All Chapters of Alpha's Blind Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
250 Chapters
Chapter 40
*** Vale’s POV *** I was laying on our bed, sprawled out in nothing but some gym shorts. Three days of hell. Three days of feeling like I was being thrown into a blender and pulverized. My cocky self had gotten both me and my mate into a world of pain. I thought when Hector and I were sparring back home, that was his final gear. It was not. Hell, he cranked it up maybe two or three gears. Now, I knew why Bryan said Hector could actually hold his own for a while with Mom. I sighed, closing my eyes. It has been three days and still not sign of her. She hadn’t come back and both Bryan and Hector said to not go looking for her. But three days was a long time. My heart hurt and guilt ate away at me. I knew I fucked up. When she blasted the load bearing support for the whole house, I knew I fucked up. My mom and I rarely had fights. This would probably be considered the worse. The one after she found Tyr and a fighting being a close second. We were too similar to have fights. We understoo
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Chapter 41
I sat at the desk looking over papers. The High Council was sending me over the multitude of requests and issues going on so I could weed through them to see what fires needed to be put out. It seemed like an uphill battle though. Weeks had gone by. Weeks and still not a single word from my mom. She didn’t even acknowledge me. It wasn’t a childish ‘tell Vale this’ or ‘relay this message to him’ or even just writing something down. No, it was as though I wasn’t even home. Ezekiel tried to talk to her after the first week but to no avail. You could even see the slight worry in Hector and Bryan’s eyes. My tablet was next to me with the current roster of people in the pack. We had a good amount of warriors. A lot of the families from the old captains from Harvest Moon came to join the pack. Their kids taking up the mantle since most of the other captains had retired. I was sending groups of three usually to each issue, helping put out the spots that were coming up. The problem was the a
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Chapter 42
“Vale?” Ezekiel’s voice sounded cracked and dry. I opened my eyes, looking down at him. “Hey, little Alpha. You doing okay?” He nuzzled further into my chest. “I…never want to go through that again.” Chuckling, I kissed his forehead. “I’m glad your coherent again. Come on, let’s get you out of this water. Get some water into you.” He nodded and I scooped him up in my arms. Ignoring the pain in my arm, I knew that even with my werewolf healing, it would take days for my arm to recover. Naresh was quiet in the back of my mind, tired from the continuous healing. I remembered what Hector said about my mom, that her wolf died trying to heal her and keep her alive. It was a fraction of what I’m sure she felt but I could understand it more now. I placed Ezekiel down and gently tried to see if he could weight on his legs without crumbling. “Vale, I’m fine. You can…” As soon as I let more of his weight fall, he started to drop and I just picked him back up. He whined, embarrassment flood
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Chapter 43
I stood in the shower, hot water streaming down my body. My eyes were closed and my head was facing the shower head above me. It felt good, my body’s tension releasing slowly. It had been four days and it didn’t seem like Ezekiel was even close to stopping. My only reprieve right now was when he passed out from coming too much within a short amount of time. Taking a deep breath, I leaned over and spread my ass cheeks. Blood ran down my leg and into the drain. Naresh now came forward to force Faris to submit when he got too excited. He also was able to heal every time it happened but it was slow going. I still let him take the reigns though. I knew he was an Alpha, as there was something in him still needing to be that Alpha. Ezekiel was starting to already take over the pack, working with Hector, Bryan and my Mom for the every day things. Apparently, it wasn’t enough. Faris showing his true colors as he took over. 'Vale, do you need anything, dear?' I chuckled, hearing my mom mind l
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Chapter 44
“Do you really need to go back so soon?” Ezekiel whined, helping me with my bag as I carried it down to the stairs. I sighed. “Yes, they are imploding according to Jess. They need help. I also need their help and for them to take me seriously. I know all the requests I sent were just tossed in the trash.” “Can’t I go with you?” He put his hand on my cheek and I smiled. “I’ll request it. Especially since now we have officially mated, but it might take a couple weeks. I’ll have you come though, don’t worry. I love you, my little Alpha.” Kissing Ezekiel on the forehead, I pulled him into a tight embrace. My face fell to his neck and into his loose hair. Inhaling deeply, I wanted his smell to fill me up once more before I left. The sparks even felt more like electrocutions than their usual calming energy. I didn’t want to let him go. Finally, I peeled myself away from him. “I’m leaving my car for you. So when I do call for you, you can come up to me.” He nodded, his eyes glossy. I kis
