All Chapters of Suits & Aces (#3): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
81 // Theme Park
By the time they woke up in the morning, MJ was more exhausted than the night before. She needed more sleep, but there was no time to rest. As soon as the clock hit 6a.m., their plane left the grounds of Amsterdam and they were on an eleven-hour long trip to Johannesburg.That was not a part of her plan, but Logan insisted that he had some business to take care of. They had breakfast on the plane, and it was not as bad as MJ had anticipated even if she said so herself.She slept the entire flight back home and only woke up when they landed at O.R. Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. MJ quickly changed her outfit because she felt it was creased since she had been sleeping in the clothes she was previously wearing. Hopefully Logan would not mind accompanying her to do some shopping because she needed more clothes.Neither MJ nor Logan had been to Jo’burg since her birthday, not to mention that that had been the only time she visited the place since
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82 // Tip-off
She heard them talking on the phone. Once again MJ Billings had failed to show up for her brother.Sonya tried to understand the first time because even though she never left Jorge’s side, she was also scared. But what excuse did MJ have this time around?MJ could have at least called her, but she decided to call her sketchy bodyguard, Jackson, with instructions to keep a close eye on Jorge and not to allow the police to interrogate him. It seemed like everyone was suddenly pretending she was a nobody because Jorge did not remember her, but she still wore his ring on her finger, she was still his fiancee.She watched the guard as he disappeared to get himself more coffee. Sonya could not trust him, but he was the only one who had shown up since Jorge woke up, even Shannon had vanished. She did not even want to think about Lola, God knows she landed there by mistake the other day.She was startled by her phone blaring up, she took it out and saw th
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83 // Arrival
For two hours straight, MJ sat in that flight wondering what could be so urgent that it could not wait until tomorrow. She could not get over the urgent note in Kyle’s voice when he called her. And when she finally landed in Cape Town, it felt like the time to face reality had arrived. She was afraid of whatever it was that awaited her outside this place.She remained seated there, refusing to lift even a muscle to unbuckle her seatbelt. She wished Logan was there with her, perhaps he would help her to face whatever monsters laid out there.MJ thought her problems would have to wait for another minute, but it seemed she did not even have to leave the plane to face them, just as she removed her seatbelt, Kyle entered the jet, and what made her blood run cold was the fact that he was not alone; four more people followed behind him.He sat opposite her, and Cameron joined him while Sasha, Demi, and Shaka sat on the other side of the jet.She opened h
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84 // Cheated
It was approximately 11p.m. when Sonya Smith arrived outside her apartment building, she paid the Uber driver and stood on the pavement as she watched him drive away.She heaved a sigh, turning around to face the old rusty building in plight. It did not matter what time of the day it was, the building was always dull, its quietness intimidating. It was worse now that she was unemployed, just the thought of returning to this place every single day made her feel poor.In a way, Jorge’s hospitalisation had rescued her; Meneer Brown could hardly say she used up too much water or electricity, she was barely ever home; she bathed and ate at the hospital and only ever stopped by to get a change of clothes.No one had to know that she had not paid rent these past three months or that she had cancelled all her clothing accounts, all that was mundane as compared to her boyfriend’s life. It was sad that he had lost his memory and would be wheelchair-bound, but the wo
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85 // Safety Measures
The entire place was ransacked, everything was a mess, and there was nothing him or his men could do. There was no trace of the kidnappers anywhere, there was no trail of their whereabouts.The damage in the suite was a clear indication that Sienna had put up a great fight before they took her. That was how he remembered her, she never went down without a fight. They must have been many if she could not get away from them.Javier threw his head back against the couch and covered his face with his hands, a groan erupting from his throat as he slowly tilted his head towards the laptop screen on the coffee table; and he sighed, leaning forward to click the replay button."Javier, se você está assistindo isso, quero que saiba que sinto muito. Lamento ter privado de uma vida familiar que você desejava. Mas espero que você entenda por que fiz isso agora. Era exatamente isso que eu temia! Eu me recuso a acreditar que você é uma maldição, Javier! Recuso-me a acred
