All Chapters of THE JOURNEY TO PARADISE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
The pattering sound of rain woke Louisa up from her deep slumber. She groaned tiredly, lazily feeling her bedside table for her phone so she could check the time. It was two thirty a.m, and she didn't even have to go to work early as she had called her assistant the night before, explaining to her that she had a family emergency and therefore couldn't make it to work at her usual time of eight o'clock.The woman got up to close her curtains, and grabbed her bathrobe, heading to her daughter's room to make sure the curtains had been closed over there as well. Isabel slept soundly... she didn't even stir when her mother turned on the lights. Louisa silently closed the curtains and waltzed towards the young teen, pulling the covers over her shoulders gently and giving her a kiss on the forehead.She stood there for a moment, looking at the girl as she slept, lost in thought as she recalled what had happened the day before.William finally knew he had a daughter!Gos
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Louisa and William pulled away from each other awkwardly, William wearing a proud look on his face, Louisa, an embarrassed one on hers."Chris!" She exclaimed in a voice she clearly recognised wasn't hers. "I-- uh, wasn't expecting you today.""Oh yes," Chris responded absentmindedly, moving away from the door to stand behind one of the chairs across Louisa's desk... right next to William. He glanced at his friend... or was it ex-friend now? He really didn't know. All he knew was that he desperately wanted to bash the bastard's face in, but he surprisingly kept himself in check."Hello William." He greeted calmly."Hello Chris," William replied as well, feeling a sense of hate towards his friend. He knew they had both agreed to give one another equal opportunities to pursue the beautiful woman who was currently observing the scene before her with awkward tentativeness, but he was beginning to regret his decision.You could call him insecure... but truth be t
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"Did I do something wrong mum?" Isabel cautiously asked, sitting up in alarm. Her mother rarely called her by her full name, mostly, only when she had done something bad, so you can imagine how she felt... especially when she couldn't remember doing anything her mother wouldn't like."Oh honey, no no. You haven't." Louisa said, taking the young teen's hands in hers."This time, I'm the one at fault here. I did something I'm not proud of, I lied to you... and now I want to tell you the truth. You definitely deserve that much Isa.""What is it mum? You're scaring me. Tell me what it is already." The child said, slightly agitated.Louisa sighed. "I lied about not knowing your father Isabel." She felt her heart break when her daughter pulled her hand away from hers, slowly shaking her in confusion."Why would you lie mum?" She asked, trying desperately to understand. "You said you didn't know who he was."Louisa tried to reach out for her child, but Isabel
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******Reggie woke up with a groan. God! Her head hurt so bad.She didn't know where she was, and a groggy look at her person told her she had no clothes on.She then noticed the body lying right beside her... definitely male, attractive too and missing a shirt, and that was when she began to freak out.God she was so screwed.It was all coming back to her now... Yaayaa' s intervention,The time at the club,The man she met at the lounge and how she had spilled her drink all over him.... She couldn't really remember anything else after that. Fuck! How had they gotten to this?She quietly stood up, frantically looking for her clothes... and that's when the mysterious man woke up."God! My head fucking hurts." She heard him groan loudly and she stopped her search to snap at him."Could you keep it down?"Chris's eyes widened in disbelief. His groggy brain somehow piecing everything together. He had a one night stand? He... of all
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"You?!" Chris sputtered angrily, glaring at Reggie with widely opened eyes. "What are you doing here?! Are you stalking me?!" He asked incredulously becoming more agitated when Reggie rolled her eyes."Oh, get off your high horse!" She scolded rudely, folding her arms in a confrontational stance. "I should be the one asking you what you're doing here, you're the one who appeared in front of William's door after all."Chris turned to William angrily. "Do you know her?" He watched as William looked on in confusion, muttering a soft "Yeah."William cleared his throat and tried to be more focused. "Chris, this is Reggie, the wifey... or at least she used to be... and Reggie this is Chris Ayettey, my partner and very good friend.""Oh fuck." The two simultaneously whispered to William's increasing bafflement. "What's going on guys?" He looked from one to the other. "Do you know each other?"Reggie pulled her gaze away from the sexy stranger she had now come to le
