All Chapters of Between Them - Promiscuous Series (1,2,3,4): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
181 Chapters
The Desire - 7. Peyton
"Peyton, you are so delicious, baby." She moaned louder to my tongue as I devour her deeper."Babe, Andrew...I'm....fuck!"She was grasping the sheets when I parted her legs wider. But she was becoming impatient when her legs wrapped my back and she pulled me up and kissed my lips making her taste herself. Fuck! so hot! "It's your turn to stay still." She was on top of me in seconds. Her naked pussy was on my abs driving me crazy horny for her. The naked sexy vixen took my wrists and placed them on each side of my head. Then she started kissing me and trailing her sexy lips down to my abs. I thought she was going for my throbbing dick but then she went back up to whispered sexily in my ear. "I've had a threesome with my boss and his boy toy. Did you know that it excites me to see a man takes a dick in his ass?" She bites my ear then whispered, telling me to stay in my bed. She got up and left me erect and horny. Thankfully it wasn't long un
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The Desire - 8. Andrew & Kyle
"I didn't think you like watching Daredevil."Andrew asked me the next morning while we were having breakfast in the small little diner near his apartment."Seriously, watching sexy man running around in tights, always getting hurt just so us girls can see his naked chest as he recuperates?" "Well...if you put it that way, I guess..." "Wounded hero, sensitive good-looking man, humble, lean muscled supple body...""Okay, okay...I get your point." He gave up, annoyed but finally agreed with me. "Yeah?" I teased."Yeah." He chuckled, taking my hand rubbing my knuckles with his warm comforting touches. "So, more men in tights?"He laughed knowing that we are going to watch a movie that afternoon and still didn't know what to pick."I'm seriously considering those horror movies, just to get you spooked then I get to hug and protect you.""Woah, the one where women are running around bouncing half-naked trying not to get chopped off?"
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The Desire - 9. Andrew & Kyle
"Peyton,""Huh?" Andrew's voice brought me back from my thoughts and back to seeing Kyle in his naked glory, all sexy and looking painfully erect from Andrew's punishment. "I said, you can kiss Kyle. But first..." Andrew took off his shirt revealing his sexy abs trailing down to his low-rise jeans. I was still admiring his body when he grabbed my neck and kissed me hard, his hand went under my dress and cupped my ass. I was moaning when his tongue licked my neck and giving me his rough kisses. I didn't realize when he took off my dress and stripped me naked. Kyle was groaning when Andrew took my hand and nudge me to kiss Kyle. My nipples were to his hard-muscled chest my hands were touching his back, and Kyle was kissing me back when I pulled him down for a deeper kiss. I could hear Andrew chuckled when he positioned himself to Kyle's backside. Andrew was taking Kyle's hard dick and guided his tip to my wet cunt. K
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The Desire - 10. Andrew
The weekend was over too soon, and Andrew told me that Peyton was getting back to the city saying she has another appointment with a friend and she's going to refresh her CV trying to get a new job. "So, when is Peyton coming back?"I was making coffee for the college hunk, it used to be our morning routine before I disappeared months ago settling my problems."She said over the weekend but will confirm on Thursday. And you, what's your plan for today?" He was sipping his cup of coffee the moment I put it in front of him. I couldn't believe I left him for months and he was still coming back to my place as if nothing had happened. And just like my stupid old self, I was welcoming him back with open arms. "I'm going to the administration office trying to get back to my classes, get my schedule, talk to my lectures, TA, and a whole lot of school stuff that'll bore you." I was resting my backside to the kitchen counter,
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The Desire - 11. Andrew
That night I was stoned and was fucking him to the point that he was letting me satisfy my hunger.I know I was wrong but I couldn't help myself for wanting him. The handsome player ended up spending the night at my place, and when morning came I decided to be the one who left him in bed. Taking the cold pot of coffee I drink what's left and take another joint, lighting it and inhaling the toxic substance to start the day. "Kyle?" I was still in my boxers resting my back to the kitchen counter while waiting for a fresh brew of my morning coffee. "Hey," my voice was still raspy from last night. "Why are you still smoking that stuff?""You're free to go like always. It's morning already, we've fucked. You're done with me." I shrugged looking at the sexy guy in his low-rise jeans and nothing else. "Kyle, last night..." "...we fucked, I'll see you again tonight or whenever." I took another hit and le
