like your father. And you should also know one thing, Misky was in a relationship with me long time. So don't you ever try to insult him again in front of Mother. Because Mother will never stay silent if you disturb her." David stared at his mother in disbelief who stood up for others more than her own son. Without saying a word the young man left the mother's room and then went downstairs. He ignored the screams of his mother calling him to come back upstairs. He ignored Misky when the man passed his bodyguard at the door. Several guards looked confusedly at
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