All Chapters of Alpha's Blind Luna: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
250 Chapters
Chapter 80
We all watched as Hector dished up some of the almost curry-like concoction. Jax put the bread in one of the breadbaskets we used. He took everything to the table but Hector held one bowl back. Opening up the fridge, he took out the container of sour cream. Putting a large dollop in the center, he smirked and held out the bowl to me. I took it and looked down at it. It smelled amazing even with the sour cream.“It softens the spice. You should be able to take it now.”I rolled my eyes but swung around and took my bowl to the table. Everyone was sitting down and it was so long since we had done this. Sadly, everyone was more serious.“Anyone have any news before I start? I’d like to eat a little before I talk my head off.”Hector grabbed a baguette slice and dipped it into his bowl. Everyone seemed to take that as a go ahead to eat. Lucy was the first to start.“Hospital is all set up. We also managed to snag two OBGYN doctors for the hospital. I had to bribe them quite a bit but we’ve
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Author Note: Still with you!
Hello everyone! I know it's been a minute since I've updated on the things going on. It's probably been a little frustrating and I know the writing process on my end for this story has been a little frustrating as well. I promise you I am still working on this one! I hit a bit of a wall and ended up throwing a number of chapters out the window. As I was going through that, I've been hit one after the other with health issues. The last of which I was out for two weeks with covid + pneumonia and landed myself in the ER. I was already in a compromised state but here we are. I'm slowly on the mend and even though I'm really not supposed to be working as much right now and just focusing on getting better, my love of writing and sharing with others has me continuing to work a little at a time. I've also been going through some of my older stories and working on editing them as well. Just because for a few days it was easier to read than to even must the brain power to dig in deep and to w
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Chapter 81
Vale contacted the pack to tell them we would be adopting the twins. Now, my days were split between the normal tasks around the pack and doing a bunch of research on babies. As much as I wanted a family, I’d never been close enough to having one that I needed to know all the in’s and outs. I didn’t have any friends who had pups either. Rose would have been the first. I felt wholly unprepared. Hector moved out of his room because it was next to ours. He said we would want to be as close to them as possible and relented his room to us. We offered him one of the bedrooms on the third floor but he ended up taking Auri’s old room. He was reverent about it. Not taking any of his furniture and swapping it. Instead, just using hers. It was hard, seeing him and what he had become. It wasn’t that he was crumbling, at least not on the outside, it was more like there was nothing inside. Hector performed every duty and task at 100%. Even with not shifting once, he took over training which freed
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Chapter 82
The day before Lucy, Hector and I had gone into the closest major city to order furniture for the nursery. They delivered it early this morning and I’d taken most of the afternoon unwrapping and placing everything where I wanted it. Yesterday, I’d chosen the paint too, opting for a grayish-blue color. One of our pack members was an artist and I had her come in and paint black line-work on the walls. My theme was moonlight forest. So on one wall was a forest of trees as an accent and then the moon over some grass with flowers on the other. It was simple lines but it came out better than I imagined. It was starting to look like a nursery. I ended up drilling Hector while we were out of what Auri did with her four kids and he answered most of them as best he could. He said he had more of a hand in Vale’s upbringing. Bryan had his hands full with his two kids at the time and Auri with still working through her injuries. So Hector stepped up but it was a long time ago. Still, he provided
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Chapter 83
The pack territory was a huge valley. Most of it was grasslands and then surrounded by a forest. We did own some of the land in the forest as well but it would stop a couple miles in. Leaving thick, untouched forest stretching out further North. There was a city further Northeast that abutted the forest on the opposite end but it was a quiet city. Rarely did they venture into the forest but I still had the pack keep to the inside of our territory for runs. The only one who broke that was Hector. I looked behind me and saw the guards struggling to keep up. More surprising though, was Hector. He was keeping pace with Faris, except he hadn’t shifted yet. I’d never really considered myself gay, even when mating with Vale. I loved him and he turned me on like no one else could, but I didn’t really feel a sway towards one gender or another when it came beauty or sexiness. It was the reason why being with Rose was so convenient. I didn’t have to choose, it was chosen for me. Which now it wa
