Semua Bab Alpha's Blind Luna: Bab 201 - Bab 210
250 Bab
Chapter 99
***Hector’s POV*** I arrived at the Crescent River pack after three days of travel. This time I didn’t need to worry about needing to be there in a timely manner. Outside of Vale calling me twice a day asking if I had spoken to Gale, the head witch and turns out the Mother Witch. It was the equivalent to the King or Queen of the witches. They sought her guidance and when something was too dangerous, she would be the one to shut it down. She also did inspections on different covens, much like what Vale was planning on doing after the talks with the leaders.Vale left me to speak to her because of our previous relationship, which I warned him wasn’t much. However, I think I would have been more surprised that he actually listened to me rather than kicking me out the door before he even went on vacation. Rubbing the back of neck, I knocked on the door of the castle pack house. The door was thrown open and Luna Naomi hugged me in the same way as she did when we left the years before.“I’
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Chapter 100
Their coven always surprised me. A lot of covens had moved more towards the modern, city approach. Much like the packs now a-days. However, this particular coven still stuck with the grass roofed huts of the old days. They didn’t have dirt floors but they did have treated natural wood from the surrounding area. It was a sight to see and really made you feel like you were in a far more magical place than normal.I followed Gale into one of the larger huts I knew to be hers. She kept many of the spell books and other larger items used in rituals and casting. They would either be borrowed or they would be done under her supervision within her hut. Alpha Evan had gone off with some of the children as they were planning on giving some of the celebration decorations as well as sharing truffles once they were cleaned. It left me with Gale alone.We walked into her hut and it smelled of earth and forest. It was as close to feeling like home, smelling like Auri as I had gotten in a long time.
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Chapter 101
I had taken Gale’s advice up. After finishing my business with her, I headed to the vampire archives. It turned out that there were so many that it took several months just to go all of them. The issue was, none of them had the information I was looking for. I knew from what Vale had actually told me, one of the Alpha Kings ran across experiments done by vampires but there wasn’t even record of that. Somehow though, there was a record of six Vampire kings previous and even single one of his nightly sex routine he had with woman and men of all races.Finally, after months, I broke down and called Morgan. At the very least he could point me in the right direction if I gave him a little bit of information. He did, which helped narrow my search down a bit and I found what I was looking for but not really. It went into the specifics of how the experiments were done but not that they had ever been successful and definitely not the after effects of one who had gone through them.Feeling hope
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Chapter 102
My hand froze on the wooden gate that had shut behind Morgan as he struggled to walk towards the house. Swallowing hard, I looked up to see Auri, standing in the doorway. Rydere howled loudly and I felt my knees go weak. Goddess, she was beautiful. In her arms looked like a tiny fey child who was clutched to her. She was wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a deep green apron that covered most of her front. Her bright blue hair was short, shorter than the years after Micah had cut her hair off, barely reaching her shoulders. It reminded me of when she was Astra all those years ago. Hell, she looked as young as she had been back then as well.Her eyes went from Morgan to me, standing frozen at her gate. I braced myself for anger but the only thing I received was a smile. The grip I had on the wood tightened as I started to sway.'Mate!' Rydere purred like a kitten.“Sorry, Princess. We have a wayward werewolf vampire who is worried about his future.” Morgan turned to me, now grinning like
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Chapter 103
Getting up, I stormed out of the dining room and out the front door. Striding through the garden, I swung the gate open. It slammed behind me as I flung the car door open. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes, I lit one and took a drag.It was already getting dark but according to my watch it was barely 7 p.m. Blowing out the smoke, I closed my eyes. This was too much. All of this was too much. I was so overwhelmed and lost in this sea that was Auri’s life now. Morgan fit, as he always did. Hell, he even abandoned her and she forgave him, eventually. It was five years later but it happened. Was there still hope?“May I?”My eyes widened and I slipped from my lean against the car. Auri had snuck up on me. She was holding out her hand. Putting the packet of cigarettes in her grasp, she easily tapped one out but lit it from a flame she produced from her finger.“Normally, I don’t like smoking around the house. The kids and the garden. But I’ll let it slide tonight.” Auri leaned against the car
