All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
222 Chapters
Love on the Battlefield
His hand stroked its way down my body along the plain of my stomach until it reached the heat in between my spread legs. Ren’s skillful fingers began stroking my wetness and my hips bucked at the sudden pleasure of being touched. My pussy throbbed with desire, and it felt so hot inside. “You’re wet…but so tight…” Ren groaned softly as he pushed two fingers into my love hole. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out at the abrupt entrance of his fingers, stretching me, and filling me up deep inside. My pussy clenched around his fingers before I tried to relax around him. “I’m ok…so…please…Ren…” I whispered, inviting him to continue. I appreciated that he was concerned for me; however, I couldn’t wait any longer to be one with him. Apart from my heart, I guess my body also missed him more than I had realized. His hands were on my thighs before he spread my legs wider for him. Ren positioned his thick and erect cock at my entrance. I called his name softly before Ren thrusted his
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Our Best
I looked in slight confusion at the old man standing right outside Ren’s tent as he smiled politely at me. Ren must have sent him to take care of me while he’s gone. So, this is my new babysitter. Although Ren joked that he would put Shin to the job, I knew that they would both be extremely busy. Ren couldn’t possibly let Shin babysit me when he had so many things that he needed to do.“I’m Rin…nice to meet you,” I politely introduced myself. “I’m General Chang. Sorry but…you’re stuck with me until we wrap up the war here and head back,” the general said with a laugh. “Oh no…it’s my pleasure. Thank you for agreeing to do this…I will try my best not to be a burden to you,” I said humbly. The old general burst out laughing at my directness. He had a low and booming voice which echoed everywhere. The way his face creased when he laughed and smiled made me feel that he must be a very kind-hearted man. “I’m a general but I am a very old man. It’s enough that the crown prince still keep
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First Day
If we don’t work fast, the number of patients will pile up in no time. Right now, the queue was manageable, and the wounded didn’t have to wait for long to get medical attention. However, if we slowed down now or if more soldiers arrived, things would head for the worst. Unfortunately, I was reminded of that fateful day when my village was attacked, and I had to work just like this. I closed my eyes and shook the thought away from my mind. Unlike then, we had more advance tools here and we had enough medicine. I had to be content with that for now. The rest was up to us. The same couldn’t be said for the other side of battle. The soldiers from my town probably didn’t have enough of anything to heal their injuries. The next patient arrived, and I banished all thoughts to focus on the work at hand. The sun had started to set when the messenger from the front line arrived bearing news that the fighting had ended for the day. Everyone, including myself, let out a huge sigh of relief. T
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Life and Death
The first week flew by in a blur of events. The second day working in the medical tent was similar to the first. The worst was the third day. It wasn’t like the situation got better on the following days; however, the third day was when war truly broke out and we suffered a high number of casualties. It was brutal and extremely shocking. The other days that followed was the same until somehow, I had gotten used to seeing men dying right in front of my own very eyes. “He’s not going to make it; we should move on…” Mou said sadly. I looked down at the man laying on the stretcher as he struggled to breathe. Mou’s right, this man probably won’t make it. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in the palm of my hands and realized that I was clenching my hand so tightly that my nails were digging into my skin. It was so hard to let go. If I stayed with him, he may live. However, that would mean that someone else here in this tent would have to die. Being torn by these life and death decisi
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A Small Step Towards Victory
“Are you ok? You’re not wounded, right?” I asked to make sure. “Of course, not. I’m here to pick you up. You weren’t back yet so I figured that you were probably still here,” Ren said as he reached out a hand and placed it on my shoulder. “That’s good. I’m about done as well. We can head back…” I said as I smiled up bravely at him. Ren’s eyes looked beyond me at the rows upon rows of men laying on the ground. His eyes narrowed and I felt him stiffen at the sight. It wasn’t an easy sight to behold and for Ren, the burden and responsibility on his shoulders must have suddenly felt heavier at that moment. “Come with me for a bit…” Ren said softly before his hand grasp mine. I followed silently after him as he walked in to greet the wounded soldiers. He crouched down to converse with a few soldiers who still had the energy to talk back. That was when I realized that Ren didn’t just come here to pick me up. His presence truly boosted the morale of the patients. They were truly excited
