All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
171 Chapters
Chapter 71: The Plan
"No, Aryan." Valentino entered his room. "Why not? I could be very useful there. You know I'm a law lecturer. I can look for weaknesses in the will if I see it," said Aryan. Valentino shook his head. "I don't want to sacrifice other people anymore. I've lost Agusta. I don't want them to target you. Because if something happens to you, I don't know what to say to Mrs. Sriani," said Valentino. The guilt came back and made him feel tight. He couldn't bear to let David settle down for long. He had to quickly make them bear all his deeds. "Valentino, I'm not a child who can't take care of myself. Besides, I'm sure that David couldn't do anything to me. After all, my mother is one of her mother's confidants. My mother knows some of Rosa's secrets that no one else knows," said Aryan.Valentino was interested in talking about it."What secret do you mean? Mrs. Sriani never to
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Chapter 72: Being Trapped
David was currently heading to the Gardenia hills apartment to meet his girlfriend who he hadn't visited in a long time because he was busy looking for the new manager. David always met Almyra in his office because the girl worked as his secretary, but he didn't seem to have time to make out with this beautiful woman while he was in the office. So after Almyra said about her period, David didn't touch her at all anymore. He missed not only the woman but her body as well. Almyra who was taking a shower was startled by the presence of David who had taken off his clothes and entered the bathroom. "David, what are you doing?" said Almyra, surprised not to play because at this time she was not wearing any clothes. Her body was still wet because she had just started her bathing ritual. "Why are you so surprised? I really miss you, Almyra. I came right away," said David as he approached the woman. Almyra backed aw
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Cahoter 73: Big Guest
While Valentino was preparing himself to return to the company immediately, at this time in the Araya family's big house in the morning, there was a husband and wife waiting for the door to be opened in front of the gate. Sriani who was called by the security guard immediately widened her eyes when she saw Hari and Ana Araya who had not been seen for a dozen years. "Oh my God. Madame. Master," said Sriani, opening her mouth. "Quickly open it!" told Sriani to the two gatekeepers. The flying guard was taken aback by the unusual expression their butler had. "I can't believe I'll see you again, madam," Sriani said. Ana smiled at the butler whom she used to know very well. "I also didn't expect to come back here again, Sriani," said Ana and took the woman's hand.Ana Araya never discriminated against being human, so it's not surprising that so many servants respected her. Hari Araya himself was
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Chapter 74: Temporary Presodent Director
David did not hear the noise downstairs and woke up and rushed out of his room. With a sleepy face and messy clothes, the man came down while yawning. Hari Araya who saw Rosa Melinda's child immediately sneered at him. "Want to be my company in the hands of that kid? Where is a leader who wakes up at this hour and hasn't gone to the office yet?" said Hari aloud on purpose to get David to open his eyes. And sure enough now David was wide-eyed when he found his grandmother and step-grandfather in their living room. "Grandma. Grandpa," said David, trying to purify his smile but failed. "Didn't anyone tell you how to properly lead a company?" said Hari Raya. David about swallowing his saliva roughly as he flinched at Hari's words. "Grandpa, when will you come?" David asked. "You don't have to mince words with me because it's pointless. Better just improve the way you lead the compan
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Chapter 75: Having a Crush
Hari Araya looked confusedly at David who seemed to know about Valentine who was already in Indonesia. "Why, Opa? Opa surprised that I also knew that he was already here?" asked David as he cracked a sly smile. Hari Araya was now smiling too. "No. Of course. We wouldn't be surprised by what you just said." "David, don't joke. It's not funny," said Rosa with a worried face. "I'm not joking, Mother. Valentino is already in Indonesia and he has called me some time ago to give all threats," explained David. "Threat?" repeated the surprised Rosa. "Yes, Mother. He threatened me after his friend died. He said he had strong enough evidence to drag me and mom to jail. Isn't that very ridiculous?" said David, who then laughed.If David removed his nervousness with laughter, not with Rosa Melinda. The woman immediately looked very pale because of her considerable concern.
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Chapter 76: The Test
"You want to die, huh?" said Valentino annoyed because his friend was talking carelessly. Aryan laughed even more when he saw his friend's reaction, which for him was very funny. "Relax, buddy. If you really don't have feelings for that woman, you can just say it. But really, I don't agree if you like her because even though it's true that the girl isn't really on David's side, she's still not a good woman- good because she has used her body to get what she wants," said Aryan. Valentino once protested that Aryan's opinion was actually unfair because he didn't think Almyra was that bad after all. She did use her body to lure David into knowing and investigating her sister's death as a result of David's hit-and-run. But the woman still has a good side that deserves thumbs up, namely her love for her family which made her finally choose that path. But it was useless if he said that to Aryan, why the hell would his best
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Chapter 77: The New Manager
Valentino certainly felt quite happy to have qualified as general manager in his own company. And he started to think if what his grandfather said, Hari Araya was true if he could have more control over everything when he was in the company. Previously he was very difficult because of his position as an ordinary employee. He didn't have the right to any further entry into the company. But his current position gave him a lot of freedom. He could easily send a collaboration proposal that he made to let big companies know his proposal and get to know his trademark. After that, it would be easier for him to take the company back if many parties support him. He couldn't show his real identity because he still couldn't find some other evidence regarding the death of his father and also the inclusion of some documents. He had only found half of it and still had to find the rest before he could kick David and his mother out of
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Chapter 78: The Writing Style
"Why, sir?" asked Valentino. David shook his head. "No. It's just that your writing style is somewhat similar to Agusta's. So I think you can learn from him," said David. Oh, that. Not so stupid. Of course the writing is the same because both are mine, Valentino thought. "Yes, sir. You are right. It was Mr. Agusta who taught me to make a proposal. I used to pay attention to him a lot when making proposals and then I wanted to know and he taught me," said Valentino. David raised an eyebrow because he didn't know that the two of them were that close. David thought they had only just met each other because as far as David knew, Agusta was the type of person who also changed girlfriends too often. Almost similar to himself, but Agusta was more refined and unlike himself, who bought prostitute girl to satisfy himself. Augusta was not like that. He liked to change partners to be a w
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Chapter 79: The Proposal
David Araya was amazed to see all the furniture owned by Calvin Miller. All the furniture that Calvin had in his apartment was very luxurious upscale furniture. He was still very confused as to why his new friend still wanted to drive his own car sometimes. Yet the house had so many servants in its house that there were probably more than ten servants serving it. David thought that Calvin would no longer have to struggle to live comfortably in the next few decades because his wealth seemed to be way above his own. David suddenly remembered his step-grandfather, Hari Araya, who had much greater wealth and had been handed over to Budi Araya. But unfortunately only Hari Raya knew how to get the treasure. It was not clear where the treasure was. And unfortunately Hari Raya would never be able to tell him and his mother about the treasure. So after several attempts to investigate the unknown treasure, her mother just ga
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Chapter 80: Being Tricked
"Hurry up and don't beat around the bush!" said David. "That's it, sir. I want me to represent this company to present all the proposals I'm working on. But just write it in your name. So I'll use your name as the person presenting. How?" asked Valentino. David was a bit surprised by the terms put forward by the geek but he started to think for a while about his period already after he thought about it, David finally nodded in agreement. "Okay, you can give presentations but you have to use my name. I don't want anyone to know that you wrote the proposal. But if later the company leaders get suspicious, you can say if you are one of my subordinates that I ordered to represent me," said David. Valentino of course immediately nodded in agreement in exchange for withdrawing his hand at David which was preserved by David. "Okay, you just prepare all the proposals more maturely. Because in two days I want you to s
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