All Chapters of Imprisoned Wife of Mr. Baxter: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
468 Chapters
Chapter 351 What Had She Done
Everly stared at Austin, who seemed to have lost his mind, and backed away.What had she done…?In her mind, Austin had always been a gentleman with countless women pursuing him, and yet he stood humbly before her, asking for her to compensate him.If everything he said was true, she broke free when Austin took her away, but at the same time, he brought her into a different kind of cage.In the past year, she saw how much he cared for her. He was the first person who truly cared for her as a family member would throughout her entire life. She was grateful and could not help but rely on him. Though she used to call Carson 'brother', Austin was the person whom she truly thought of as an older brother.Those days back in Strandia had not been easy. One could even describe it as torture. She would often vomit when she had seizures and would always be drenched with her own sweat. She lost so much weight that she barely looked alive, and it was Austin who remained by her side.He had s
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Chapter 352 Like How You Call Him
Everly did not know what to say and simply looked at him with tears rolling down her face."Is it because he saved you? Or is it because he is willing to die for you?" The sadness and discontentment were overwhelming in his eyes as he said, "Don't you know I can do that, too, Everly?"No one knew how difficult the things he had to do were when he snuck her into Strandia. He had to find a legitimate excuse to admit her into the best hospital in Strandia and to locate the best medication at all costs to cure her.Everly spent endless sleepless nights in that hospital, but so did he. When she was suffering from side effects from the medication, he remained by her side day and night and suffered alongside her.He was sent back to Strandia to handle the family business for months for her sake.His family had been unhappy about Austin's actions. Though they were unsure what he was doing, they knew that everything he had done so far was more than simply spending money.Hence, this dange
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Chapter 353 The Gentleman Who Held Her Hands
Austin was twenty-one at the time, and she had heard that he was the only son of the Samberg Family, who traveled overseas to study in Strandia three years ago after completing high school. Finally, he returned to the country when he turned twenty-one to visit the others.At the time, Everly had been described as Carson's tail that followed him everywhere, but she never cared about the others because Carson was all she could see.As for Austin, she merely recognized him and had a general idea as to who he was. The two exchanged pleasantries, and she greeted the man with a glass of juice under Carson's supervision.Everything that happened after that was as usual. They played games, sang in the clubhouse, and raced cars on mountain trails.There was nothing unusual, and after a while, Austin returned to Strandia to study, and Everly had not seen him again.If that gathering were not the first time she met Austin, she probably would not even remember it, and yet he said that it was
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Chapter 354 The Other Meaning of Sakura
The sakura accessory was swaying. When she got it from Austin, he said that the accessory symbolized his feelings for her. It symbolized hope.It was not until today that Everly remembered that sakura had another meaning, pure love.Yet she was too despicable to be worthy of it.It was still raining outside the window, and the world seemed to have turned a depressing shade of gray.Everly sat alone in the ward filled with the color white and sobbed quietly, while Austin remained standing outside the ward for a long while.Unlike his furious state earlier, he appeared exceptionally calm. All the emotions he had felt in the past few days were drained from him, leaving nothing but emptiness behind.He stood for a long time but did not look inside at Everly in fear of caving in.Buzz…Suddenly, his phone started buzzing. He looked away to take out his phone and noticed his secretary's name on the screen.After a moment of thought, he picked up the call and said, "What is it?""Mi
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Chapter 355 Only for One Person
Robbie leaped into action and went to open the door but froze when he saw who was outside."Mister Samberg?" Robbie stared at Austin before subconsciously glancing over at Cason.Carson had already turned his wheelchair to face their direction, and the two men stared each other in the eyes."Why are you here, Mister Samberg? Aren't you…" Robbie came close to saying the wrong thing and immediately stole a peep at Austin, who did not seem to notice."I want to speak to you, alone," Austin said to Carson."Mister Samberg, Mister Baxter has just woken up, and now…""Sure." Before Robbie was done explaining, Carson agreed.Robbie stood awkwardly but managed to change his expression and gave Austin a look politely before bowing in Carson's direction. "I will be right outside the door. Please let me know if you need me, Mister Baxter, Mister Samberg."With that, he turned to leave.Following the faint sound of the door closing, the two were the only people left inside the entire ward