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The Celebration
By the time Ren had finished his meal, I had given up all hope of going to the celebration. Failing to muster up the courage to ask him to go along with me, I had decided that perhaps it wasn’t all that bad to stay in the tent with Ren for the night just like we always did. I tried my best to ignore the noises of people laughing, cheering, and singing outside even as it continued to get louder. Tomorrow, I can just listen to Mou talk on and on about it while we patch up the wounds of the soldiers. He’s going to ask me if I enjoyed the celebration and then I’m going to have to tell him that I didn’t get to go! Arghhh… I want to go to the celebration! “Rin…” Ren called my name softly from across the table. Quickly, I snapped out of my thoughts. After blinking rapidly, my eyes finally focused on Ren. He was looking at me with a slightly curious look on his face. “…Yes?” I asked, wondering what he wanted. “Do you want to go to the celebration with me?” Ren asked as he cocked his hea
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Finally Here
I could tell from their responses that they were already quite drunk. Regardless, I found their responses very funny and entertaining. Perhaps, meeting them this way was much better than meeting them in a serious or formal setting. I smiled and laughed a little along with them. Everyone seemed so kind and humble. We took our seats at the table where the generals were having fun drinking and chatting. Shin seemed to be a in very good mood too and for once he didn’t seem overly concerned about something. I wondered if it was fine for everyone to be so drunk and carefree like this during war. It was true that we were successful in pushing the enemy back, but the war wasn’t over yet. “Ren…” I called Ren softly. “What is it?” he asked as he leaned his head my way to lend me an ear. “Is it ok for everyone to be so drunk? …the war is still going on so…” I asked hesitantly. “It’s ok. Not everyone is drunk. There are unlucky soldiers and some generals that are not participating in the cel
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No Need to Hold Back
I wondered where this journey would end up taking me…Now that Ren is properly seated, I guess I should go and look around the house. Since I left in a hurry, maybe there are some things here that I should take back with me. First, I should check the bedroom. “I’m just going to look around. You can stay here if you want,” I told Ren as I got up from my seat. Ren watched me silently as I headed towards the bedroom. The bedroom still looks the same. It was also less dusty than the living room, probably because the windows were closed properly, and it was at the back of the house. I started looking around and soon I was absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn’t realize it at first when Ren came up behind me. “Do you remember when we first met?” Ren asked from directly behind me. I turned to face him and nodded. It was a snowy day and while on the way home from the center of town, I found Ren collapsed and unconscious on the snow-covered floor. “Thank you for saving my life back then
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Unleashed Lust
“It was very hard for me to hold back…you have no idea…” Ren whispered once he released my nipple from his mouth. I was panting hard now, and I wasn’t sure if I came a little from his attack on my womanly mounds or not. It felt too good. It felt like I was about to lose my mind. Ren’s fingers stroked a path slowly down from between my breasts down the plain of my stomach. I sucked in a breath as his hand travelled slowly southward until he reached the destination in between my legs. Spreading my legs a little wider, I thrusted my hips up invitingly towards his hands. His fingers delved into my hot wetness as he began stroking up and down the wet slit in between my legs. I bit my lower lip and moaned when his fingers brushed teasingly against my swollen clit. I was so turned on that my clit felt so sensitive. Ren toyed around with my tiny pleasure spot with his fingers, stroking it in circular motions before pinching it softly in between his fingertips. I felt my legs weakened as my
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Talks of Love
Huh?!I lifted my head of his chest and stared at his face in shock. What did he just ask me? I felt heat rise to my cheek and knew that I was blushing red. Hopefully, he couldn’t see so clearly in this darkness. “I wouldn’t lie and say that I fell in love with you at first sight, but I knew that I wanted you the first time that I saw you. Your face with the now falling down all around you was a very enchanting sight,” Ren continued since I was too shocked to reply. “You seem to remember a lot for someone who was on the verge of freezing to death…” I muttered. “Are you feeling shy, my princess?” Ren teased. “No…of course not…” I mumbled. “I fell in love with you when you supported me all the way back to your house and tended to my wound. I told you that I was completely broke, but you still helped me anyways. That was when I felt like I really fell in love with you,” Ren said as he ran his fingers through my long hair. It felt so strange laying in his arms as he confessed his lo
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