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Chapter 104
We didn’t say anything else for a while. My eyes closed and I rested my cheek on her head, reveling in the dance that were the sparks between us. Goddess, comparing me to Logan was a knife that continued to dig further into my heart. Rydere had been right and deep down I knew it. I just couldn’t stop hating myself. For what I did. For how weak I was. Everything I did to her.“Hector, I never hated you. Not once. Even when you left. I felt you struggling because you never brought your walls up when you were with me.” Auri nuzzled further into my chest. “But can you stop hating yourself? Can you forgive yourself? Can you move on?”I lifted my cheek from her head and pressed my lips back down. “I don’t know, Auri. I hate…”She shook her head against me, cutting me off. “No. Stop hating. I don’t regret it. If I had to do it over again, Hector…if the Moon Goddess sent me back in time right before I swapped places with Ezekiel, knowing the outcome, I would do it all again.”Auri stepped bac
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Chapter 105
I took the reigns back from Rydere as she got up and disappeared behind a door. Sighing, I fell back against the couch. “I don’t know if she should come back.”Morgan chuckled. “I don’t think she could have hidden here much longer. The world is a lot smaller than we think. Eventually, it would spread to here. Someone would ask for help or something might happen that would force her out. I would rather avoid the latter, because that girl has the power to completely destroy the world.”He looked at me, the laughter gone from his face. A more serious look, one that showed just how long he had been alive. “Auri has the ability to reset our world. The BloodHunter coven likes to call her a king killer but honestly, that’s a fucking joke. She killed the Vampire King already before she even was even mated to that asshat Alpha. Then she killed the fake Alpha King.” He paused for a moment, chewing on his words. “I think it would be more appropriate to call her a Goddess of Judgement. Because t
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Chapter 106
I jolted awake with a start. It sounded like a herd of elephants were rampaging through the house. Auri was gone and I pulled my phone up. It wasn’t even six-thirty. I also had six missed calls. Four from Bryan, two from Vale. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes. More thundering and I finally opened the door.What I wasn’t expecting was the chaos that was ensuing. All the kids, in a various state of dress, running around. Some getting their backpacks together, others were sitting at the table having breakfast. Auri and Morgan were in the kitchen with nine different lunch boxes open, putting together food. I was floored.“Ah! Hector! Coffee is here.” Morgan reached over and poured a cup of coffee.Reaching out, I took the mug and took a drink. Sighing, I closed my eyes. Hands tugged my pants and I looked down. Herr was smiling up at me.“Can you help me up?”I set my coffee down and picked her up. She smiled at me and I turned her around. “What would you like?”“There is a
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Chapter 107
Auri nodded and suddenly the weight was gone, as if it was never there. She reached down and picked me up off the ground.“Sorry. Got a little heated there. Good to know the level that you can take. We will have to work on it if you’re staying for a while. I don’t expect you to be up and running around at 100% but…” There was a mischievous smile on her face. “…20% is kinda of sad.”My eyes widened. Rydere even stepped back a little, shocked as well. She laughed and shook her head.“Shall we?” Her hand was held out to me and I intertwined my fingers with hers.We walked quietly for a while. She hadn’t even looked back at the Alpha. I, however, glanced back at him, my anger rising back up.“Honestly, he’s not that bad. Pushy, sure. But he’s a good Alpha. Especially with the ideas that all supernaturals should be on the same page. Together, learning and coexisting. Not fighting each other.”“Not a bad guy?! Auri, he just threatened your kids!”Auri sighed. “Because you’re here. He’s thre
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Chapter 108
*** Ezekiel’s POV *** “You sure you’re okay?” Vale asked me for at least the fourth time today.“I’m fine, Vale. What did you want me to do with these reports?” I snipped back without meaning to. It didn’t help make my point that I was okay.His eyes narrowed at me. “Look…if you need…”“I said, I’m fine.” I look a breath before answering calmly. “The reports, Vale.”Vale let the silence hang in the air for a couple seconds before sighing himself and shaking his head. “Just put them on the to-do pile. I’m getting too many conflicting reports to just file them away at this point.”My eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”“You know the conditions that were signed by the Fey King, Vampire King, and Mother Witch?”I closed one eye and rubbed my chin, trying to think back to anything specific that jumped out as an issue. It had been at least 12 weeks, maybe more, since the meeting between all the supernatural leaders had happened. Somehow, they all had agreed with a little coaxing. It took t
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