All Chapters of Suits & Aces (#3): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
101 Chapters
91 // Delusions
"There's a saying that if you truly love someone you will let them go " Jorge Billings would be lying if he said he was not happy to see a familiar face, a friendlier one at that. He wanted to cry, but he felt numb. "I'm so happy to see you." that was what he wanted to say but he could not bring himself to do it. "What are you doing here?" He asked instead. The last time he checked, Reina Dos Santos was in Australia with her son. "Uhm... Jameson has a work function tonight, so I thought I should come along to see the family." She said, and the bed dipped as she sat on the side. "And I came here as soon as I heard. I'm sorry, I didn't know, if I did, I would have come sooner." He opened his mouth but nothing came out, he tilted his head and faced away from her. His head was aching just from thinking about everything MJ was saying. He did not understand anything she said. She mentioned a baby, what baby was she talking about? His mind was like a memory card with corrupted files,
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92 // Recap
Sasha maneuvered through the employees scattered on the ground floor with champagne glasses and snacks in their hands. She stopped in the middle of the room and let her eyes scan through the faces until she spotted the person she was looking for.Kyle Davids was standing with his parents and they were all in merry spirits, obviously celebrating having the business in the family again. She had noticed that there were construction guys working on the company trademark outside the building. The Khumalos would have chest pains when they saw how quickly Kyle and his family were erasing them from the company. "Kyle, can I steal you for a second?""Wha-" She did not wait for him to respond, she dragged him by his hand and led him out of the building. "Sasha, what's going on? Can't you see I'm busy?" He asked, snatching his hand out of her hold once they were outside.He looked different from when she last saw him this morning, he was clean and fresh. His lean, athletic form was adorned in a
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93 // Unhinged
Samantha was never a conscious sleeper. Which was ironic because she always slept so peacefully, not even bothered by the ghosts of the people she killed.She loved mornings too. Her days always started on such a great note. She had had such a beautiful dream, it left her beyond elated. She did not want to shift from the position she had assumed on the bed, she laid on her stomach with one knee in an angle as she replayed the dream in her head over and over again. It was a warm summer day, the sun felt soft and warm under her feet. There were flower petals everywhere, and she was adorned in a white dress that covered her feet and swept behind her as she walked down the aisle leading to where Jorge was standing next to a priest at the pedestal. If felt like she was in a fairytale, her Prince Charming was finally hers and he looked as handsome as ever in a black tuxedo, and he was wearing a huge smile as he watched her, tears glimmering in his eyes.Everything was perfect and even be
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94 // Alibi
Cameron Parker had not expected to see Sonya Smith anytime soon that morning, but his bad cooking was all it took for her to finally leave the comforts of her room that morning after he had left a tray of food at her door. It could not have been more than fifteen minutes before she came down with the tray in hand and placed it on the kitchen counter.For Cameron, it was as if he was seeing her for the first time, her lean and slender body was adorned in a gray silky pair of pajamas, her shiny black hair laid down, and her flawless skin radiated even more when she gave him a faint smile,“Your cooking is terrible,” she had said in a soft voice, nodding at the untouched tray of food.He flashed her with a smile. “Oh, well, I guess I am lucky to be standing under the same kitchen with the greatest chef.” Sonya blushed, and he laughed. “You are always welcome to prepare something else,” he suggested.She shook her head. “I’d rather not. I’m not hungry.”“How are you feeling? Everyone’s be
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95 // Another Problem
Kyle Davids paced back and forth as he waited for the nurse to report back on Jorge. There was no way he could have been discharged, MJ would have told them.And there was no way Jorge could have suddenly risen to his feet and run for the hills, Sasha was losing her mind.He thought they were over this whole story about her father, but clearly not, and Logan had given her yet another reason to keep looking.Jorge was a jerk, that was true, but he was not that devious.Kyle's eyes shot up when he saw the nurse returning with company - the doctor, a few residents, and another nurse."Doctor, is everything okay? Did something happen to Jorge?" He asked.Why had he not thought of that before? For all he knew, Jorge was in the morgue. The man was probably dead."Are you a family member?" The head doctor asked.Not really. Kyle wanted to say, but he thought against it. "Yes, Doctor, he is my brother-in-law. I'm engaged to his sister," he said instead, laughing internally at his blunt lie."
