All Chapters of Alpha's Blind Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
250 Chapters
Chapter 20
“Lucy, don’t say it like that. We are going to build a pack and ask nicely when the time comes.” AJ laughed, leaning back on the stool he sat down on. My eyes stared at Lucy as she held my gaze. I was trying to rationalize what I just heard. The thought had crossed my mind that I would eventually like to have my own pack. Staying at the castle for the rest of my life wasn’t necessarily appealing to me, I didn’t really know how to begin. Really, I had thought I would start with my Luna and work our way through the world. Maybe picking up some of the good apples amongst the rogues and building from there. Usually, the king would take over his families pack but I refused since I didn’t want to take away anything from Týr. That left me packless for the first time in recorded history. Alpha King Odin did have a pack but chose to leave it. Though, he did end up building a new pack from what I knew of the genealogy book. I just hadn’t really nailed down the specifics. Now, I was being told
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Chapter 21
I sat on the edge of a small cliff that was not too far from the house. Further east was a waterfall from a stream that wrapped around the territory but that was further than I wanted to go. The air blew through my hair and I had my leg pulled up, the other dangling off the edge. It was sunny and so the rock beneath me was warm since the trees didn’t grow this close to the edge. It overlooked the rest of the forest that dropped down about thirty or so feet. It was peaceful. There weren’t any sounds outside of the wind, the rustling of the trees, and the creatures in the forest. I found a place that I escaped to outside of the High Council castle as well. Here though, was familiar and safe. A place where my head could just not think of all the things I needed to do, all the duties and problems of the world. Naresh also sat quietly in my head as we looked out. At some point, I closed my eyes and slipped into a meditative state. I heard someone come up behind me and I looked back, seein
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Chapter 22
***Ezekiel’s POV*** I sat in my office looking down at the paperwork in front of me. The same paper had been in front of me for the last half hour but I couldn’t bring myself to comprehend what I was reading. My mind wandered more and more lately. In my dreams, I found myself back at the High Council, roaming the corridors of castle. It was a never ending maze and at every turn I could smell him; fresh baked bread and basil. Rose had tried to explain to me what it meant to have a mate, what it was like when she met Cory. I didn’t understand until now. It was harder though, so much harder. The first day I saw him, stepping forward as the Alpha King Vale, I was shocked. I remember Leo having to get my attention after he spoke. His words flowed over me and I felt myself being carried away. I wanted him. I want to walk into his arms and never leave. It was only when he backed away, disappeared from my line of sight that it all came crashing down on me. I remember shaking like a leaf and
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Chapter 23
My eyes opened and I was in an unfamiliar forest. I was glad it wasn’t the tight space of the castle that I normally dreamed. The trees grew taller here than at home and they provided much more of a canopy. It even smelled different. It was still clear and crisp but the trees weren’t the same and the grass wasn’t the same. My feet were bare and I was wearing the sweats that I had on when I fell into bed after my shower. The grass felt cool and I thought this dream was surprisingly realistic for what I had been dealing with the past months. Though the first time I dreamed about him was an experience I don’t think my ass would forget. I shivered from the memory. The wind blew through the trees and I turned to follow the breeze. My eyes fell on my mate. He was leaning against a tree, eyes closed, wearing nothing but boxers. I let my eyes roam over his body. He seemed different from when I first saw him but then, I was comparing him to a dream I had which was already weird. His eyes open
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Chapter 24
We sat on the floor, her legs were draped over mine as her back leaned against my broken bed. My back was against the wall and her fingers were intertwined in mine. “So…you saw him from a balcony twice. You know he is your mate. You keep dreaming about him and this time you met him, you talked. It did not go well and you woke up.” I nodded, my head was leaned back against the wall, and my eyes were closed. Somewhere in the middle of the explanation, I had stopped crying. It didn’t feel better though, my heart still hurt with every beat. “How do you know if he actually hates you?” “You didn’t see his face that day, Rose. Leo could tell you. It nearly brought me to my knees. He was livid. He was still fair and still advised the council on our situation but he was so angry. He didn’t even stay for the rest of the meeting, he left and slammed the door so loud behind him even some of the High Councilors flinched.” She nodded but narrowed her eyes. “How do you know that it was even him
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Chapter 25
I curled my fingers up into a fist and let loose on the tree in front of me. Every single punch made splinters fly as I punched further and further into the wood. One, two, three…. Faris growled and I started to go faster. …eleven, twelve, thirteen… I stopped training with the boys almost two weeks ago. After the fiasco that happened at the training grounds, I had elders and doctors up my ass for a week after that. They all came to the conclusion that I was fine, something both Rose and I knew but the entire pack now wondered if I was on my death bed. …thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five… I still could barely eat but I did make an effort to eat more than I had been. It wasn’t helping though. Now, Leo was starting to hound me and wouldn’t let me alone. Even when Rose told him off, he would come back minutes later as soon as she walked away. The only time I ever got some peace and quiet was when I snuck away for my own personal training. 'Alpha, we need you at the pack house.'
