All Chapters of Twenty Years In Bondage (Mated To An Omega: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
77 Chapters
I'm Caught
Chapter ThirtyMoon POV"Wow, this is yummy, thanks alot for this." He gave me a heartwarming smile, and I just couldn't help, as I jumped up inwardly in excitement. Finally, I'm so happy that he likes it, at least, my efforts didn't turn out worthless.After a few minutes, I left his office happily, but bumped into my worst enemy on my way out. What the heck is he doing here now? He glared at him, looking all angry. Ok, what's wrong with him now?"Hey what's up with that..." Before I could finish my statement, he grabbed my hand, and started dragging me away, like I stole something from him or something. What the heck! Is he mad or something?"Hey what are you doing? Let go off me!" I yelled angrily, as he dragged me through the hallway, but he paid deaf ears, as he kept dragging me. I'm so going to deal with this bastard. Because he's an Alpha, doesn't give him the right to touch me like that. He's lucky we're in school, e
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I Finally Saw His Face
Chapter Thirty OneAlpha Khalid POVIt's been a while since I last visits the woods in the afternoon, and I kinda miss the fresh air I get from there. I've been busy, mobilizing my armies, and getting them ready for the war, that's gonna happen between my pack and midnight pack in a few days to this. Poor Ivan, he still doesn't know what's coming ahead of him, I'm sure he'll be so shocked when he finds out that I know about everything from onset, I can't wait to see the look he's gonna have on his face.Teleporting to the woods, I closed my eyes, and inhaled the fresh air, it's really been a while, and trust me, the afternoon view of the woods, is very cool. I decided to take a stroll for some minutes, before going back to the palace. I've been really stressed out lately, and the thought of that mysterious girl, keeps adding to it. I've been to the woods on several occasions, to search for her, but unfortunately, I never got to see her. I know it's c
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Mother? Father?
Chapter Thirty TwoAlpha Khalid POVSince she's not going to talk, I decided to do my investigation myself. After locking her up in the detention room, making sure I set trap outside the room, knowing fully well that she'll try to escape, I finally started with my investigations.I sent my men to search everywhere, including the outskirt of the pack, where the Omegas lives, knowing fully well that she's not a stranger. I don't know how possible is this, ever since I've been into existence, I've never set my eyes on her.After what seemed like forever, I was already getting impatient, when the door to my study burst opened, with guards, dragging a woman with them."What's the meaning of this nonsense?" I thundered, as I sprang up on my feet. How dare they barge on on me like that!"Forgive me your highness, but this is her mother." They gave me the news I've been dying to hear, the news I've waited in anticipation for.
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How Do You Want To Die?
Chapter Thirty ThreeAlpha Khalid POVThe Alpha sat on his throne, staring into space, as he waited for his prey arrival. His dark and intimidating aura, kept consuming the people, and they could tell that the devil was angry. They know better to compose themselves, if they don't want to suffer the fate of death, not just death, but a painful and horrible one.The door finally opened, and his guards dragged the girl in, while she just followed like a sheep, being directed by their master, and he just couldn't help, but smirked. The thought of what he's going to do to her crossed his mind, and his demon quivered in anger. As much as he wanted to know why his demon is so different to this girl, he just couldn't decipher why. He was expecting his demon to struggle to take over him, and end her, but the case is so different, as he felt his demon, struggling to take control, not to hurt the girl, but to protect her. He now found himself, fighting with his demon
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Mood Spoiler
Chapter Thirty FourMoon POVI kept pacing in my room, as his words keep playing in my head. What! Me? His mate? That's never gonna happen. I hate that dude like a plague, he's an asshole, and I can't imagine myself, being mated to such person. Can you imagine nonsense."Urgh! I'm going to kill you Jack, for ruining my day." I groaned in between gritted teeth, before matching to the bathroom. Stepping into the bathroom, I scoffed one more time, before going under the shower, after which I turned it on, as I allowed the water fall on my body, calming my tensed muscles."How did he even came up with such shit? I mean, what was he thinking, huh?" I scoffed, as I scrubbed my body with the sponge. That dude is such a mood spoiler.A smile crept its way on my face, and my cheeks heat up, as the thought of Liam, crossed my mind. I can't bring myself to stop thinking about him, I can't wait to see his handsome face again. I miss everythin
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Who Is This?