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The Desire - 12. Kyle
It has been three days and I still haven't answered his question. Why?I was back from getting our coffee and joined him back to his bed. That morning I didn't want to leave him, I wanted to stay. If he'd let me.Why?Because I don't want you to leave me.Because everyone leaves me.Because I'm not loveable? "Andrew?" Kyle asked while his eyes looked into mine softly as he sipped his coffee.I drink my coffee then put it aside, then I pulled him in and let him rest on my chest. "I'll tell you why, if you promised to stop with the weeds." "You don't get to tell me what to do if you're not being honest with me.""Fair enough." I finally sighed and rest my hand on the back of my head, while my other hand still rubbed his backside. "Before coming here I was in a threesome relationship, we were in love with each other. But I feel like something was missing, still have no idea up until now."K
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The Desire - 13. Javier
"So, you're back? how's your holiday, Kyle?" the sexy professor asked when I stepped into his office and sits on one of the available chairs across from him. "It was a family matter, Sir." God...I could never get enough of his handsome face. At forty-something, he has the body of a twenty years old model.Must've been something in his Hispanic genes."Right, what can I do for you?" he got up from his seat, roll up his sleeves revealing his deep rich colored sexy arms with the sexy visible veins from his too many workout session. The older man rests his ass on his desk and crosses his arms to his chest.Sitting in front of him, so close to his front, I finally cleared my throat making him let out his manly deep laughter.He was back to his feet and walked across his office to lock his door. That was not the first time he was locking me inside his office. He was my first older man, my first forbidden fruit and it seems
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The Desire - 14. Benjamin
"Yeah? you think she'd take me in? I can get my referrals ready for the interview. You think you can slip my name to HR?"Jacqueline and I were meeting up for lunch, we were talking about how I'm still looking to find a suitable PA position for my next employment. "I can surely ask since Gary got snatched by his billionaire and left the company,  Kamaria kept changing her PA. None was fitting enough for her working style. She's the kind of woman who'd like to meet you personally rather than going to HR.""That's even better." I smiled at Jacqueline, truly hoping I'll get the job. I was getting bored out of my mind from not doing anything. And I'll take any kind of PA job, thinking it could be for my next stepping stone. "But, there's also one favor I'd like to ask of you. I was setting up this lunch to introduce you to my friend. He' do I say this, he's one of Kamaria's favorites but lately he's been too clingy with the clients."
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The Desire - 15. Kyle
I was contemplating on going to his apartment, he had professed his love for me and it made me think about him. I honestly don't know whether to carry on or to stop. But I finally gave up when my needs for him get the best of me. I slipped into his unit and put his spare key on the kitchen counter. "Kyle?" I was surprised to see him on his little balcony. He was drinking his whiskey, almost a bottle out. The handsome man was looking at the night sky with his empty stare and I was worried instantly. "Hey, are you okay?""Andrew...hey, sure, I'm not smoking." He looked at me, taking another drink. "It's freezing outside, maybe we should get inside?" He looked different as if he has a lot on his mind. "...I fucked a married man today, my professor. After I told you that I love you." He let out a cynical laugh and finish his glass. I was a bit taken back, but looking at him I can't deny that he was feeling the guilt. And he was drinking h
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The Desire - 16. Andrew
I can feel his warmth as I snuggled in closer to him. "Morning." His deep voice greeted me, and I was wrapping my hand to his body not wanting to let him go. Not just yet. I know he would leave me and go about his day. But that morning, after last night... I wanted him longer than our previous ones. "Kyle? what is it? is it the hangover?""A bit, but stay... please..."I rest my head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. That morning I wish nothing more but to have him after his nightly stay."Let me get you some water, I'll be back. I promised." He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. I nodded and let him go and took his pillow instead.He was my hangover, I was still lulled by his intoxicating aura, still wanting him again after last night. And I groaned when I need to take a piss, forcing me to leave the comfort of my bed."Oh, fuck!" I groaned when the headache hits as I get out of bed. But I made it to the bat
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