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Chapter 356 You Are Old, Carson
"How do you know I won't?" Austin straightened his neck to appear fiercer as he said, "As long as she can be rid of you, I will do anything!"Carson continued to look at him calmly, as though he was looking at a minor, just like he did many times before.Austin felt humiliated. The look he got from Carson was familiar and it reminded him that Everly treated him differently from Carson. It was a constant reminder that Everly and Carson were meant to be, and he was nothing but a useless outsider."Austin, I remember the first summer after you came back from overseas. That was the first time I brought her to meet you. I used to take her to all sorts of gatherings back then, but all of them were attended by people we knew. That was the first time I brought her to a gathering with someone she didn't know without warning." Carson said.Carson studied the rage on Austin's face and continued calmly, "Our families have been friends. I was even there at your first birthday party, so technica
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Chapter 357 You Can't Possibly Imagine
"Just you wait! Don't you think I'll go easy on you!" Austin had thought that this incident would convince Carson to give up. However, judging from the looks of it, he remained as stubborn as ever."I will do anything for her!" Austin added fiercely, but Carson continued to look at him calmly with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.Austin felt humiliated. The atmosphere inside the ward was suffocating, and he had failed to accomplish what he came to do, so he could only turn around and leave angrily.Baam!Austin stormed out, leaving Carson alone to stare at the closed door in silence.After a minute, Carson lowered his head and readjusted his wheelchair to continue facing the window. The rain fell upon the window and trailed down like tears scrolling down one's face.He stared outside the window, appearing to be looking at the rain, but at the same time not.…Outside Carson's ward, Austin slammed the door shut in rage and glared at the door.Carson might think that he would not
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Chapter 358 You Have No Idea
"Ha!" Austin sneered. "Tell me what he's given, then. I would very much like to see if what he gave was really that impressive!"Robbie looked at Austin with sorrowful eyes and remained quiet for three seconds before saying, "I'm sorry, Mister Samberg, I can't tell you.""Ha!" Austin sneered sarcastically. "Don't try to fool me with vague excuses."'He's saying Carson gave as much as I did? That I can't imagine what he sacrificed? Robbie works for Carson, and he wouldn't be here stopping me without Carson's command! All this has to be Carson's scheme. It has to be!' Austin thought to himself."Stop playing good cop bad cop here!" Austin smirked and said, "This will only make me look down on him."With that, Austin left furiously.Robbie remained standing alone and watched as Austin left before sighing a long breath.Austin turned around the corner hurriedly and stopped. He looked at his phone and decided not to make the phone call in the end."He's trying to provoke me so that
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Chapter 359 That Thing
Annie went silent again. After about three seconds, she said, "Don't waste your time, Robbie. I know you mean well, but the two of them will never get back together."She looked at the pouring rain, and her mind was instantly filled with the scene she stumbled upon that day. Ever since then, she knew that Austin would never let go of Everly."What?" Robbie was confused by Annie's words and said, "You saw what happened today. Miss Pettis cried so much and even forgot about her own injuries. I think that she still loves Mister Baxter. Doesn't she want Oliver's custody? If the two get married, Oliver will finally be able to call Miss Pettis, mom. Isn't that a good thing?"Annie simply sighed and shook her head. "It's not as simple as you think. The harm Carson had caused Everly and Oliver has become a scar in her heart. Besides… there's also Mister Samberg. Robbie, you don't know what Mister Samberg did, and what he did… it goes beyond money."Robbie wanted to say something but was in
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Chapter 360 Who Does Violet Think She Is
"What are you doing, Mister Davidson? How can Mister Baxter understand you if you don't clarify your intentions?" Robbie kept a certain distance and attempted to ease the tension."Stop playing games with me!" Richard roared, "Carson Baxter, if you like Violet, why flirt with my sister Lissy? Don't you know that she's in love with you?""You can't say that, Mister Davidson. Mister Baxter had rejected Miss Davidson long ago, and it was her that told Mister Baxter that she would treat him as a friend. Mister Baxter did not keep a distance from her simply because Miss Davidson once saved Oliver. You can't possibly blame Mister Baxter for this!"Carson never gave Alice any hope to begin with because everyone knew that Carson only loved Everly. The hope they spoke of was nothing but pure imagination generated by Alice's foolish mind."Bullshit!" Furious, Richard took a few long strides forward towards Carson's wheelchair before grabbing the handle and turning him around by force. He sta
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