All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
222 Chapters
My Visitors
“Ren…I’m cumming! Ahhh…ohhh…” I cried out before moaning like I was going mad. When my climax hit me, it felt like I was going to black out. I couldn’t take it anymore and truly considered begging him to stop pounding his cock into my wet hole. It feels good but it felt like I was going to break for real. “Ren…” I called his name breathlessly. “Almost…” Ren whispered lustily. His hips moved faster, slamming his cock deeper and even faster into me as he raced towards his release. He cried out my name loudly when he reached his climax. His cock twitched wildly inside of me before it spurted his hot seed into me. I held his body tightly to me until he stilled. As we slept side by side after our wild lovemaking session, I asked him what was on my mind. Now that the war was over, what happens next? “Ren, what’s going to happen now that the war is over?” I asked the question that had been on my mind. “The neighboring empire will be paying settlements to us along with other things base
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Back to the Palace
“Well, yes. That’s the general idea…” I mumbled.While Uncle Gobei was shocked, Auntie seemed to have a very different take on the situation. “Wow. Wait a second. If you give him a son then you’ll be like a princess and then the next empress of the empire or something like that, right?” Auntie asked excitedly. Clearly, she got the big picture of all of this pinned down already. “Yes, pretty much. Of course, I’m not interested in becoming the next empress or anything…but I do want to have a family with Ren,” I said truthfully. “Is that what you’ve decided for yourself?” Uncle Gobei asked as he watched me intently. “Yes. This is what I have decided. Sorry but I don’t think I can return to our town anymore…” I said before I smiled with a mix of sadness at them. “Oh, don’t worry about that. When you become the empress, I will make sure to visit you in your fancy palace…haha!” Auntie said cheerfully before she laughed loudly. I knew that she was doing all this to keep the mood light
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“I’m so glad that we wrapped up the war with a clear victory. There should be peace for a long while and the emperor is undoubtedly pleased,” Shin said with relief. “Peace is a good thing…” Ren muttered. “Who knows? Before we both know it, you’ll be sitting on the throne as the next emperor already. With this much achievement and acknowledgement, nothing can possibly go wrong. I can’t wait for you to take over as emperor,” Shin said with clear satisfaction. “Watch what you say. You could get executed for saying things like that. I’m not in a rush to take over the throne from my father…” Ren warned. “If I were you, I’ll want to succeed the emperor as soon as possible…before the opposition makes a ruckus…” Shin said grimly. “I think they already have…” Ren said as his mood darkened. “What is that?” Shin asked as he peered over at the paper that Ren was holding. “An urgent summon from the emperor and the high court…” Ren replied followed by a sigh of annoyance. “Any idea what it
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Proof of Loyalty
Ren stood up from his seat and all eyes were on him. He took in a breath to calm himself before facing the emperor and the members of court. “I believe that the punishment decided for the town of Amber Leaves is just and fair. The emperor who also approved it seem to share my beliefs. The people of the town had no knowledge of what was going on and did not benefit from the enemy. Because of this, I believe that they should not be punished. I spent more than three months fighting the war. Compared to someone who had never stepped foot on the battlefield or the town itself, I believe that it should be fair to say that I am more knowledgeable about the situation,” Ren said calmly.“What about the punishment for Lady White Lotus? It is indeed her town that rebelled against the empire,” a senior member of court inquired sternly. “The Lady White Lotus has failed to deliver a royal heir for this empire as well. It has been a very long time and she is not yet with child,” the empress spoke
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My Announcement
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this! “There is no need to punish the crown prince because I am without a doubt loyal to this empire. I wish for a bright future for this empire because that would mean a bright future for our child…” I said, making sure that my voice rang loud and clear. “Rin…” I heard Ren whisper my name. “What are you saying?” the emperor asked as a frown formed in between his brows. “I am with child. I am pregnant with the crown prince’s child,” I stated firmly. I could feel and hear everyone’s shock. Loud gasp of surprise filled the room followed by whispers. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I placed my hands over my stomach as if to protect the baby that was inside. “What are you saying? Leave with Shin right now,” Ren hissed to me as he came to my side. “No…I am not leaving you…” I said stubbornly. “Is it true, Rin?” Ren asked softly, I could feel his gaze on my stomach. I smiled weakly at him as I nodded. His eyes widened in surprise befor
