All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
222 Chapters
A Second Chance
“No. It’s not! Please believe me, Ren. I do not have any relationship with Prince Kin. There is nothing between us…I don’t feel anything for him. Please believe me!” I pleaded desperately. I felt like I was going to start crying again. What can I say to make Ren believe me? What can I do to make him believe me? “Come closer,” Ren said, as he beckoned me towards him with his hand.Slowly, I approached him, not sure what he wanted me to do. Ren patted the spot next to him on the wooden sofa, telling me that he wanted me to sit beside him. I sat down next to him as he had indicated. Now that I was close to Ren, I felt like bursting into tears once again. “Listen to what I’m about to say and listen well, Rin,” Ren said as he took my chin in between his fingers and made sure that I was looking straight into his eyes. I nodded slowly. To be honest, I was scared of everyt
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Taking Over Me
His eyes were on me as he waited for me to do as he had commanded. I hesitated for a brief moment, before I steeled my resolve and started undoing the sash of the robe that I was wearing. If this was what Ren wanted and what is required for me to regain his trust, then…No pain…no gain…right?After undoing the sash around my waist, I parted the front of the robe to the side and slowly slipped the sleeves off each of my arms. Slowly, I let the robe fall to the ground. My entire naked body was exposed to Ren’s sight as I stood there in front of him, the robe that I had on before now a pool of silk at my feet.Feeling very vulnerable from my own nakedness, I tried to cover my body up with my arms. That brought about a displeased look on Ren’s face.“Hands and arms to your side. Don’t cover yourself,” Ren ordered curtly. I lowered my arms just like he had ordered, exposing my entire naked body to
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Discipline Me
I ached for him so much. My body wanted him to touch me more and feed me with more pleasure. The pleasurable ache in between my legs was becoming too much to bear. I knew that I was already very wet, my pussy looking forward to receiving attention from Ren. “Ren…” I moaned his name passionately when his fingers finally found the hot wet heat in between my legs and started stroking it.His fingers traced my slick opening as he stroked my wetness up and down. His fingers haven’t entered my love hole yet but it already felt so good to feel his touch on my most feminine part. I felt myself get wetter and wetter down there as his fingers stroked my opening expertly. I cried out and then moaned loudly when his fingers finally fondled the small but ultra-sensitive bud in between my legs. My hips thrusted up sharply at the sensation of my clit being pinched and rolled in between his fingertips. It felt amazingly pleasurable. I cried
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His Commands
I didn’t have long to ponder my thoughts or admire his beautiful smile or the sound of his amused laughter because Ren began stating his next command. “Kneel down in between my legs,” Ren commanded as he pointed to the spot on the floor in between his legs. My eyes followed his fingers to the spot on the floor in confusion. I wasn’t sure why he wanted me to get off his lap and kneel on the floor. However, if that was what he wanted then…“Ok…” I whispered obediently as I slowly slid my leg down until my feet touched the floor. Carefully, I got off from his lap and stood on my feet in between his legs before slowly kneeling down until I was on my knees. Kneeling on the floor in between his legs where he had indicated, I looked up at him unsure of what he wanted me to do next. “Help me undress, Rin,” Ren ordered as he gestured to the lower part of his royal costume.
