All Chapters of The Sigma's Reluctant Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
204 Chapters
Chapter 81
Zara is quiet when we leave the pack house and on the ride home. She perks up a little over takeout Thai food for dinner, but then excuses herself to the living room.I let her work and go to my office to read some of her journal, like she asked me to. The entries don’t seem to be in chronological order. Whatever page she opened to, is where she would write, giving the entries a sense of urgency. Some of her writings are dark and disturbing. Not like the Zara I know or love at all. This is beyond the walls she described trying to crush her. It’s like she has resigned herself to the shadows they have created, just waiting until the day they fall. I try to imagine the mind of someone who could write about hurting themselves, but I can’t, especially not her.As I flip through the pages, reading bits and scraps of paper that Zara has haphazardly pasted into the book. One scrap has my name on it. The surrounding words were random, mixed in with odd glyphs
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Chapter 82
When I wake up in the morning, I reach out my arm to pull my mate to me, but Zara isn’t there. I open my eyes to confirm what I already know, then sit up quickly and look around for her. The bathroom light is off and her scent is faint in the room. “Rocky, where did she go?” I jump out of bed and throw the bedroom door open. I try to swallow down the panic. “To get ready, I think.” But he doesn’t sound too sure of himself. I run down to Zara’s room and knock on the door. “Zara? Are you in there, Pocket?” I listen closely, but there is no answer. Her scent is stronger here, so she must be inside. I crack the door open and peek in. The bathroom is dark, but the bedroom light is on. I step in and look around. There is a minute sound in the closet. Shit. “Zara? Are you in there?” I approach the closet door and open it slowly. She is crouched down in her usual hiding spot behind the shoe boxes, trembling under a blanket, hoping to go unseen
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Chapter 83
Mom and Dad meet us in the parking lot of the pack house. I get out of the Range Rover and walk around to help Zara, but she tries to make a break for it before I get there. Dad deftly catches her by the waist and kneels on one knee, bringing her down to sit on his leg. “It’s alright, young lady. You don’t need to run. We’re here for you. Wherever your wolf thinks you need to go, that won’t help you. Not today at least.” Dad strokes Zara’s back to calm her, still holding her tight around the middle with his other arm. “We are going to be sitting right behind you. No one’s gonna mess with you.” “O-okay. Okay. Let’s go now while I have Lavender under control.” She stammers, shivering with tears in her eyes. Mom takes her hand and I take the other before Dad loosens his grip on her. We meet Mike just inside the doors to the pack house and let one of the Regent guards escort us to the front of the courtroom. “You’re going to be fine, Pocket.” I kiss her forehead
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Chapter 84
I try to stand up, but Mom and Dad pull me down. Mom hisses at me. “Keller, wait until you get permission.” “Let me go! I need to get to Zara. She needs me.” I try to escape their grasp when I see her shivering under the table. I can feel her fear and it’s overwhelming. What is it doing to her? “She can’t do this anymore. It’s too much! I need to get to her. Zara, hold on, Pocket. I’m coming.” The Luna Regent stands up and nods to the guards, who Rocky believes are the ranked wolves in disguise. She motions with her hand to the other guards, who all move without being given direction in a well-rehearsed maneuver. Two of them remain in front of the Regents, facing the audience, while the rest position themselves around Zara and Mike’s table. “Keller Joseph Marshall,” I hear the Luna Regent’s voice say my name, “you may collect your mate. Based on what we’ve seen so far, we can proceed without her. Someone will advise you when it’s time to bring her back for ou
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Chapter 85
I give Zara a gentle kiss, then take her hand and knock on the door so the guard will escort us to the front. Three angry looking girls are sitting at the table with Alpha Williams and his legal team. Mike is on the other side, furiously making notes. He holds up a paper that says ‘We’ve got this!’ in large scribbled letters as we walk in. “No need to stop to see your lawyer, Miss Wilson. You and your mate can come up to the witness stand.” The Luna Regent gestures to the witness seat up front. “Mister Marshall, we ask that you please refrain from speaking while Zara is on the stand. Unless it is necessary, of course. You are just here to give her support so she can complete her part of the trial.” “Yes, Luna Regent. Thank you so much for making this concession for us.” Zara and I both bow deeply and make our way to the chair. Zara grips my hand tightly while I sit in the chair next to her. Mike lets the pack lawyer question Zara first. “Zara, are you feeling
