All Chapters of The Sigma's Reluctant Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
204 Chapters
Chapter 101
Keller’s POVI pull into the parking lot and pick a spot on the side of the building where there aren’t as many cars. My thumbs drum on the steering wheel, anxious for Jasper to pull into the parking lot.“Are you really gonna tell him?” Rocky sounds unsure of the idea.“Dad thinks I should.” I shrug and run my fingers over my forehead. “I’m on your side on this one, Rocky, but I trust Dad too. If it seems like it isn’t going well, I can always tell him it’s a prank.”I finally see Jasper’s Audi pull into the parking lot. He parks next to me and gets out of the car. I wave at him to open my passenger side door to get in. He looks a little confused and looks around the parking lot, but does it anyway.“Hey Kell, where are we going? You said you wanted to eat here, right?” He gives me a worried look.“Yeah. Uh, not going anywhere. I just want to talk in p
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Chapter 102
"So you have a wolf living in your head? And he talks to you?" Jasper asks for the tenth time. He is holding his glass close to his lips, but I think he forgot he was holding it because he hasn't even taken a sip for almost ten minutes. For the most part, he has taken this pretty well, but he is still trying to wrap his brain around the concept of sharing a body with a completely separate consciousness."Yes, Jas. Rocky is my wolf spirit." I nod patiently. “He and I share a body. Most of the time I’m in human form. Sometimes, he takes partial control, like you saw in the car. Sometimes, I transform into Rocky's pure wolf form which is like a regular wolf, but a Hell of a lot bigger.”“I never realized how dumb Jasper is.” Rocky scoffs in my head. “You tell people I can be dense? This guy beats me around the block.”“Knock it off, Rocky.”“So, he has sapience?” Jasper tilts his head at me and finally sips his lemonade.“HE’S USING PRETEND WORDS, FOR GODDESS SAKE!” Rock
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Chapter 103
“So this place is full of werewolves like you?” Jas asks as he looks out the window while we drive up the main road of Crystal Lake territory.“Yes. It was the last time you were here, too. So whatever you hear or see, I need you to just say cool. Okay?” I say without looking at him.“Yeah, of course. I’m a guest here. I get it.” He gives my shoulder a quick squeeze. “Zara’s going to be okay, Kell.”I park and grip the steering wheel. “Jas, you don’t have to be here. This isn’t your problem. I can get Estelle to drive you back to Cozy Up to get your car.”“You’re joking, right?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Kell, if you or Zara have a problem, then so do I. I’m staying with you.”We get out of the car and run inside. Estelle is waiting for us, teary-eyed, in the waiting room. “Keller, they are taking her to a room now. Your mom is with her. She woke up and was out of her mind. Talking about
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Chapter 104
“Ah, Mister Marshall. I’m glad you could make it so quickly. Please, have a seat so we can chat.” A man’s voice says from behind us. I turn around to see Doctor Zhang standing there with a tall, thin man who has short, curly blonde hair and brown eyes. The man looks like he is in his late twenties or early thirties. “Who’s this?” I stand defensively in front of Zara’s bed. “This is Doctor Asclepius. He has been a consultant with us for a couple of weeks now.” Doctor Zhang motions to the other man. “I’ve asked him to evaluate Zara.” “Please call me Ace.” The man speaks with a Greek accent and puts his hand out for me to shake. “I spoke with Miss Wilson briefly before she fell asleep, and I would like to discuss her case with you.” He pulls a chair out and motions for me to sit down. I look down at the chair hesitantly, then back at him. He has a reassuring grin that somehow makes me feel better. “Okay, what did she say?” “Well, she wasn
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Chapter 105
“What are you doing here?” Estelle grins broadly. She looks so little in his massive arms. “Escorting the Doc from our pack. Ace called and said a patient here needed her help. As soon as we found out who it was, my Luna sent us.” Tyree rubs his hand over the back of Estelle’s neck while he speaks. I have never seen her look so happy as she watches him intently. “I’m on duty, but I’ll get a little free time while the Doc is taking care of appointments.” “The Doc?” Estelle looks at Doctor Khe. “That’s what all my patients call me.” She waves her hand dismissively. “I take it as a term of endearment that they trust me.” “She’s your doctor?” Estelle gives Tyree a worried look. “Haha! Yeah, a lot of the warriors from our pack see her.” He shakes his head and slides Estelle’s braids behind her back. “There’s nothing to be worried about.” “Now, if you all don’t mind, I need to speak to Mister Marshall in private. Then we can get Ace in here
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Chapter 106