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96 // Love That Kills
She was amazed at how she managed to stay calm throughout all these months, considering what a mess she was. Last night was the ultimate straw, everything Samantha had said was as if she was reading straight from Jorge's diary, except, he never had one.Sonya had dedicated all her life to him, she gave him everything even when she had nothing. For the first time in years, she was not ashamed to admit that she hoped marrying Jorge would save her from her pending poverty, even though she never loved him because of his wealth before. If anything, it was the only thing she hated about him since they met back in highschool because he attracted crowds, and especially, women. He had quite a streak when she met him, he was a badboy as many would put it, a heartbreaker, someone who slept around and toyed with girls' hearts. It was an instant turn off for Sonya, he chased after her for months while she continued giving him the cold shoulder, until eventually, he charmed his way to her heart, a
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97 // Love That Burns
That was what she was, she was pathetic. Whatever made her think she could trust him again?MJ was embarrassed to say the least. Her mind was replaying Kyle's face like a broken record. He saw it, he realised where Logan was going and he was relieved when she asked him to stop the car on the side.She had also started to recognize the road signs and side buildings from the time she went to see Shannon, and she realised where they were headed. Or in particular, where Logan was speeding off to.He was going to see her, he was going to Lola's house.She did not want to jump to conclusions, but she could not help feeling like he was making a fool out of her again. She could not understand when she became so insecure, a part of her wanted to go home and forget this happened, but the bigger part of her wanted to know what he was going to do there.She hailed a cab and hopped in."Where to, Miss?" The driver asked. "I don't know the place that well. But just drive straight ahead, I'll direc
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98 // Wishful Thinking
There was a point back in the beginning of their relationship, where David had been eager for Lola to be a housewife, and became quite insistent after they got married and had their first child.Lola had thought about all the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom, but she had also thought about the freedom she would lose if she chose to sit at home and spend his money than making her own. Years later, when their relationship reached an all time blow, her decision to work turned out to be the best decision she could have ever made. David lost his way and gave in to the party life, friends, alcohol, women, spending money like he was eating candy on Halloween; and in the midst of it all, he forgot about his family.Now felt like the perfect time to take him up on his offer, there was something satisfying about watching someone doing everything around the house. Her mother-in-law had moved back with her husband, she had insisted on giving them space to bond. As if she could ever dream of
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99 // Molten Kisses
He was falling deeper way too quickly, but for Logan Parker, this was nothing new to him as MJ made it out to be, it was like continuing from where they left off all those years ago. He loved her even more than he did back then, and he was prepared to love her even more each day.Name his second favourite thing in this world after design, and it would probably be her kisses. Well, he enjoyed kissing and just being in her presence. It scared him, but he loved it.Funny how he swore that he would never let a woman to get close enough and put himself in that position again, having someone holding all the power to either build or break you and he had given that power to MJ Billings did they he declared his love for her it was a cross he had to carry for eternity. He was afraid of losing himself to her but mostly and he was also afraid of losing her.So have we decided what we are going to cook yet? MJ look up from the magazine she was reading they were currently in the kitchen and Logan
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100 // Burying Secrets
She barely made it out the front door when a loud scream pierced through the night like a wounded beast on a full moon, pained, angry, and desperate.Her feet were like jelly as she leaned on the door, gathering her breath as her chest rose up and down laggardly. She stood up straight and exhaled, switching on her phone before striding to her car, where two of Logan's guards were standing."Will you be able to drive home by yourself, Miss?" One of them asked.MJ gave him a small smile. "I'll manage, thank you," she said, accepting her car keys from the second guard. "Drive safely, Miss," He said with a slight bow before they both walked away.MJ got into the car and released a deep breath, leaning back in her seat. Her phone vibrated on her lap, but she ignored it.She could not believe she confessed all that to him without falling apart, especially when that was the first time she ever shared her experience out loud with another person in years, not even her therapist. She was rel
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