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Chapter 84
Hector and I stumbled through the pack house door. After the incredible run through the forest, Faris and Rydere tried to race. Well, really it was Faris trying to keep up. After they were spent, Hector and I decided to grab some clothes and head into the town on the other side of the forest and hit up a bar. Which now lead us to laughing, crashing through the front door late into the evening. “Fucking…fuck…” Hector let out a chortle. “That’s a door, Z.” “I know that.” I may have been worse at walking but Hector’s voice was slurred much more than mine. “Have fun did you?” Looking up, Vale was standing on the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest. The sour look on his face made me laugh even more. “Goddess, you look like Leo when he was going to fucking scold me for being…well…not Alpha.” Vale came down, his steps reverberating in the dark house. Everyone seemed to have cleared out or gone to bed. “Well, it’s not very Alpha-like to get drunk on a Tuesday.” I shrugged. “
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Chapter 85
“Where is Vale?!” I growled, looking down at the two pups in my arms. Both of them were crying, and had been for the past 10 minutes.I’d bathed both of them, only to find out that we were somehow out of diapers. I sent Vale to go get diapers before I finished their bath to go into town. It didn’t take that long to drive across the road and into the grocery store. Hushing both of them, I bounced them up and down.“You’re okay. Daddy’s got you. It’s okay.” I moved around, trying to calm them and myself at the same time.'Vale! Where the fuck are you?'There was no rely to the mindlink. Taking a deep breath, I moved around the room adding more motion to the bounce and hushing. Usually, they were really good. Bryan said we were lucky. That the two of them seemed for more content and inquisitive that other pups he had been around. They were happy to be together and were acutely aware if one was out of the room. If we did separate them for more than five minutes, there would be meltdowns
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Chapter 86
Reaching out, I took Reagan as well. Walking into the nursery, I laid them both down in the crib. Within a couple minutes they were snoozing. Brushing the back of my finger over both their chubby cheek, I smiled letting my mind focus solely on them for a moment. I turned on the mobile above, made up of little wolves that played soft music and the sound of rain. Another flick of the switch and stars reflected on the ceiling, illuminating the room just a little.“Sleep. I’m watching. Don’t you worry.”Silently, I stepped out of the room and closed the door, leaving just a crack. Hector was downstairs, leaning against the doorframe of the back door. Walking into the kitchen, I set up the baby monitor on my tablet and started to pull out food for dinner.“You’re really good with them.” Hector leaned back to look at me, a wry smile on his face. “Imagine, all your worrying for nothing.”I scoffed. “I think they like Vale better.”He laughed. “No, they like me better. They tolerate you and V
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Chapter 87
I felt the dark circles under my eyes. The rocking chair I was sitting in moved back and forth. It squeaked but it was deafened by the crying of the twins. They had been sick for days. We’d gone to the doctor and apparently, these things can happen within the first couple years of a traumatic event and a complete climate change. Both of them had ear infections and poor Reagan had the infection move to her throat as well. Neither of them were comfortable and their crying now was just a constant sound. Reagan preferred to be on my shoulder, whereas Rowan was on his stomach draped over my legs. As much as they were more comfortable, it still was painful.Closing my eyes, I just rocked rhythmically, hoping that somehow they would fall asleep for more than five minutes. My phone dinged and I expected it to be Vale. He’d kept his word that he was home more, but he would go off with Peter to try and find Auri since no one else would join the search. Vale and Peter, along with AJ, would hop a
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Chapter 88
*** Vale’s POV ***Looking up at the building, it had artwork all along the front with the name of the club ‘The Naughty Night’ that wrapped around the sides of the building. It was alone, either side were a parking lot while the rest of the street was littered with bars and tattoo shops. It was about eight in the evening and the line was wrapped around the building. A hand slammed into my back and Peter looked at me, smiling. He was dressed up in a silk maroon shirt and slacks. I was glad I had forgone the suit jacket I was debating bringing.“Sorry I’m late. Ran into some nonsense on the way here. Shall we?”I nodded and looked back at the building. Peter walked towards the bouncer, handing him a gold card. Coming up behind Peter, the bouncer unbuckled the deep purple rope and allowed the two of us past. As we walked in, I took in the dark interior.“Borrowed the card from a friend. She’s an informant for some higher ups and has a standing invitation here. Since she provided informa
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