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The concert had ended, and everyone was outside... socialising, with some parents and families trying to console their children who didn't manage to win a prize, others taking pictures to celebrate their ward's success.Isabel had managed to bag the third prize but for some reason, the atmosphere was quite tense and awkward.Of course, it hadn't been like that in the beginning.First, she had run into her mother and grandmother's arms to show off her beautiful trophy and wrapped present...Then she had proceeded to Naa Larley and Mike who had ruffled her hair while his wife had hugged her in turn, wishing her congratulations,but when she got to her father, the poor girl didn't know what to do, so she just stood there,frozen.William was hurt at his daughter's acknowledgement of the others and her confusion on how to react around him but he took it all in good faith...He was the one who had let her live without him after all, so as much as i
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About four months had passed since the musical concert, and Naa Larley was almost due.Everyone was excited but scared at the same time given her age, but Louisa had been with her every step of the way, and so had her amazing husband, Mike. Louisa found it amusing and cute how the couple didn't want to know the gender, wanting the thrill of the element of surprise and all.Now, back to Louisa.Her daughter's relationship with William was going super strong. He was the ever loving, doting father, and it almost seemed like he had never left. In fact, the two had gotten so close, Louisa was beginning to doubt her once unflinching belief that she was the favorite parent.The young teen spent some weekends over at his, and when she couldn't, he was always by at their house,Visiting, and of course trying every means possible to win Louisa back.It amazed Louisa how he had bonded so fast with her mother and always amused her whenever she got back from work, t
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Isabel ran up the stairs to her room ignoring the voice of her grandmother calling out her name.She locked her door and collapsed on her purple-covered bed in tears.The young girl had just gotten her father back and he was leaving all over again, and her little heart couldn't understand why this was happening.He loved her mum, and she loved him too. What more was needed?The anger in her rose with each intake of breath.Her mother was to blame for all this, why couldn't she just accept him back so they could move on?She sniffed some more and hugged her pillow closer to her chest.****God what had she done?Louisa was realizing now just how foolish she had been.She now knew that the saying was very true.You only knew you really loved someone when you let them go.She wasn't going to lose William for the second time... especially over something as small as fear that she'd lose him again.What had she been thinking
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Louisa dashed towards the reception area of the Danpong Hospital. "Hi, I'm looking for a Naa Larley Hooper, she's been admitted here for labour reasons." She told one of the nurses who promptly checked to see if someone had been admitted under that name."We do have one Naa Larley Hooper here ma'am, but I'm afraid visiting hours are over, so you'll have to go and come back another-"Louisa leaned in menacingly, her nose almost touching the highly frightened nurse's. "Listen to me carefully, miss..."She glanced at her name tag. "...Felicia, I get that you're doing your job and all, but my sister is in there... and she needs me. This is her first pregnancy, and her husband is in there all alone with her, with no idea of what he could possibly do to help her out, and he's freaking out!"William reached for her and pulled her back gently. Turning to the now subdued nurse he begged sheepishly, with a dashing smile. "Please forgive her, you must understand that she's
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Mrs. Mensah entered her daughter's dressing room and burst into tears at the glorious sight."Wow, mama... if the dress is that horrible, you can just say so, there's really no need for crying." Louisa teased with a smile.Mrs. Mensah laughed through her tears. "You know that's not why I'm crying, Lou. You look so amazing in your dress, and I've been waiting so long for this moment."The old woman sniffed, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. "Your father would be so happy wherever he is."Louisa smiled and wrapped her arms around her mum, tears in her own eyes. "To be honest with you, mama. I thought I'd never get married, and look at me now, tying the knot with the very same person who had taught me that love conquers all."Another four months had passed after the birth of Naa Larley's son, Christopher Nolan Nana Kwame Hooper, and in that period, a whole lot had happened.For instance, Louisa had gotten rid of all her doubts with William and was now r
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