All Chapters of THE JOURNEY TO PARADISE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Two years later"No young lady, that skirt is a tad bit too short, go change." Louisa admonished disapprovingly as her now fifteen year-old daughter sashayed down the stairs towards her."But mum, this is the new fashion tr-""I don't want to hear it Isa, go get changed. Now." The stern mum cut in, lips pressed in an end-of-discussion manner."Ugh, I hate my life, you're so annoying." The teen groaned out loudly, turning back on her heel to stomp up the stairs, obviously going to do her mother's bidding.William walked in from the front door at that moment and so happened to catch the last bit of the conversation. "What was that about?" He asked curiously as he pressed a soft kiss on his wife's lips."Oh, that's just Isa being a normal Gen Z brat, I swear I can't understand them sometimes." Louisa complained tiredly, melting into her husband's arms. She had missed him dearly, and was grateful to have him back after two weeks of being away on a business
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32. BONUS CHAPTER (II) part one
BONUS CHAPTER (II) part one “Isabel!! Are you done?” Louisa hollered at her daughter from downstairs, her head shaking in slight irritation. She couldn’t believe the sixteen year old. Her own prom night, and she was late. Christian Senior High, Isabel’s school didn’t really follow the Ghanaian norms when it came to doing things. They had homecoming, wrote GSCE’s and did other things most secondary schools in Ghana didn’t do. They were technically an international institution founded in England, so it wasn’t really surprising to see them take a detour from the way things were done, but there was a beautiful catch; they always tried to display the Ghanaian culture when it came to their school shows and activities, claiming it was a way to make students more appreciative of their Ghanaian identity. Isabel had decided to go to prom dressed as an Ashanti warrior queen, and as she slowly waltzed down the stairs in her stunning, dazz
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33. BONUS CHAPTER (II) part two
BONUS CHAPTER II (PART 2)“Do you think we should head over to Melissa’s first so we all go together?” Isa asked thoughtfully as Sylvester drove them away from her house to their school.“Naah, I don’t really think it’s necessary, we’ll see them anyway… or?”Isabel shrugged. She had no idea why the protective feeling she had for her best friend was setting in again. Melissa was dating this handsome guy, and former bad boy, Nathan Ashton. They had been going strong for almost three years now, and Nathan was really the best, but Isabel didn’t trust him, and from the look of things, it didn’t look like she was ever going to anytime soon.I mean, once a bad boy, always a bad boy… right?Isabel was praying that a time would never come when she would be proved right.“Come on, Is… what’s got you in the doldrums?” She heard Sylvester faintly
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34. BONUS CHAPTER (III) part one
BONUS CHAPTER (III) part oneLouisa drove into the huge driveway of what used to be her home but now belonged to her mum, and she suddenly turned nostalgic.She missed her father.She remembered her childhood days. She had been much closer to him than her mum, so it didn’t really surprise her that her daughter, Isabel was the same with her dad, William. Her mother really hadn’t had a problem with it and if she was being honest, neither did she.Besides, Louisa believed that mothers would always have this special bond with their children that fathers wouldn’t be able to have, particularly with their daughters.They could ask them about sensitive questions they wouldn’t even dare to ask their fathers, and other cool stuff like that. Louisa was quick though to admit that not all mothers were free with their daughters in that sense, and she knew that she had been among the few lucky ones… in the same way that her
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35. BONUS CHAPTER (III) part two
BONUS CHAPTER (III) part two“You’re seeing someone as in a man?”Mrs. Mensah scoffed in amusement. Apparently the shock had cleared her daughter’s processing functions. “Yes Louisa.” She confirmed with a chuckle. “I’m seeing someone as in a man.”Louisa still wanted to be absolutely sure that her mum was talking about the same thing she was. “As in you’re seeing this man romantically?” She pressed.“Are you sure you’re alright, Louisa? Of course I’m seeing him romantically. You’re not the only one who deserves a happy ever after, you know?” Came the reply.“B-But what about dad, Mama?  You-you told me you could never ever love any man like you love him. Or have you forgotten so soon?”The middle-aged woman was broken-hearted. A few minutes ago, she had been feeling the loss of her father’s death all over again, and fe
