All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
171 Chapters
Chapter 61: Behind the Curtain
Almyra had put sleeping pills into the drink she had prepared for David. She even poured quite a lot and she didn't care if David might overdose. Although it would be a shame if David died just like that but at least it made him feel a little happy that the bastard at least got a little bit of retribution for his actions. "Thank you, Baby. You really are a dream woman," David said. The man smiled his sweet smile at his lover who smiled back at him even though it wasn't from his heart. "How about we go straight to the room after you finish the drink, honey," said Almyra, looking at him with a seductive gaze as if implying that she wanted to spend the night with David. David who thought it was an invitation to do a heated struggle immediately smirked. "Ah, looks like I have to take you home more often," said David. David took Almyra to his room. But strangely he started to feel dizzy. Alm
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Chapter 62: Savior
Almyra looked in shock at the person. "Mrs. Sri," called Almyra. "Yes, Miss. Thank goodness I came on time because if you were caught by them, you could be in trouble," Sriani said quietly. Almyra was stunned because she did not expect that the head maid at the Araya family's house was actually helping her now. "Miss, you should be more careful and please return to Young Master David's room so that no one gets suspicious," said Sriani. "But Mom. Why are you helping me? You work for the Araya family?" asked Almyra who was confused by the attitude of the head maid in the house. "Because I was assigned to help you when you were here," said Sriani, which made Almyra's head even more questionable. "What do you mean? I don't understand. Who asked you to help me here?" asked Almyra.Sriani was always anxious when she was at the Araya family's house. She glanced back and forth to make
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Chapter 63: The Same Person
Almyra was still thinking about Araya's other Young Master, Valentino Araya which intrigued her greatly. The bastard only wanted to tell a little about his step-brother and this made her even more sure that if one day Valentino Araya showed up, he would definitely be able to beat David. Almyra has just arrived at her Gardenia Hills apartment, a place that currently scared her a bit after she told her about her true identity and her plans to approach David Araya to Calvin Miller, a businessman from Singapore who had captured her heart. But of course she was self-conscious about her current position that there was no way she could approach the man who had become David's friend. Even though she hated David so much for the hit and run he did to her sister, Almyra still couldn't leave him now. She really had to be patient with staying by that man's side until she managed to find evidence of the hit and run that the man had committed. 
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Chapter 64: Which One is the Real One?
"You really Aditya Putra?" said Almyra who felt like she was about to faint when she saw a photo shown by Valentino. The photo was a photo collage where Valentino was dressing up as Aditya's son and beside him was dressing up as Calvin Miller. In the photo he was wearing a light blue shirt and wrapped in a black suit. At one glance, Almyra already knew the two people in the photo were the same person because they were very different, only in their hairdo and thick glasses and a large mole on the cheek. Almyra was still gaping when she returned the phone to its owner. "But why?" asked Almyra who was weak because she still couldn't believe the reality that was in front of her eyes. "There are many reasons behind it all and I'm sorry I can't tell you everything," said Valentino who already knew that even though the woman knew about his identity as Calvin Miller and Aditya Putra, Valentino was sure the girl would ne
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Chapter 65: The Trip
After getting enlightenment from Valentino, Almyra began to try to respect herself and keep her distance from David. The man is currently staying at her apartment but the girl said that she was on her period so she could not do what David wanted. At first David was quite annoyed that Almyra couldn't make in love with him but he certainly couldn't force someone who was on their period to do it with him. Almyra had also promised to help Calvin to get what he wanted even though she didn't know all about him. And although she could never be by his side, she would never regret knowing Calvin Miller. He was the only man who really appreciated her and made her feel like a worthy woman. "David, don't you want to just go back to your house? Because it's useless for you to stay here because we can't do that," said Almyra who tried to gently kick David out of the apartment that David had given to him. David didn't like to hear tha
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Chapter 66: Uncertainty
"Wow. I didn't expect it because I and my two friends had almost given up because it felt like the journey was very long," said Valentino, who really felt that he couldn't wait to get to his destination. The two peasants laughed softly but their laughter was not to laugh at Valentino. "We really understand. The roads in our area have not been repaired and some are still in the form of land, so it's only natural that city people would complain if they came to our area," said the white-bearded farmer earlier. "Ah, it's actually not like that, sir. I was just a little surprised that the roads in this area weren't paved yet," said Valentino, embarrassed because he had complained, even though when he thought about it, it was nothing. Aryan and Ruslan were still enjoying their coffee to cool down. Ruslan actually also felt sick to his stomach but of course he could not show it in front of his Young Master because he didn't want to m
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Chapter 67: Skylight Orphanage
Valentino and his entourage arrived at the orphanage when it was already dark. Valentino felt that the night was quite cold because the area was located on the slopes of a mountain. Valentino looked up and stared at the starry sky. It had been a long time since he had seen the stars in the sky. Especially when he was in England, he almost never enjoyed the beautiful sky at night. Valentino looked at a large sign that said "Skylight Orphanage". The board was illuminated with lamps. And now in front of him was a large building that had three floors and a very large courtyard. Valentino was stunned when he saw a very large orphanage. Even in the city there was no orphanage which was as large as Skylight Orphanage. "Are you sure this is the place?" asked Valentino. "Yes, Young Master. According to the farmer earlier, there is only one area that is near the vineyard. So I'm sure this is
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Chapter 68: Longing
Hari Araya entered his room and saw his wife still knitting. "Was that David's order again? Or David himself?" asked Ana Araya. Hari Araya shook his head. "I'm not sure. Fina said the young man looks a lot like me," said Hari. Ana, who was still knitting, immediately stopped what she was doing and took off her glasses. "You can't possibly think that it's Valentino right? Because it's impossible for Valentino to be in this country, Hera has taken him to live in another country," said Ana. Hari Araya nodded languidly. The old man missed his grandson who he had not seen in a long time. He last saw his grandson during the divorce trial between his son and Hera, his daughter-in-law who is also Valentino's biological mother. "How long has it been?" asked Hari with a sad expression. "Fifteen years. That's a long time for us to be separated from our grandson," said Ana
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Chapter 69: Failure
Valentino patiently told his grandparents about everything. Hari and Ana had never been so happy after so many years of living in that area. "So they still don't know your true identity?" asked Hari. "Not yet, Grandpa. If it was David, if the person he had considered as a friend was his biggest enemy, he certainly would not remain silent. The proof is that he even yesterday morning before I left, he still invited me to lunch," said Valentino. Ana Araya, who had just returned from taking a cake for her beloved granddaughter, also sat next to Valentino. "I made a cake for you. I still remember your favorite cake when you were little, so I wanted to make you this cake. Would you like to try it?" asked Ana with a face full of joy. "Of course Grandma," said Valentino. Valentino immediately took the cake made of rice flour with brown sugar in it. He remembered his childhood that his grandmoth
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Chapter 70: New Vacancy
"Valen, should you now throw away your identity as Calvin Miller instead? Do you think it's safer for you to disguise yourself as Aditya's son than Calvin Miller. This is too risky for you," said Hari. "But, Grandpa. I have already resigned from the company. How do I get into the company again?" asked Valentino confused. "That's easy. You yourself have some friends who seem to be starting to support you there right? I don't think you can use them to re-enter the company. Since we don't know if Rosa really pays attention to your facial lines, she might immediately recognized you as Valentino," explained Hari. Valentino sighed and it seemed that he had indeed made a mistake in rushing out of the company. This was of course related to Agusta's murder which had left him confused and stabbed with a very great sense of guilt. While he was in that company, that guilt grew even more in his heart and mind. He had made someone lose th
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