All Chapters of Between Them - Promiscuous Series (1,2,3,4): Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
181 Chapters
The Lovers - 30. Fabrizio
Hugh's POVIt was four days after our first time together, Fabrizio had gone out of the country the very next day for his meeting abroad, while Ethan decided to move his things to the billionaires' mansion on that same day because he didn't have full-day class and I was stuck in our apartment alone since then.Since then also the thoughts were emerging in my head, what am I doing with them? I was a straight man with a beautiful girlfriend and purpose in life which was to finish school and get a good job and make a name for myself and dammed my dad to hell for always telling me what a failure I was.But at that time I was starting to feel like I was failing. Ethan has been calling me to go there, but I have been saying that I was busy. I have my clothes and my books packed already, but my dad's image kept on coming back to me until I didn't realize that I fall asleep watching my favorite channel and dreamt of him.I woke up drench in sweat when I heard the
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The Lovers - 31. Ethan
Hugh's POVEthan greeted us once we arrived at his mansion. Fabio kissed him and told him to help me settle down. Though I was busy admiring the structure and architectural design of the grand foyer of his mansion. "Hugh, you can look around later. I'll even give you the grand tour." Ethan pulled me in for his strong and sexy kiss. "I've missed you." He didn't ask anything he just wrapped his arms around my body and give me more of his kisses making me moan, and he finally smirked when he got my full attention. Fabrizio was already gone when his butler whispered something to his side. And I was quick to follow Ethan upstairs where he ushered me to my room. "He fucked you didn't he? you got that look." Ethan asked when he dropped his body to the spacious bed. The room was big and decorated with the most minimal and expensive taste. The high ceilings windows captured my eyes in seconds. "You're not jealous?" I asked while looking out the window t
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The Lovers - 32. Fabrizio & Hugh
I had never felt this content in my life before. I have my sexy man who loves me in return, while my other lover is in the same house. I could never ask for a perfect setting. "Why do we have separate bedrooms?" Hugh asked when he comes to my bedroom all dressed and fresh after our previous sexual encounter. I was still buttoning my shirt when he came up from behind me and kissed my cheek while looking at me from the full body mirror in front of me."Just because he can, I guess... come on let's not keep him waiting, okay?" I turned around and gave him a little kiss then walked with him to the dining room. Fabrizio was already waiting for us. He was still in his working attire, sleeves rolled casually to his arms and the tie was gone already. I could see his beautiful tan chest peeking from the top of his white crisp shirt.The dining table was a beautiful dark wood piece, it matches the décor of his large modern mansion perfectly, the chairs looked big a
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The Lovers - 33. Hugh, Fabrizio & Peyton
Days turn to weeks and we were having the honeymoon stage of our relationship and were busy playing house in his mansion. We would go back straight to Fabrizio's after campus and would lounge or do our assignments by the pool. I spent a lot of time swimming and I was liking our daily habits. Up until I got a call from Andrew saying that he would like to meet up. "He's checking in on me..." I was explaining as Hugh saw his name flashes on my screen. "Why? I thought you guys are done." Hugh was showing off his jealousy in seconds. I smiled at him and sit on his lap, we were waiting for Fabio to get back from his evening meeting. Hugh was resting his back on the headboard, he was taking a break from his school work. His assignments were still scattered all over his work desk. "I'm liking this side of you, I haven't seen it in a while." He was making me straddle him in seconds, and made me grind him while pulling me down for his signature passionate ki
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The Lovers - 34. Ethan & Fabrizio
Hugh's POV Two hours later Fabio joins us when we were in the kitchen having our very late dinner. "You're sure you want to come with?" Ethan asked teasing me. But I fail to answer him when I smelled a woman's perfume as Fabio greeted us with his kiss."You've been with a woman?" I blurted out my question, making our so-called sugar daddy chuckled which I didn't find it amusing at all. The sparks of jealousy that I have for him were new. I get why I would feel that way with Ethan, but I didn't love Fabio. So, the feeling was a weird one for me. "Yes, my assistant Peyton. Ethan had the pleasure of her acquittance already."His words made me look at Ethan, he just shrugged and smiled at me."How many more are we doing this with?" I looked at both of them feeling upset that no one was telling me anything about another woman in our mix. It was getting a bit overwhelming already for me with the three of us. "She won't be joining us.""So just
