All Chapters of Twenty Years In Bondage (Mated To An Omega: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
A New Day Of Punishment
Chapter FortyA New Day Of PunishmentTears kept falling freely from my eyes, as I paced in my room. I had took my time to dress, just to impress him, and he sent me away, just like that? My fear is finally coming through, my fear of many years, is finally happening.I ruffled my hair crazily, and slumped on the bed, thinking of what to do. My mind wandered off to the strange girl, something keeps telling me that Octavia girl is not just an ordinary werewolf, something tells me that she has some connection with the Alpha, but I can't seem to wrap my head around what it is. On a norms, Khalid would've killed her on the spot, for what she did, but he had her jailed instead. I hope it's not what I'm thinking? I think I'm losing my mind already, I need to find a way around this whole shit. If it's really what I'm thinking, I'm going to make sure that I get rid of her, she can't take Khalid awsy from me, not now, and not forever. I've been by his side all my li
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Chapter Forty One I forced my eyes opened, but they forced themselves closed again, as they were too heavy to open for even a second. I felt my whole body in pains, bruises everywhere, my once flawless skin, was now filled with nothing, but bruises, and my own blood. Even if the pains were much, I didn't pay attention to it, the pains on my body was nothing, compared to the ones I'm feeling in my heart, for not seeing my parents. I can't help, but worry about them, I don't know if they're fine, I don't if he later killed them.I tried standing up on my feet, but fell on the ground with a loud thud, as more tears came strolling down my cheeks. I wish I could just die, I wish I'm not a werewolf, maybe I would've died of the torture. It's been almost two weeks that I've been here, and there's no day that passes by, which I don't receive the beatings. Khalid is indeed a heartless monster, I hate him!My stomach grumbled, and as I clutched i
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I reject you
Chapter Forty Two Moon POVAmidst the chaos that has been going on in the palace, I still make out time to study, not because I want to, but because I want to impress Liam. I'm really angry that I haven't been able to go to school, but not withstanding, I'll try and go this Monday.Letting out a sigh, I picked my phone, and scrolled through the contacts, till I got to his number, and I couldn't help, but smile, before hitting the dial button. I waited patiently for him to pick up, but got no reply.I sighed frustratingly, as I threw my phone on the bed, and laid down, facing the ceiling, while I hugged my pillow to myself, as some many questions, came conflicting on my mind. Is he okay? Could it be that he's with another woman? Just the thought of that, drives me crazy. I know I'm being dramatic here, I know we don't have a thing, but I can't help the feelings I have for him.My mind darted to the moron, alpha Jack,
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Stop it!
Chapter Forty Three Moon POVIt's finally Monday today, and I can't just wait to see my prince charming. I've really missed him for these few days, and seeing his handsome face, is the only thing on my mind now.Swinging my legs down the bed, I got on my feet, and hurried to the bathroom to have my bath. Once I got inside the bathroom, I stripped out of my nightie, and wore my shower cap, before getting under the shower, and in a few minutes, I was done bathing.Reaching out to my towel, which was hanging at the corner of the bathroom, I wrapped it around my chest, before storming out, and in the next seconds, I was already sitting on the dresser, applying lotion on my body. Once I was done, I added a light beautiful make-up on my face, and combed my hair, as I let it fall freely on my shoulders, with some strands, laying on the side of my face.I wore my favorite pink crop top, upon my white bum shot, and a pair of
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Stop It!