“Okay, I’m going to place my hands on Zara.” Ace explains to us once everyone has settled back into the room. “One hand on her forehead and one hand on her stomach. Just like a wolf healer does. I’m going to attempt to pull some of the sedative from her system to wake her up.” “Will it hurt her? Will she feel anything?” I can’t hide the worry in my voice. “No. She may describe it as being roused from a deep sleep, but there will be no pain. I will go slow. It seems like it will be best to treat this as a pediatric case because of her size.” He is calm and patient as he walks us through the steps of the process. “You may see a faint light. That’s normal for a healer like me. I will wake her up enough for Sy… err… Doctor Khe to interview her. If the Doc determines it’s safe to bring Zara completely out of the sedation, I will have the orderlies take off the locks first, then wake her up completely. It’s less traumatic for her that way.” “Whatever you need to do
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Chapter 107
When we are halfway down the hall, I look over and see Mom also has Jasper pinched by the tricep as well. He is wincing in pain, but not trying to get away from her. It reminds me of the time he and I got caught smoking in the locker room when we were in high school. Mom didn’t let Lily come to the surface then, but the pinch hurt just as bad.  “What the HELL is wrong with the two of you? Staring at Doctor Khe like that. This is not a nightclub, Jasper Webber. And YOU, young man, YOU have a MATE!” Mom points her finger in our face. Lily’s deep, stern voice catches both of our attention. “Mama M, I-I couldn’t help it. She’s like… like a perfect ten. You saw her, right?” Jasper tries to defend himself until he realizes Mom’s eyes are pitch black. He jumps back with a start. “I- oh, shit. Keller was right. This is terrifying.” “Take it easy on them, Missus Marshall. Guys, don’t worry about it. Doctor Khe has that effect on everyone. After a while, you get u
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Chapter 108
It takes every ounce of control I have not to run down the hall to get to Zara. When I get to her room, Tyree is waiting outside. He looks over his back to make sure no one inside the room is listening. “Keller, I think it goes without saying, but my Alpha and Luna have a vested interest in making sure Zara is well taken care of. If there is anything she needs, or you need, all you have to do is give the word. Not just medical help. Anything at all. We have access to all kinds of resources.” Tyree says in a low voice, his eyes darting all over the place before he looks back at me. “Even if something seems impossible. Trust me, it’s not. We would move mountains for BB.” “Understood, and thank you.” I clap him on the shoulder. There is no give to his form. It is like putting my hand on a brick wall. I pull my hand back quickly and shove it in my pocket. “So, I get you guys want to help this pup and I’m all for it, but I was wondering, whose daughter is she, exactly? Ev
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Chapter 109
“Oh, I, uh, I forgot something. I’ll be right back.” Jasper announces when we get to the lobby. “Meet you at the car.” “Alright. Make it quick, bro. I want to get Zara home.” I say as he jogs back to the elevator. While Estelle says goodbye to Tyree, Zara and I make plans with Mom for her and Dad to come help get Zara’s new home office setup.  “Zara, while Phil and I work on getting the office together, I think it’s still important for you to focus on school and your health. It’s going to take some time to get all the furniture and equipment we need for the office, so maybe take a break from the sigma cure.” Mom holds Zara’s hand in between hers as we wait for Jasper. “You focus on getting through this semester and finals and getting on a good schedule with Doctor Khe. All that seems like it’s going to be stressful enough. There is plenty of time for you to work on the sigma cure between semesters. What do you think?” “I guess.” Zara taps her fin
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Chapter 110
Zara’s POV The hot water running over my head feels so good. I’m so glad to be home. My mind churns, thinking about all the assignments I need to catch up on, but wanders back to my dream with Clotho and Lachesis. Trying to focus on them while in wolf form makes the information they tried to give me murky and muddled.  “Do you remember, Lavender? I know it was my dream, but you were in it. Does that mean you can remember it?” I ask as I brush the tangles out of my hair. “I know you had a dream, and I had a dream too, but my dream feels like it differed from your dream.” She reminisces about the experience. “I woke up in a maze and there was a monster chasing me, but I was faster than the monster. When I got to the lab, I ran into Lachesis and she made a wall move. She told me it is our fate to find the cure. I wanted to help her and then you came in!” “Huh.” I shampoo my hair and pile it on top of my head. “It was weird that our spirits got separ
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