All Chapters of The CEO's Dirty Little Secret: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
84 Chapters
Chapter 11
Roman paused outside the house for a moment after he closed the door.  Why did he feel like this was the last time he would see Evelyn?  He’d thought they had come to an understanding after last night. Evelyn had been... He closed his eyes and fought the hardening of his body. Even after showering, he could still feel her, and he could still hear her cries. She was exquisite. Her smell, the taste of her, everything.  They wouldn't reach those heights if Evelyn didn’t completely trust him to take care of her during and after. He supposed the romantics would claim she was made for him. Made to please him. Made for him to do every single deviant thing he wanted to her body. 
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Chapter 12
Roman was long gone when Eve made her way to the hot tub on the deck at the back of the house. The weather was perfect for being outdoors for a change. A long soak was what she needed to relieve her aching muscles, and there was no better place to do that than the backyard. The view was so green and untouched that it was hard to believe she was on the outskirts of London.  She used to sit here and pretend Roman had taken her to some romantic island for a weekend getaway, but holidays weren’t part of the contract. That was something someone did with a wife or girlfriend.  She put the tray with her bottle of wine, snacks and phone on the side and then slowly lowered herself into the bubbling water. It was still early, not even noon yet, so it was probably too early for the wine. And crisps and cookies weren’t prop
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Chapter 13
Roman braced himself as the gates to his father’s property opened. This wasn’t the house he had been raised in. This monstrosity was a status symbol acquired at the insistence of his father’s latest wife. He drove past the manicured gardens to park in front of the house and then sighed as he got out of his car. It was his fault. If he had come for breakfast instead of lunch, he would have avoided this. He reached into the car and grabbed the box of imported cigars on the passenger seat. He never bought anything for his dad’s wife, though he had never been questioned about it. Not that his opinions about his father’s wives had ever made a difference or counted for anything.  The house was quiet, as it usually was when Esther Ashfield wasn&rs
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Chapter 14
It was Friday.  Evelyn was fuming as she sat in the sitting room, watching as the clock slowly inched its way to seven o’clock. Roman had left her stranded here when he knew bloody well that it was a nightmare to find on a map. She had given him the benefit of a doubt because maybe for a change he'd experienced the same problems the rest of the mere mortals like herself faced when businesses closed for the weekend. Maybe he’d had to wait for the towing company to open back up for business. But now it was bloody Friday.  A whole week had gone by since the day he picked her up in town and then used her body’s responses to him to show her he was the boss. 
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Chapter 15
Roman picked his napkin up and dabbed at his mouth. Was this the game they were playing? He had expected those words at some point but he knew why she was saying them now. This was how his little Evelyn was going to try to get out of her contract. “Is that so?” he asked and then sipped his wine.  “And that’s it? You don’t have anything to say to me?” What could he say? Only weeks ago he’d struggled with the idea of having to let her go once she voiced what was so clear in her eyes every time he visited her. But now? She had given him a reason to ignore her words the moment she had tried to run away from him. He
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Chapter 16
Evelyn was shaky as she pulled a chair out and carefully lowered herself onto it. She heard the front door close and felt her tears start to sting her eyes but she blinked them back. She had done it again. She’d given in without much of a fight and let him use her body as he always did. She’d wanted him to do it. How could she have reacted so strongly to him when she had been so angry with him? What was that? It had been almost violent, nothing at all like how it usually was between them, even the times she wanted it a little rough. It had been terrifying how she had gone from one strong emotion to another so seamlessly until she had been unable to distinguish between love and hate. Because she was sure she felt a little bit of that for him now.  A little bi
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Chapter 17
It was his fault he was sitting in his car outside this questionable block of flats instead of in bed with Evelyn. He shouldn’t have left her like that, not only because he hadn’t had nearly enough of her, but because it hadn’t been his intention to leave her stranded again. Philip was meant to pick him up in the morning, and this car he had driven there was for Evelyn to use. He had driven to his apartment before he had told himself he was being ridiculous. Evelyn was not Esther. In fact, she was the opposite. She never asked for anything. Everything he had ever given her he’d had to force on her. He was pretty sure he would have to force the car on her as well. The cash she had put with the bank cards when she had left was everything he had ever left for her after his visits. 
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Chapter 18
It was past tea time when Evelyn paid the taxi driver and then got out slowly.  She’d woken up at lunchtime in Brendan's spare bedroom with a massive headache. She hadn’t meant to sleep over, but after sharing the pizza and the drink while binging on her favourite television shows, she had realised how lonely she was in Roman’s house. She missed just being free and stupid with her friends. In Roman’s house, she always felt like she had to be careful with everything because it was all so expensive. Maybe it was a good thing that Roman had laughed off her declaration of love. She didn’t fit in his world at all.  She dug her keys out of her bag as she walked to the door. Her mother would probably be making her dad comfortable in bed so sh
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Chapter 19
Roman sat in the car, watching the door and waiting to calm down. Another week had been wasted. Evelyn had ignored all his calls and messages. It had been foolish of him to try to call her anyway, especially after her first refusal, but he had needed to know where she’d been. He’d needed to know what she was doing. What could she have possibly been doing that she hadn’t found a single moment for him? Okay, so that was a bit hypocritical, but he would have thought she was too old to play tit for tat.  Well, obviously she wasn’t too old for games, because she was playing one now. What had taken her so long to return from that boy’s house? Wasn’t she supposed to be helping her p
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Chapter 20
“Tell me what you need. What can I do to make you want to stay?” Eve looked up at him, eyes wide. Was he saying she could ask for anything?  She’d already told him she loved him and he’d laughed in her face. What else could she possibly need from him that wasn’t about how she felt? “Anything within reason,” Roman added. “We still have to follow the rules.” He was looking at her so intently as if he had read her mind. She looked away from his probing gaze and sighed. “Then I guess there’s nothing you can give me. Your rules don’t give me much freedom in this arrangement.” She
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