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Chapter 26
Auri pulled her hair up into a ponytail and stripped down into a sports bra and the leggings she was wearing. I knew she was older but she was stunning, even for a werewolf. Her eyes were a stormy grey and her hair was white. It reminded me a little of my mate’s hair. Hers looked natural though and I wondered just how old she really was. She was small but the amount of muscle packed into her was shocking. I pulled off my shirt as well and tied my sweats tighter. As she stretched, I did as well. We had run all the way up here so I was already warmed up but I still made sure I was loose. Not saying a word, she reached out and waved me forward to attack. I took her signal and raced forward. However, I held back as I threw my punch. It wasn’t until I saw her face inches from mine that I knew I fucked up. My feet left the ground as I flew back from her punch. Landing on all fours, I coughed and tried to catch my breath but she had hit me so hard, all the air in my lungs was gone. “Holy…”
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Chapter 27
I walked back into the pack house late. Surprisingly, they had been completely open with everything. They joked and laughed and either Hector or Lucy added what Auri said, who was hilariously uncensored. It got to the point where Lucy or Hector would blush and refuse to say what she said, leaving AJ or Jax to say it. For some reason, it felt really comfortable to sit at the table with them. It felt like when I sat with Leo, Rose and Cory, except this group was exceptionally louder. You could also tell that they all had been through much more. Especially Auri, Hector, and Bryan. The way they carried themselves was different and I wondered if it was only because of the war that they fought in or if it was more. “Zeke, what the hell man?” I closed the front door to the pack house and Leo, Owen, Cory and Rose were waiting for me, sitting in the living room. “Goddess! Look at your face Zeke!” Rose looked at me, worried but I waved her off. “Don’t get up, Rose. I’m fine. It’s just the
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Chapter 28
I opened my eyes and sighed. Luckily, the sheets were thrown off or I would need to wash the sheets again. My body was drenched in sweat and I groaned. Rolling off the bed, I quickly jumped in the shower, washing off my stomach specifically. I don’t know how many times I had released but it was more than once. The cold shower felt good but sadly, it woke me up as well. The clock reminded me it was 3:15 a.m. but I wasn’t going back to sleep. Not now. My stomach did growl and I realized that even after three bowls of soup and cake, that my body had decided that it was out of starvation mode. Throwing on some sweats, I decided it should be okay without a shirt at least in the pack house. Opening the door, I checked the hallway but everyone seemed to be asleep still. Walking down the hall and into the kitchen, I dug around for some leftovers in the refrigerator. There was a container of lasagna and I threw it into the microwave before grabbing a fork. I took a bite and gagged. Leaning ov
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Chapter 29
Morgan and Auri had moved their conversation to inside the tent but somehow I got roped into the tent as well. Now, they were sitting at the table, coffee in front of both of them while I had a feast in front of me. Auri had made an entire breakfast spread for me. “The boy may be a werewolf but I don’t think he can eat this much, princess.” Morgan chuckled as he took out a cigarette packet and hit it against his hand. 'He’s my son, Papa. I’ll treat him exactly how I treat all my children.' Auri smiled and took a sip of her coffee. Her words made my face go red, her already accepting me as her son. I hadn’t felt this kind of warmth since I got my wolf. Once it was apparent that I was not going to be as strong of an Alpha as my brother, my parents focused their attention on my brother. Then to my nephew. I hadn’t actually spoken to my mother in years and I felt a pang of jealously before I stuffed it down. My eyes widened as I watched Morgan pass a cigarette to Auri and light it for
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