All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
222 Chapters
Skipping Class
The lesson continued without event and soon it was time for lunch break. Thankfully, the first lesson was over. I truly needed a break from this whole stressful and suffocating situation. Having Ren in the same room and observing me was truly distracting and unnerving. “Are you hungry? Isn’t it about time for lunch?” Ren said with a gentle smile. For some reason, Ren was being extra nice and caring towards me today; not that I had anything to complain regarding that matter. “I guess…I am a little hungry,” I replied. “Great. Let’s have lunch together. We haven’t had much time in private lately,” Ren suggested joyfully. “Yea…isn’t that because someone here left for a full week and didn’t even bother to tell me…” I said, sulkily. “Are you sulking?” Ren
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Crown Prince's Palace
After a short walk, we arrived at what must be the front gate to Ren’s palace. The gate and walls were so tall and heavily guarded. The place eluded a sense of importance and superiority which made me feel slightly intimidated. The guards bowed and opened the gate at once when they spotted Ren. With a wave of his hand, Ren silently walked through the gates to his own palace, dragging a very bewildered me behind him. Ren’s palace was huge and so was the garden that surrounded it. I had expected that, so it did not come as a surprise. However, the multiple layers of walls that currently separated us from the palace itself was something that I hadn’t anticipated. “There are three layers of walls that we need to go through to reach my palace,” Ren said as he grinned at me as if he could read my thoughts. “Isn’t that a bit much?” I asked. “Don’t
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Helping Out
“There’s so much gold here. Do you like it?” I asked, curiously. “Oh, that. Honestly, I’m so-so with it. Most of the golden statues, decorations and…other stuff were mostly installed in by my grandfather and then my father when they lived here,” Ren said as he pointed to a statue of a horse made of gold. “This place is so…out there…” I murmured. “Yeah, I can see why you would say that. I think I had the same impression when I first moved here…” Ren said as if reminiscing of the past. “Don’t you have work to do? You don’t have to show me around, you know…” I said as I turned to offer him a smile. “I do. Want to help out?” Ren asked. “Sure…but I don’t think I’ll be much use…” I replied. Ren led me by the hand to a large room fill
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Hand in Hand
“Ok, then. Sit,” Ren said as he pointed towards a chair that was on the opposite side of the table. Ren sat back down as well. I waited eagerly for him to start his explanation. This was the first time that Ren would tell me something about his work as the crown prince, aside from his responsibility to wage war. “These reports are reports from the governors of each town in the empire. They outline the overall situation of the people. When it is time for tax collection, they will report the tax revenue as well. Then in times of draught, flooding, or any other problems, they may write to request for aide from the capital,” Ren explained as he handed me one of the reports. So, I surmised, that from these reports, Ren would know what was happening in each town of his empire…and that includes my town. It reminded me of home. Even if I couldn’t go back now, perhaps, it would make me feel better if I asked Ren how
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The Real Ren
We continued walking side-by-side until Ren suddenly came to a sudden stop. “I took you to see the Sunrise of Joy…so now, why don’t I show you the sunset too?” Ren suggested romantically. “Seeing both the sunrise and sunset in the same hour is such a rare treat, I’ve got to say…” I replied with a merry laugh. “I know just the perfect spot that you can watch the sunset,” Ren said with a confident and charming smile. I was beginning to find out that Ren was full of adventure and surprises and all those things made my heart skip a beat ever so often. There was a small hill in the garden and Ren carefully led me up by pulling me by the hand after him. It wasn’t a steep walk, but my high platform shoes made it difficult enough for me to want some support. I missed my flat shoes so much. No matter how much time had passed, I wasn’t used to wearing such high and hea
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A Request to Visit Home
“But…that’s…” I murmured. “Come along, Rin. Dinner will get cold…” Ren said lazily as he pulled on my arm, dragging me behind him. I felt like my body was not my own as I let Ren drag me along the hallway to what I supposed was the dining room. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I would be spending the night with Ren in his palace. I know we’ve slept together before but…that was in my room. It felt completely different to be spending the night with him in his room…I didn’t have any more time to worry about that because we soon arrived at the dining room where dinner was laid out for us. As expected for the crown prince’s palace, the dining room was too big for its own good. It like a dining room, a tea ceremony room and a living room had been combined into one, considering its vast size. “Do you often have guests here?” I
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In His Bed
“I just miss home…and it shouldn’t be a big deal if I dropped by for a short visit, right?” I asked, hopefully. For a moment, Ren looked very conflicted as he seemed to consider his next move. “I understand how you feel; however, it’s not that simple…” Ren said with a sigh.“Ren…” I said his name, unable to hide to disappointment in my voice. I had really hoped that I would be able to go back to my hometown for a visit. All I wanted was to see that the town and the people had recovered from the war. That’s all, honestly. “I’ll let you know if or when you’re able to visit your hometown. Until then, you will obediently stay in the palace,” Ren said firmly, leaving no room for any further discussion. “Ok…” I said as I looked down to hide how upset I felt. …No matter what
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Rough Attention
“Your nipples are rock hard, Rin…” Ren whispered against the side of my neck where I felt his hot breath. I couldn’t reply to him, and I didn’t need to, my lusty cries of pleasure were enough to make him know how he was making me feel. Ren’s touches were harsher and rougher than usual, and he was taking things faster as well. “Ren…” I called out his name breathlessly when I felt his large hand on my naked thighs. Without hesitation, Ren pulled my thighs apart roughly in one swift motion causing me to cry out in surprise and embarrassment. I could feel his heated gaze on the wet heat in between my widely spread legs. My love entrance was stretched open for him to see, and I blushed wildly in embarrassment as I struggled to close my legs but to no avail. “Ahh…your pussy is flooded with honey…” Ren said with a satisfied sigh. I bit my lower
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I felt like falling into a deep slumber; however, there was something that I desperately needed to know before that happens. Breathing in deeply and using my last ounce of energy, I began speaking to Ren. “What are you…so…mad about?” I asked, my voice coming out in ragged breathless whispers.“I’m not…” Ren replied emotionlessly. “My bad. That was the…wrong question. I meant, why…are you so mad?” I asked again, rephrasing my question. I knew that he was angry…Ren looked away and refused to answer me. I knew right then that I was correct. Ren was very angry, and he was acting very stubborn about it. I tried to sit up a little on the bed, using my arms to support myself. “Ren, I honestly just wanted to visit my hometown to see how things are…after the war. I…had no intention of leaving you and going back permanently…I know
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His Way of Apologizing
“Lady White Lotus, it is an honor for me to serve you. The crown prince has instructed that I present to you these gifts that he has prepared especially for you…” the eunuch said as his hand gestured to the multiple large storage containers that were in the room. They looked like large wooden treasure chests. Ren…prepared this? Why?My eyes swept over the many wooden treasure chests in shock more than amazement. Since when did Ren have time to prepare all this and why is there so much stuff? I didn’t have to wonder long about what was inside the treasure chests because the eunuch proudly presented the contents of each chest. “This chest contains jewelry all made of gold and precious stones of the highest-grade craftsmanship. This next one contains the finest silk fabric in various patterns and colors. Of course, there will be a tailor that will assist you in designing and tailoring your clothes for y
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