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Chapter 86
From behind us, I hear Mom and Dad approaching. I turn and see them hand in hand, smiling. “Well? What did they say?” I can’t help but be impatient. “Sorry, my boy. You heard the Luna Regent.” Dad shrugs and tilts his head toward Zara. “Zara, get in the car, please. I need to speak to my parents.” I open the door and help her in, not giving her a chance to argue, and close the door. “Okay? Spill.” Mom pulls me away from the car to make sure Zara won't hear. “They are being banished. They have tonight to collect their things. Mark said will go with them so he can stay with Sylvie. The Regents are providing names of other packs that may accept them for a probationary period. None of them are ever allowed to come into contact with Zara again or they will go to prison.” “We never have to worry about them again.” My heart skips a beat at the news. “I think the Luna Regent didn’t want Zara to feel guilty for the fate of those girls.” Mom fro
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Chapter 87
I send a mind link to Zara. “Pocket, I need you to take Estelle to your room and lock the door. Right now.” “Why? Who’s here, Keller?” Even through the link, Zara sounds like she is panicking. “I think its the Regent guards. Lock the door behind you. Wait for me and stay quiet.” I say with a firmer tone. There is another knock on the door. Behind me, I hear Zara and Estelle running down the hall. “Just a moment!” I try to control the snarl in my voice. When I hear the door to Zara’s bedroom close and lock, I crack the front door open. “Can I help you?” Three large werewolves who were part of the Regents’ security team during the trials are standing in the anteroom. “Mister Marshall. The Luna Regent would like to speak with your mate.” “Those are my friends!” Rocky relaxes when he sees the men. “Be nice to them.” “I’m sorry?” I stand straight, surprised at the guard’s statement. “The Luna Regent. She would like to speak with Mis
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Chapter 88
Estelle looks at me from the sofa, clearly confused and a little annoyed. “Kell, what’s he talking about? Zara can’t have two mates, can she?” “I don’t think he’s talking about Zara.” I think about it for a moment, then look back at Tyree. “That’s impossible, bro. She’s human. Humans have chosen mates.” He stares at Estelle for an uncomfortably long time, forcing himself to not move from the spot. He finally pulls his eyes away from Estelle and looks at the Luna Regent. “What do I do?” “What’s with you guys finding your mates in every corner of the earth except for our pack?” The Luna rolls her eyes in an exaggerated, playful manner, not seeming to be concerned that her werewolf guard found a human mate. “Reggie, can you please get the Alpha up here to help with this? Milo, take Tyree to the anteroom and calm him down. Estelle Renee Barker, if you wouldn’t mind, find a place to sit that will reduce your scent, please. A bedroom or office, maybe? Just until we can
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Chapter 89
Zara’s POV The Luna Regent takes me by the elbow and leads me into the living room. I feel a popping sound in my ears and look back. There is a giant piece of glass blocking the door to the hallway. “What is that?” I stop in my tracks. I can see Keller and the guard on the other side. Keller is pushing on the wall and saying something, but I can’t hear him. “Think of it as a privacy screen. I will make it go away when we’re done.” The Luna Regent sits on the sofa and pats a space next to her. “Luna… I…” I look around, suddenly hyper aware that I am in a t-shirt and pajama shorts in front of my Luna Regent. Why didn’t I change my clothes? I realize the scar on my arm where Lavender wasn’t able to heal me is visible. I cross my arms across myself to hide it. “Zara, please sit.” She tilts her head slightly and gives me a soft smile. “I just want to talk.” I sit down and look her in the eye as much as I can. “Sorry, I get nervous.” “It’s okay, dar
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Chapter 90
Keller’s POV“If I hadn’t seen a glass wall appear in my living room an hour ago, I wouldn’t believe any of that.” I shake my head at the Beta and Gamma. “Dude, if we hadn’t been there, we wouldn’t believe it either.” Milo nods and raises his eyebrows, taking a drink of his water. A cell phone chimes, he pats his hands over his pockets, and pulls out his phone. “Ah. That’s my daughter. Excuse me.”“So, why exactly are you guys here? And by here, I mean, my condo.” I turn my attention to Reggie as Milo walks out of the room.“We have a sigma pup in our pack. Once the Luna found out what that could mean for her future, she immediately searched for a solution. Short story… she found Zara.” He looks down at the counter and picks at imaginary crumbs. “It’s not my place to go into my Luna’s upbringing, but it was bad. O
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