Chapter Forty Three Moon POVIt's finally Monday today, and I can't just wait to see my prince charming. I've really missed him for these few days, and seeing his handsome face, is the only thing on my mind now.Swinging my legs down the bed, I got on my feet, and hurried to the bathroom to have my bath. Once I got inside the bathroom, I stripped out of my nightie, and wore my shower cap, before getting under the shower, and in a few minutes, I was done bathing.Reaching out to my towel, which was hanging at the corner of the bathroom, I wrapped it around my chest, before storming out, and in the next seconds, I was already sitting on the dresser, applying lotion on my body. Once I was done, I added a light beautiful make-up on my face, and combed my hair, as I let it fall freely on my shoulders, with some strands, laying on the side of my face.I wore my favorite pink crop top, upon my white bum shot, and a pair of
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He Needs An Advise
Chapter Forty Four Author POVAlpha Khalid kept pacing in the garden, as the image of her, keeps popping up in his head. Her weak and paled face, her weak and angry voice, her tattered clothes, her dirty and bruised body, her rough hair and everything, just the thought of it all, makes him feel so miserable. He knows he had always been a monster, he knows he's heartless, he's not a merciful being, he had never had this feeling all his life, but he couldn't just help it, no matter how he tried to control the feelings and act like it's fine, he found himself, getting consumed by it the more.He sighed frustratingly, as he stared into space, thinking of a possible thing to do about the whole thing. As much as he doesn't like talking to anyone about his personal life, he feels that he needs to talk to someone about it. For the first time in his entire life, for the first time in his whole years of existence, he feels like he needs an advise from
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Oh Shit!
Chapter Forty Five Alpha Khalid POV"That girl in the prison..." I stopped to think of the possible phrase to get this all done with, but my head seemed to be blank. I think I'm losing my mind, I don't think, I know I am."What happened to her?" Mother asked, with a hint of worry in her voice.I stared at her suspiciously, as I noticed the worried look on her face. I just couldn't help, but have some thoughts, conflicting on my mind. Could it be that they know each other? It's not possible, right?"Nothing, never mind." I flashed her a smile, and stood up."I need to go. See you later." I said, and without waiting for her response, I headed to the door, and in the next seconds, I left her chambers. As I walked through the veranda, the guards and maids kept greeting me, but I never paid attention to any of them, as my mind was somewhere else.Something crossed my mind, the girl back in the wo
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What's this pain?
Chapter Forty sixAlpha Khalid POVLaurie may be an annoying young lady, but she's really helped me clear my head off. I refused telling her the whole thing, because I didn't want to conclude yet. It may all just be my illusion, and nothing serious. I think I'm really gonna lose my mind.After a long drive, I finally got to the palace, and I parked my car, before stepping out, after which I walked my way through the veranda, maintaining a straight face, and the burning aura around me, as usual, sending shivers down the guards and maids spines.They kept bowing one after the other, while I just walked pass them, like they weren't even there. That's how I am, that's who I am, and I can't change it for anyone. I finally got to my room, and stripped out of my clothes, before hitting the shower immediately.Stepping into the jacuzzi, I relaxed underneath, and closed my eyes, as I let the warm water, do some magic on my flawless skin.
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He's here again
Chapter Forty Seven Author POVLia stared down at Khalid, who was laying on the bed, with his eyes closed, like he was having a peaceful sleep. She couldn't help, but to get worried. She tried comprehending what had been happening with her son for a while now, but the more she tried to see the possible reason, the more everything becomes more confusing.As much as she knows that he's hiding something from her, asking him about it, is the last thing on her mind, she knows her limit, and question the alpha, is as good as crossing the boundary, knowing that his demon is not much of a patient one.She kept watching the physician, who was busy, administering some herb in his mouth, which was slightly patted, but it was always ended up pouring out through the side of his lips, igniting her fear. In her entire life, she had never felt so scared, she had never been so scared of losing someone, and now she's having the feelings. She felt
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Embracing my death
Chapter Forty Eight Alpha Khalid POVMy soul almost jumped out of me, as I behold his reflection on the mirror again. Oh not again! Who is he?Gulping down the lump in my throat, I turned slowly to face my own image, which keeps taunting me, as I felt my heart, thumping heavily against my chest, like it was going to pop out anytime soon. Balls of sweats formed on my forehead, the atmosphere was quite ok, but all I feel, was heat upon heat. Staring into his cold eyes, made me almost urinate on my body. For the time, o forgot that I'm the same alpha Khalid, who everyone fears, I forgot that I'm the same man, who everyone worships like their lord, standing here, is a coward, a weak young ordinary man, almost begging to be spared. Just who is he, to be taunting me like this?He kept glaring at me, with his eyes, which kept changing color, from blood shot red, to black, to yellow, and randomly. Looking into his dangerous eyes, all I s
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