PChapter Thirty Five Octavia POVI groaned in pains, as I was thrown roughly on the floor. The men that threw me in, locked the bar, before walking away, leaving me to sort myself out. A drop of tears slid down my cheeks, as I crawled to the door, my whole body aching, as blood kept oozing from my body. The pains in my body, didn't matter to me, i just want to see my parents, I don't know how they are feeling right now, I don't know whether they're still alive or not.Just the thought of them, being killed, makes me cringe, and tore my heart into pieces. My whole life had turned a mess, just in a blink of an eye, my whole life is crumbling before my very eyes, just in a second. Now I know that I'm nothing, but a curse, now I know that I've always been the problem.I tried standing up, but winced and fell down again, as all my body aches from the one hundred lashes I was given back there. For how long will I continue to wa
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He's Going To Pay For This
Chapter Thirty SixAuthor POVHe stared at his own image, standing before him, and staring dangerously at him, like he'll kill devour him anytime soon. His heart came thumping heavily against his ribcage, as he stared back at the danger before him, wondering where he came from. Balls of sweats formed on his forehead, as he stepped back in fear. He gulped down nothing nervously, as he held on the dresser, for support. As much as he wanted to run for his dear life, he just couldn't bring himself to moving, as he felt his legs, heavy on the ground."Wh...who are you." He managed to ask, after a long silence, as his voice quivered in fear. He tried to cover up his fear and nervousness, but it kept consuming him. The aura, coming from his own mysterious image, keep driving him to the edge of terror, as he found himself, drowning in fear."I am you." His voice echoed in the room, as he stared dangerously at Khalid, like he'll devour him anytime soon
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Chapter: 37Alpha Khalid POVStanding on the podium, and looking down at my warriors, who looked energetic, and all ready for war. Yes, it's time to attack Ivan and his people, and I know that usual, victory will be mine. I'll make sure I bring Ivan here alive.Tilting my head to my right hand side, stood four Alphas, from different packs, and on my left hand side, were three Alphas, including Alpha Jack."It is time to go. As always, make sure to be your brother's keeper, watch your backs, and don't let your guard down. I want the Luna's head, and Alpha Ivan, I need him alive, no matter what happens. Failure to bring him here alive, just know the fate, that awaits you." I said in my demonic voice, as I stared down at them."Yes! Your highness." They all chorused.After giving them orders, I wore my helmet over my head, before taking out my sword from the scabbard, and raised it up in the air.
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Here We Are
Chapter Thirty EightAlpha Khalid POVThe fight started, and soon, blood was flowing of the ground, as many corpses, laid on the ground. One of his men charged towards me, but I teleported to his back, and sour his throat with my sword, before he got to me.Turning around swiftly, I found Jack, fighting with one of the armies, as one aimed him from behind, trying to stab him from behind, when swing my sword in the air, and threw it at him, while it slit through his throat, and came swinging back to me, while I caught it in mid air.An hour passed, and we were still fighting, with his few men, that remain. Ivan started running off with his few men, that remained, and I just stood, watching him, with a smirk on my face. How I wish he can just stop stressing himself, he would need the rest to ride on the floor, till we get back to the pack."He's trying to escape your highness." Roxanne raised an alarm, as he catch his breath. His bo
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Chapter Thirty Nine Alpha Khalid POVBy the time we got back to my pack, I mounted down my horse, and walked elegantly towards the big entrance door. I need to freshen up, and get these bloodstains off my body, before I come back to deal with that bastard. He'll sure regret everything he's done.As promised, I made him ride on the ground till we got here, while his hands were tied to my horse. I don't go back on my words, my words is law, and I don't break it.Once I stepped in through the big door, I walked my way straight to my room, and to the bathroom, where a bath water was already prepared for me. Stepping into the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes, and I tilted my, while it made a cracking sound. I stood before the mirror, and staring back at me, is a man, filled with nothing, but danger, his eyes kept screaming out for nothing, but blood, his dangerous and monstrous looking face, is what can kill you, that's me
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