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The Lovers - 35. Hugh & Fabrizio
"So, what's the argument about?""Huh?" "Back at the apartment, with Andrew."The French runaway student and I were soaking the ocean breeze, sunbathing on the beach lounger.The question was an easy one, I would probably explain it last night if the freakishly cute guy by my side was not too exhausted from his punishment. We were sipping margaritas which were made by one of Fabio's minions. Yes, he was bringing his essentials for his vacation mode. Fabrizio got his driver to bring his and our stuff to the beach house when he decided to take the holidays off of work. Yes, surprisingly the rich billionaire was a workaholic and works on holidays. "Well, I told him everything. First, me being a sugar baby, then about my sugar daddy, then about you. He was fine with you, but he was really pissed with me using my delectable body as a means of earning money..." I kept on talking, while Hugh nodded to my answer. I couldn't keep my eyes away fr
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The Lovers - 36. Hugh & Fabrizio
Fabrizio was already wearing his white crisp shirt and black work pants, the simple working attire would look dull on any man. But he was wearing it with his manly aura, the rolled-up sleeves on his arms were the only indication that he was working casually. He was talking in front of his laptop when he saw us quietly entering the bedroom, the only one with a desk big enough for his laptop and thick journal. His back was to the window, the lighting was enough that the mid-morning sun was all he needed for his light source. Our sexy billionaire raised his eyebrow to us but keep on talking and back to looking at the laptop screen. "As I said before, let the production team carry on and legal will work on the matter and everything should be finished at the same time. NO, I want it done in TWO months. Listen, anyone who said they can't do it...can leave this meeting right now..."We were still in our tiny swim briefs, Hugh was a bit tipsy from the cocktail mix wh
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The Lovers - 37. Fabrizio & Ethan
Hugh's POVThe beach getaway ended too soon, three days with them flies by like a blip. By the time we got back to his mansion, we were closer with a deeper bond to each other. I never expected our relationship to last, but I knew deep down it would leave a deep impact when Fabio decided to trade us for his new favorite toy. In that three days, I've gotten to know Fabio better. He was caring, though sometimes arrogant and obnoxious but he did stay off from work as he told us he would. And in that three days, aside from enjoying each other sexually, we took the time to relax. Then taking in the view and also talking, he even looked at my school work and completed me on my drawings. "I know you will have a bright future ahead of you. Your calculations and drawings looked solid, some of my best guys could learn from these." Fabio complimented on my drawings when he saw a couple of them lying around after I made a few sketches for my school project. It
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The Lovers - 38. Hugh & Ethan
Fabrizio's POV"I'm so sorry dad." "I killed her...""I'm sorry..."Hugh mumbled the words in his sleep with his raspy voice.The once naughty boy asked for a shower after they had finished taking his photographs and he had endured the gruesome and humiliating evidence collection for his dad's prosecution. Everything was done to his pace, my security guy had called in their best resources from the local precinct to process the case most quietly and quickly manner. He even managed to wake the judge, making sure that his fucked up dad wouldn't get bailed out knowing that he has connection and money, and had gotten away with this situation before. I hated myself for feeling so powerless when I looked at Ethan taking care of Hugh. He didn't want me there, Ethan said that he was embarrassed with the whole situation. Hours later, Hugh was sedated and lying to his front since his backside was severely damaged from all the beatings and whipping.
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The Lovers - 39. Hugh & Ethan
Fabrizio's POVPeyton came by the house early that morning, she tried to kiss me, and strangely I was not feeling it. The last two weeks have been a nightmare. I kept checking back on Hugh, making sure that he has everything that he needed. Ethan would comfort me when night came where I usually have a difficult time and kept on blaming myself. And sometimes Hugh would have his nightmares and we would comfort him. But moments after I was the next person who would need Ethan's affection. I haven't been out of the country since the incident, I would go to work and was back home the moment I was done with all of my meetings. There was no staying late at the office and overworking myself anymore. I started giving out more responsibilities to my chiefs of staff and finding more time for Hugh and be home with my boys. "You know I'm better right?" Hugh slithered his arm across my naked chest. "I know baby,""You know I'm perfectly safe here?""
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