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Bonus chapter (IV)- Steamy
Bonus chapter 4- steamy   William Blankson was exhausted. He had been holed up in his home study for almost six hours, but he was nowhere near closing the deal. Damn his business partners for being just as stubborn as he was. He could literally be doing anything else… anything else but this. But his close friend and business partner, Chris Ayettey, who usually handled these aspects of business had travelled, leaving him all alone to deal with it. He had been so busy in the past week that he had barely had time for his family… and from the look of things, this week was not going to be any different. He didn’t like that one bit. He yearned for his wife—yearned for their interesting banter, yearned for her kisses, her touch. Perhaps a holiday was the solution to their problems. Heaven knew that Louisa had been just as busy as him, if not more even. Her law firm was starting to gain internatio
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REGGIE AND CHRIS- A night of forgetting
REGGIE AND CHRIS- A night of forgetting Christian Ayettey thought himself to be a cowardly nerd. I mean, granted… he had shed the scrawny-boy-in-glasses look over the years, but he was still very much the same inside. He may have gained muscle, gained confidence, lots of money and all of that shit, but he was still very much that same boy when it came to women. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. He had been pinning after Louisa Mensah way back in college, when she was just a young girl passionate about seeking justice for the innocent. He had been by her side when her heart had been shattered by her devastating breakup. He had been her friend way before Naa Larley had entered their lives. Even then, he had been in love with her. But he had been scared. Scared that the love he felt for her was only one-sided. Scared that their friendship would be compromised if he told her how s
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REGGIE AND CHRIS- The morning after
REGGIE AND CHRIS- The morning afterReggie woke up with a groan.God!Her head hurt so badly.She couldn’t tell where she was, but she was positive that it definitely not her room. Her room wasn’t this big, and her room definitely didn’t have floor to ceiling windows.Fuck.Her eyes weren’t used to such brightness first thing in the morning.Wait.She didn’t even know if it was still morning yet.A groggy look at her person told her she had no clothes on.She couldn’t remember anything.What had happened last night?She was trying so hard to recall, but all she could come up with was nothing.Reggie tried to get out of bed, her hand grasping weakly at the covers to make way for her to crawl out. She had been right, the bed was definitely not hers. It was too huge and way more comfortable. The graceful woma
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REGGIE AND CHRIS- We meet again (part 1)
REGGIE AND CHRIS- We meet again (part 1)The door to William’s office flew open and he waltzed in, looking impeccable as ever.Reggie waited for the usual butterflies she got whenever he was in her presence or in the vicinity even, but it never came.The feeling was so sudden… so unexpected that it had her questioning if she had really loved him.Because looking at him now, she felt… nothing.Had her feelings for him been a desperate, last resort by her brain to make a connection with somebody? Was she ever going to feel the joy of a true connection with someone that was specially made just for her and only her?Was she ever going to find her soul mate?The blue eyed man was wary, that much she could tell. She couldn’t even fault him for feeling that way, especially when the last time they had last seen each other didn’t end on such a great note.She gave him a small smile.
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REGGIE AND CHRIS- We meet again (part 2)
REGGIE AND CHRIS- We meet again (part 2)Chris settled heavily in the chair facing William's desk.He was honestly speaking, an amalgamation of emotions.He couldn't really describe how he was feeling, all he knew was that, he hadn't been the same after the incident two weeks ago.He felt so bad, and that feeling was causing him to be distant with Louisa and everyone else.She had called in the first week to check up on him, but after his dull, seemingly angry tone and one worded answers, she had stopped.Chris guessed it was to give him space and that made him feel much worse.He knew he hadn't technically done anything wrong but the feeling still gnawed at his bones.And now he had gone after William's ex.True, he didn't know who she was, but he had been super close to breaking the bro code.He had been so pissed seeing her standing with William like that, and honestly speaking, the first thing that had co
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