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Chapter 45
It took twenty minutes of walking before anyone even came to greet us. I was following Mark but I didn’t know why we weren’t shifting and running in. It seemed like the long way to be going in but when the Beta, Joshua, finally showed up with two other warriors, Mark shifted. He still hadn’t said a word to me the entire time. I adjusted my duffle and shifted as well. All of their eyes went wide as my shift probably shocked them. My size and color also didn’t help, considering I towered over Mark. We had never shifted and I had never seen his wolf form just as he hadn’t seen mine. So it wasn’t surprising but I felt a shift of wariness in all of them. As though my ‘stupid frat boy’ persona may be broken. They took a minute but were able to gather themselves enough to lead the way. Again, even in wolf form, it was slow going. Heading north, we passed the outskirts of a town before coming to a stop at an older castle looking building. It was gothic and reminded me a lot of the High Counc
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Chapter 46
It has been a week and I never felt so angry before. I was already frustrated being away from Ezekiel for so long. We spoke over the phone every night but I couldn’t vent my frustration with always feeling like I was going to be overheard. Text ranting was not something I was inclined to do. I wasn’t a teenager and I could handle this myself but damn, did I start to hate everything in this whole situation. This pack was treating me like shit. First, I was told dinner was at a specific time and when I showed up, they had already eaten and there was none left. Then, I tried to train with their warriors but they decided they would be able to beat me too easily and said that they don’t allow outsiders to train with them. The next thing that got under my skin was a look at Mark’s room. He had a huge queen or king size bed and his room even had a couch in it. I happened to pass by while he was exiting and I never felt so irritated in my whole life. Sure, I might be complaining for nothing.
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Chapter 47
Warily, I looked into the doorway but there was only a few steps before a staircase went down into an underground part of the castle. It smelled like something was dying or decaying and I held my hand over my nose. I walked in and looked behind me, the door had a handle on the inside. Pulling it shut, I descended down the stairs slowly. Already, I knew that Alpha and Beta were out with Mark doing the rounds or whatever they did. No one would interrupt me for at least another hour. Not that they would be looking for me in particular, I just didn’t know how often they came down here. The stairs descended underground, where the stones became mossy and dripped with condensation. Some of the stones even had come out and there was just straight dirt behind them. I stepped as lightly as I could, but as I reached the bottom there was no door but it opened up into a bigger room. Peering in, the whole room was lined with huge cages and cells. It was definitely a dungeon and seemed like most of
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Chapter 48
It took over a half hour but the entire call was silent during that time. My mother and Ezekiel listening to Bryan as we signed back and forth. She would occasionally ask as question as well but I did all that I could to explain the situation and what I thought that I needed moving forward. ‘I think we should send Hector as well. He can leave straight from the coven he is currently at and be there in a little over a week.’ My mom signed and I nodded. ‘Ezekiel can take the car and it will be faster as well. I don’t trust you just having one.’ I laughed. “Me, or them?” She shook her head. ‘Honestly, the fact that they are all still alive is frankly amazing.’ ‘I don’t know how far this corruption goes but I think it is at least central to this castle. The people seem too afraid. Of both the outside and their Alpha.’ I signed back. Bryan narrowed his eyes. ‘Is that even enough? Especially if you are having suspicions about High Councilor Mark.’ My mother’s face turned dark. ‘We will
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Chapter 49
***Hectors POV*** Arriving at the border of the Crescent River pack was easy but walking into the territory was even easier. I thought Auri has said they had better security since losing pups but the fact that I just walked up the road without seeing a single wolf was shocking. I was hauling ass on the road, knowing Vale was in serious shit with this group. Auri said everything that we needed to speak about would need to be done through signing and I knew he was in deep shit. Ezekiel should have gotten here at least a few days before me. I hadn’t been able to get out of the fire Morgan and I were trying to put out for two days. It had been a fucking mess and I realized how old I felt, especially not having Auri. t The need to live up to her expectation and keep up with her was stronger than I thought. I had spoken to Bryan a bit about the situation but I basically got the cliff notes of what was going on. Bryan was a little mad that he didn’t get to come but whatever was the issue,
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