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86 // Clean Slate
The entire office floor was covered in papers, a crumbling sound filling the room as another paper was scrunched up and tossed away.Logan stared at the pile of the blank pages staring back at him without a clue.This was far worse than he had anticipated, it did not matter whether he came up with the best designs now or tomorrow, bringing those sketches to life was going to take months, and by then, his business would be over and done.He ran into a displeased client while in Gold Reef, the same time he received a text from Kyle, warning him about how he would be in hot waters if he returned with MJ, he also received an urgent email from a close companion and a client who happened to spot him, and they returned to Cape Town in the man's jet which was arranged to leave an hour after MJ took off.Logan had spoken too soon, his problems were far from over, he had only considered the goods that were supposed to leave the country and completely forgot
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87 // Last Seen
The ringing of the phone slowly drew her out from her peaceful sleep. She had not laid on a bed so comfortable in her life before, and the sheets smelled so good too.She did not want to get up, it was nice not having to worry about nightmares the moment she closed her eyes.But the bloody phone! She groaned, her arms searching aimlessly, and they came bouncing off something soft. Something shifted under her, and she froze, her heart beating in her throat as she slowly pried her eyes open. And the first thing she saw was a strong arm over her head, and she realised she was laying on someone’s chest.A smile warmed its way to her lips as the events of the late night came rushing back to her, and her cheeks burnt slightly.She slowly lifted her head off his chest, her eyes landing on Logan’s sleepy head laid on the armrest of the couch, his bicep popping as his one arm cushioned the back of his head.His shirt was discarded on the floor, an
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88 // Yellow Tape
Zoe Botha was preparing the necessary documents in her office in order to pay Jorge Billings a visit at the hospital since his sister had been doing everything in her power to prevent her from questioning him about the night he was shot.It was still early in the morning and she had spent the entire night at the station, going over all the cases that had been giving her a headache.She had been about to head home for a quick shower when she received the call.The last thing she had expected was to go to a crime scene with a bad breath and sweaty armpits.The news of a murder spread like wildfire, especially when the first response team arrived first. Journalists and residents littered outside the building. Most of them were still in their gowns and pajamas, she could not blame them though, it was still early.The owner of the building, Mr Brown directed Zoe to the apartment, he claimed that he had not heard or seen anyone walk in, and
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89 // Final Visit
MJ watched as everyone paced around her sitting room, it made her head pound. Sonya was locked up in her room and still had not said a word. This was not helping anyone, waiting was not helping neither of them.Her eyes fell on Sasha who was busy pacing up and down while talking on the phone in the kitchen, and then she turned to the three men whose eyes were hooked on the TV screen.“Should I go and check on her?” Cameron asked, turning around to face MJ as if waiting for her permission.She gave him a bleak smile and shook her head. “No, that won’t be necessary. I think she should be left alone for some time, if we keep hovering around her…” She shook her head, dreading the words that sat at the tip of her tongue. “She will talk when she is ready.”“Well, when that happens, please give me a call!” Kyle announced, grabbing his car keys. “Listen, guys. This has been fun… not. But I have a business to run, I’m a major shareholder now…” He winked at
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90 // Good Samaritan
Brianna slipped out of her heels and shrugged off her coat simultaneously, and then threw the coat on the armrest before plopping down on the couch with an exasperated sigh. She laid back, facing the ceiling, and closed her eyes. It was ten minutes into 12p.m., and she had just arrived home from Ireland. Thankfully, her husband was at work and the kids were at elementary school, so she could catch a rest before the kids made their return. Brianna barely slept the previous night, she was exhausted from the hectic evening she had and from travelling. And to top it off, she was losing her mind waiting for Javier to update her on his trip. Her eyes were heavy and she was starting to drift off when her phone blared up, and she fumbled about and searched her coat, retrieving the phone and answering the international call. "Javier!" A soft chuckle sounded from the other side, and she slumped back in her seat, relieved to hear his voice. "Missed me that much?" He asked, humour in his voi
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