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Feeling Good Together
“Run your tongue up and down the length of my cock…” Ren commanded. “Like…this?” I asked in between running my tongue along his length. My question was muffled by his cock against my lips. Ren’s pleasurable sigh was all the response that I needed to know that I was treating him right. I’ve never licked a man’s cock like this before. It was surprisingly a new and exciting experience for me. The length of his manhood up close to my face, made me realize how very long and thick he was. It took a lot of effort for me to run my tongue along his entire length. “Yes, that’s it. You’re making me feel so good, Rin…” Ren said dreamily as he enjoyed the pleasure from the touches of my fingers, my lips, and my tongue. Watching Ren drown in pleasure was making me feel strangely pleasurable too. It felt weird, I felt so hot although he wasn’t touching me
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No Forgiveness
I couldn’t move my hands anymore. My pussy walls clenched and twitched wildly around my own fingers as I climaxed. So, this is what Ren feels when he fingers me and I cum by his hand. My pussy got so much hotter as my climax hit me. “I can’t hold back anymore either…” Ren whispered thickly. His cock pounded into my mouth faster and it took all the effort I had to bear with it without choking. Ren was moaning louder now, and I could tell by the heat and the way his cock was twitching that he was close to his release. Ren rammed his cock deep to the back of my throat one last time as his hand clutched the back of my head tightly. In the next instant, he filled my mouth with his hot seed. My eyes opened wide in shock when his cock spurted the hot liquid of his seed inside of my mouth. The smell and taste of his seed filled my mouth and all my sensations. His cum smelled so strong and raw. Ren came so much in my mouth
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Secret Relationship
“No…” I replied softly. Frankly, I wasn’t that interested either. “Practically, it’s a very effective way to show that you belong to him. However, it is also a way to show you his commitment to take care of you as a man would take care of his wife…” Auntie said, stressing on every word to make sure that I understood what she was saying. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to believe her, but Ren’s cold attitude did not match with what this dress was supposed to symbolize at all. What is he really thinking? Why would he want me to wear this when I appear in court later today? A feeling of uneasiness filled me up inside and I couldn’t explain why. …**Days Before **It was a moonless night with thick clouds in the sky, making the night darker than most nights. The inner court was silent because everyone had headed to bed. Jeely sat in front of her
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Secret Lover
“Were you carving for this? It’s been almost a week since I’ve paid you a late-night visit like this,” Prince Kin asked as he observed her reactions. “I’ve been waiting for you…I thought you would never come…” Jeely said sweetly, providing Prince Kin with what he wanted to hear. His hands slipped underneath the silk fabric of her night gown and began massaging her breasts directly. The feel of her breasts being squeezed roughly felt so pleasurable to Jeely that she couldn’t stop herself from moaning with bliss. Prince Kin’s hot hands on her naked breasts felt amazing. “I always tell you to move to my inner court instead, but you’ve always turned me down,” Prince Kin said without bothering to hide the disappointment in his voice. “I would never move there…and I’m not sorry,” Jeely replied, her response firm. &l
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First Seduction
The prince pulled Jeely into his arms where he held her tightly before he pressed his lips to hers. It all happened so fast and so suddenly that Jeely was taken off guard. Before she realized what was going on, the prince was already kissing her aggressively. Jeely froze in shock at this sudden development. She knew that it was inappropriate for any man to treat her this way except for the crown prince. After recovering from her initial shock, she began struggling immediately, pounding her fists against his chest. However, her efforts were futile. The prince was so much larger and stronger than she was, and he seemed to be enjoying her struggles. The kiss between them deepened, as the prince pressed his mouth against hers harder, kissing her from various angles. Jeely tried to turn her head away to break the kiss but the Prince held the back of her head with his hand. His kiss was demanding and almost punishing. His tongue plunged into her mout
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Forbidden Pleasure
“Ahhh…Prince Kin…” Jeely moaned as her desire started taking over her mind and body. While Jeely was enjoying his attention on her breasts, his hand had started sliding down her body to the heat in between legs. Jeely whimpered at the unusual sensation of her womanly flower being touched when the prince’s fingers started caressing her wetness. “Your pretty flower here is flooded with nectar…it’s so wet, Jeely...” Prince Kin said as his fingertips ran up and down the flooded opening in between Jeely’s legs. Jeely panicked at the feel of his fingers touching and stroking her most private parts. No one has ever touched her there; not even the crown prince. Although she knew that this was all wrong, her body wouldn’t stop responding to the pleasure. Even now, she could feel her love honey gushing out from her hole onto his fingers. “Spread your legs. I want to s
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