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Opposing Tides
After quite a long while had passed, all five doctors were done with inspecting my body. Ren returned back to my side before he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder as we all waited for the verdict from the doctors. “So, what is your opinion regarding the Lady White Lotus,” the emperor asked impatiently. Each doctor was asked to present his view one by one starting with the least senior and ending with Doctor Pai, who was the most senior of them all. “Your Majesty, I believe that the Lady White Lotus is with child,” the first doctor stated before bowing deeply to the emperor. The whole hall erupted in whispers and gasps of shock. Some members of court who had undoubtedly been eagerly waiting for the next royal heir cheered and clapped their hands. “Silence. Next…” the emperor said firmly as he invited the next doctor to give his opinion. “Your Majesty. The Lady White Lotus is indeed pregnant,” the second doctor said before bowing to show his respect. “Next…” the emperor said
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A Gamble
“But if you go, they might kill you…” Shin said. “Isn’t there someone who can help me?” I asked as a thought struck me. “You can’t be seriously thinking about…” Shin muttered as he probably caught on to what I was thinking. “Please, Shin…please help Ren…please help me…” I begged. “Shit…this is crazy…” Shin said in pure disbelief. I watched as Shin sprinted off. After he was gone, my legs lost all its strength and I eased down onto a nearby chair and concentrated on keeping my breathing calm. I placed a hand on my tummy as I prayed that all three of us would be safe. …**Back to the present**Everyone looked towards the entrance of the hall, where a frail old woman walked in slowly with her most trusted eunuch supporting her arms on both sides. Despite her age and her weakened body, the Dowager Empress walked with a straight back full of pride. In unison as if they had practiced it beforehand, everyone stood up from their seat and bowed. Ren and I did the same. “Mother…” the em
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Our Baby
“Why didn’t you tell me about the baby?” Ren asked the moment the door to my bedroom closed behind us. “I…I was just waiting for the right moment to tell you,” I said honestly. “When did you find out?” Ren asked. “About a month ago while we were still in the middle of war,” I confessed softly. “You should have told me,” Ren insisted. “But you were so busy, and you were out there fighting every day. I didn’t want to add to your burdens,” I explained. “Regardless, you still should have told me,” Ren repeated his same opinion. “I’m sorry, Ren. It wasn’t like I was trying to keep it from you,” I apologized sadly. “I would have taken care of you better…” Ren muttered. Is that why he was so mad? “You’re so sweet, Ren,” I said before giggling. It was probably the first time that I think I saw Ren blush. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling at the sight. “Thank you, Rin. I can’t wait to raise our baby together,” Ren said as he hugged me close to him. “Me too…” I replied before sm
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Starting a Family
“It sounds very complicated. In my town, weddings are something that you celebrate with your close friends and family in a simple way…” I mumbled. “I’m sure that doesn’t apply if you marry a prince or if you’re becoming the next empress,” Ren said with a laugh. “I guess you’re right…” I said with a nod of my head. “Don’t worry too much. We’ll both have it easy until the day itself. If you’re not too picky, you can leave the preparation to the officials and the staff. They’ll get everything done and if you have any special requests, just let them know and they’ll figure it out,” Ren said before he patted my head. I guess planning my own wedding was out of the question. I was sure that whatever the officials in charge had in mind would be very different to what I wanted. Recalling the minimal version of the wedding dress that Ren once made me wear to appear in court, I shuddered at the thought of the real wedding dress itself and the ceremony involved. “I’ll leave it to them then.
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My Children
Lately Ren has found his work as the emperor boring and repetitive. As a result, he has been spending more time with me and our children. That was a great thing for me and our family, but I wasn’t sure if it was best for the empire. “Shin can take care of most things. He’s unmarried, has no kids, and loves the empire. He’s perfect for the job,” Ren said before laughing loudly. That was his response when I asked him about skipping out on some of his royal duties. It’s been around 7 years now since Ren and I got married but Shin was still as single and free as a bird. Despite our efforts to get him to settle down, Shin had some how successfully evaded the topic of marriage all together. Even an arrangement by the previous emperor couldn’t tie him down. Shin now considers my children as his own and acts as their loving godfather. …When we arrived back at the main palace, I was greeted by my second son, Rem. Rem is more of a carefree spirit compared to Rou. He doesn’t seem super devot
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