All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
222 Chapters
Dark Plans
“Your hips are moving along with mine. I guess you enjoy having my cock deep inside of you…” Prince Kin said with satisfaction before he began pumping his hard cock into her faster and harder. It didn’t take long for Jeely to reach her climax once again. She felt like she was losing herself as her whole body convulsed and her pussy clenched hard around the prince’s love pole. She whimpered and bit her lower lip as her hips bucked and writhed underneath him. After a short while of thrusting wildly into her wet and tight hole, Prince Kin also reached his own limit. He moaned loudly at his own release, his cock shooting his hot load deeply into Jeely’s awaiting hole. “No…your seed…” Jeely whimpered as she felt Prince Kin’s hot wetness spurt out deep inside her body as he buried his seed deep into her. “Don’t worry, if you get pregnant, the child will be R
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Dressed As His Bride
When Jeely woke up, she was alone in her bed. The only reminder and proof of her passionate tryst with Prince Kin was the soreness in between her legs and the mix of their love juices. “Ah…” She let out a low moan as she began moving her legs to get out of bed. Prince Kin really did like to over do it. Her body was left feeling sore every time after they made love. She hated to admit it, but her body craved for sex and pleasure. Having sex with Prince Kin brought her release and a peace of mind that followed. Ever since the first time that he gave her a taste of pleasure, she had been craving for it. After bathing and cleaning herself, she felt fresh and ready to start the new day. Her plan of earning Rin’s trust was progressing so smoothly that she wanted to laugh at that girl’s stupidity. Today was another day of lessons with the naïve Lady White Lotus. …**Back to the present**
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Start of the Trial
Ren did not wait for me; not that I thought that he would. By the time I had reached the outside, Ren was already inside the carriage that we would be taking us to the Imperial court. With the help of Auntie and various maids, I was able to get into the carriage without losing my life. When I finally sat down next to Ren in the carriage, he was looking out of the window in the opposite direction. As if there was anything interesting to look at outside of that small window, I couldn’t help thinking to myself sarcastically. Whatever lay beyond that small window was clearly more interesting and pleasing to look at than the fully-dress-up me. The ride to the imperial court was completely void of conversation. Ren did not turn to look at me, nor did he say anything to me. Halfway through the ride, I began to wonder why he even bothered to pick me up at all. The White Lotus palace have carriages as well. I might as well have ridden on one of them and meet h
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I didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what they were all whispering about. The emperor, probably as curious as the rest of them, had decided to ask Ren straight out about the reason why I was wearing a wedding dress to court. He was right, Ren and I had not wed. I sat up a little straighter as I too focused on hearing Ren’s response to the emperor’s question. Slowly and deliberately, Ren got up to his feet and walked to the center of the platform where he would face the emperor directly when delivering his response. “This minimal wedding dress is to be worn for a month after a lady has married a prominent member of the royal family. The true intent behind this dress is to announce and remind all that the lady now belongs to her man and that she is now completely off-limits to all others. Of course, sever punishments are in place for any other man who would dare lay hands on her…” Ren began recounting the customs and
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Brothers and Plans
“Emperor, there is no such thing in my possession,” Prince Kin denied immediately. “It won’t be hard for me to track down the exact person who sold it to you…and then I will go on to destroy their whole chain of trade and production. After all, you are aware that love potions are illegal in this empire, are you not?” Ren said as he stared down his younger brother. Prince Kin seemed shocked at Ren’s apparent threat. “It is based on the emperor’s and the high court’s will that My Lady and I have been working hard on producing the next heir to the throne. I am grateful for My Lady’s love and devotion and believe that we will achieve our objective in the very near future,” Ren said as he came to stand next to my chair and placed a hand on my shoulder. Ok…what the hell is he saying now?! If Prince Kin could lie smoothly, apparently, so can his o
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For Me
After a period of time had passed, the emperor and the court members finally returned to the room where we were anxiously waiting. After taking his seat, the emperor began announcing the verdict immediately. “After much discussion between myself and the members of the high court, we have decided that the event that happened is indeed a grey matter. Prince Kin is believed to be at fault to a certain degree regardless of whether he had the intention to bring about harm to the Lady White Lotus or not. However, since the crown prince and general Shin arrived in time to prevent any serious harm, Prince Kin should not be held responsible for the highest possible crime since it wasn’t committed. Hence it has been decided that Prince Kin will receive punishment according to what the crown prince feels is suitable, and the matter will be treated as a family dispute rather than a public matter,” the emperor stated the verdict in a formal voice. &ldq
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One Step Closer
“I understand your reaction because I had the same reaction when I first heard Rin’s suggestion; however, her town has many women that practice medicine. It is the norm there. You are aware that there has been a shortage of royal doctors and doctors in general for many years now. I think allowing women to study and practice medicine can help solve this problem and we can start with Rin…as a sort of test case…” Ren continued pushing for his request. Our request. “Hmm…that is true. However, this is not an easy change to put in place…” the emperor said in a low voice as he seemed to consider Ren’s words. “The emperor is responsible to make changes that are necessary for the betterment of people’s lives. You haven’t forgotten the first woman that was allowed to ride alone on horseback, have you?” Ren asked. It was clear that his resolve was solid. “Of cour
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Making Up
Auntie Chen was there to greet us when we arrived back at the White Lotus palace. It was clear from her restless expression that Auntie had been very worried and anxiously awaiting our return. “Crown prince and Lady White Lotus, I am so happy that you are back…” Auntie said as relief flooded her voice and facial features. I wondered for a moment if she had seriously considered that I could have been executed and then decided not to think about that gruesome scenario any further. “Please leave us,” Ren said as he lifted a hand to signal to all that they should leave. Auntie and the maid bowed simultaneously before quickly taking their leave. Soon it was just Ren and I in the large hall of the palace and the silence crept up on us. Ren had not said anything to me on our ride back to the palace and I could sense that he was waiting for us to return to the palace before we would have our real talk. I spen
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Wedding Night
Now it was my turn to laugh at him. The truth was that I truly appreciated what Ren did. Perhaps without his son’s life on the line, the emperor may have never allowed me to practice medicine. Now I will need to work hard to make my dream come true and hopefully, open up the path for other women to become doctors as well.“You look breathtakingly beautiful in this dress…” Ren said suddenly. His hands held my shoulders as he gazed into my eyes. I could tell that he was earnest, and his words made my heart beat so fast in my chest. It feels so different from when I heard these similar words of compliment from Shin. When he bent his head down to kiss my forehead, I closed my eyes as a sense of calmness filled me. “Ren…” I whispered his name passionately. Slowly and gently, Ren placed his lips on mine as he kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and sighed at the joy of his lips on mine. W
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Will You Be Mine?
The sensation turned me on, and I moaned loudly in response. Ren pulled the robe from my arms and threw it on the floor. I was now completely naked and laying underneath him on the bed. My heart was beating so fast in my chest, my whole body felt hot and ached with desire and I moaned every time he touched my body. Ren’s hot hands began massaging my breasts once more before dipping lower to stroke and play with my belly. Then his exploring hand moved southward until he arrived at the wet entrance of my pussy. “Ren…Ahhh…Ahhhh…” I cried out his name softly and moaned when I felt his finger stroking the wet slit in between my legs. I knew from experience what would come next, and my body quivered from anticipation. I couldn’t wait to feel his fingers thrust into my hole and give me pleasure. My pussy clenched and got wetter the more I thought about what was going to happen next. “Your
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