Все главы Imprisoned Wife of Mr. Baxter: Глава 361 - Глава 370
Chapter 361 Have You Gone Mad
He thought back to how miserable Alice looked when she cried and was on the brink of exploding when he saw Carson's expressionless face."Carson, what's so bad about Alice?" He roared, "Davidsons might not be as powerful as the Baxters, but we are at the top in both Canneville and around the globe! Our families have been partners for so many years that we know one another well! Alice is my only sister, and with her status, she could have had any man she wanted, but she only wants you! Even if you love another and have a child with that woman, Alice said she could accept it. She even told us that she would take good care of Oliver!" Tears began to gather in Richard's eyes as he spoke, "Whereas Violet uses the authority you gave her to investigate confidential information about Baxter Group in order to threaten you! You won't have someone like Alice who is fully devoted to you, but instead, you go after a vicious, scheming woman regardless of the cost! Carson Baxter, have you gone mad
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Chapter 362 Where is Mister Baxter
"Carson Baxter, you bastard!" Richard cursed as his fist landed on Carson's face.The wheelchair fell to the side along with Carson on it from Richard's punch."Mister Baxter!" Robbie wanted to help Carson up, but Richard was still trying to leap at Carson, so he could only try his best to stop him and said, "Mister Davidson, Mister Baxter has just come out from the operation room. He is severely injured! You can't hit him like this!"However, Richard was far too angry to bother with such things. Alice was his only sister, whom he had cared for previously throughout the years. How could he possibly accept having his sister's heart broken by Carson over such nonsense?"Carson Baxter! Spill! Who are you trying to impress with that expression! I am disgusted by you!" he roared."Mister Davidson…""Fuck off! You are nothing but Carson Baxter's hound! How could you still help this jerk after seeing what has happened? Are you blind? You…""Enough!"Just as they were arguing, a woman'
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Chapter 363 Those Were Her Eyes
Carson stood still without moving in that direction or saying anything and simply stared.The storm raged on outside the building, and the corridor was filled with noises as people walked past. The cold light of the hospital made everything appear lonesome.Suddenly, a small hand grabbed Carson by the hand.He lowered his head and found a pair of eyes that resembled Everly looking back at him."Dad," Oliver said sweetly.He looked at Oliver with dark, brooding eyes."Dad, I heard from Grandma that you and M… Aunt Violet got hurt. Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Oliver blurted out, his big eyes filled with concern.Carson tightened his grip around Oliver's hand as he looked at him before reaching over his other hand to stroke Oliver on the cheek.He wondered when Everly's eyes would show emotions other than hatred toward him like the way Oliver did.Worried, Oliver said, "Dad…"Carson did not speak and retrieved his arm while holding Oliver's hand as he continued to stare in the
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Chapter 364 Don't Cry
It was until that day that someone pulled open the curtains she hid under and took away that darkness that trapped her. He stepped into her territory and brought in the light.That day, she looked up to look at him just like she was doing, and through the tears, she saw his figure before the light.Carson held the corner of the curtain and stood before her. A sudden whiff of wind puffed the curtains up and surrounded them in a temporary space.That day, he stood at the edge of that space and looked at her.She could not see his face through the light, but she remembered that he called out her name and went towards her before rubbing her head with resignation and said, "Don't cry.""…Everly? Everly, are you okay?" Suddenly, someone held her by the shoulder and repeated into her ears.Everly refocused and saw Annie before her eyes. There was nothing else. No curtains were puffed up by the wind. No Carson. Only the cold room and the pouring rain outside the window.Instantly, she f
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Chapter 365 I Am Heading Out for A Bit
Annie knew exactly what Robbie wanted the moment she saw him. What she had not anticipated was that he would still say those words despite her warning.Furious, Annie ran up against him and shoved him outside. "Didn't I tell you that you are not welcome here? What do you think you are doing, forcing your way in?"Robbie ignored Annie's effort of pushing him away and continued looking at Everly. "Miss Pettis, Mister Baxter would have given his life for you. The surgery went on for hours, and now that he's finally awake, aren't you going to see him? Don't you want to know how he's doing? Don't you want to know the state of his injury and whether he is okay?" he shouted.Annie grew increasingly impatient. "Get out!" She gave one forceful shove and completely pushed Robbie outside before slamming the door shut and locking it from the inside.Even when he was locked outside, Robbie kept on shouting, "You can't do this, Miss Pettis. Can't you see what Mister Baxter has done for you? Plea
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Chapter 366 Enough
"Everly!" Annie immediately came to realize that Everly was heading out to see Carson.Everly did not look up and started to wheel her wheelchair outside."Everly, have you thought this through?" Annie blurted out.Everly lowered her gaze and pursed her lips. Her head was a mess, and she had no clue as to what to do. So much had happened in one day and she could not seem to make up her mind."I'll be back in a bit," she said before opening the door and going out."Sigh…" Annie sighed a long breath with resignation and set the bowl down to follow Everly. It seemed like Everly still cared for Carson.It was already late at night and the corridor was lit by the cold, white light. Everly glanced to the side at a card with Robbie's writing that said Carson's room number.She pursed her lips and held the handles to the wheelchair to move it towards Carson's room.The corridor was quiet, and despite the short distance from her room to Carson's, the corridor felt endless. She slowly he
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Chapter 367 Unable to Speak
A simple word was enough to stop Robbie from babbling, leaving the room in silence.Everly's hand froze in the air but never went to knock on the door.They mentioned that Austin had been here.Memories of everything that had happened earlier overwhelmed her once again and she seemed to see Austin's crazed eyes before her.After a while, Oliver said, "Dad, I want to eat that. Uncle Robbie, can you pass it over?"The tension eased because of what Oliver said, and Robbie started talking again. Instantly, the room was filled with cheerful sounds once again.Everly clenched her fist and slowly lowered her arm before lowering her gaze to look at the Sakura accessory on her wheelchair, which was slightly swaying as she moved the wheelchair at the moment.She closed her eyes and opened them again after a few minutes before moving her wheelchair to leave."Everly…" Annie could not help but call out.Everly simply shook her head and continued heading back. She could still hear the soun
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Chapter 368 There's No One Better Than Him
If Alice was only sobbing in silence back in her own room, then this time she was wailing. Large drops of tears fell, washing away the makeup she put on before heading out in order to cover her swollen eyes. She looked hideous."Oh… Lissy…" Richard immediately started panicking. He cared most about his little sister, and if it were not for her, he would not have dared to storm up to Carson's door judging from Carson's status in the community.Though he and his sister argued and bickered most of the time, with Alice calling him by his nickname all the time, he felt horrible when she was truly upset."Look at you, stop crying. You look hideous," he immediately said and passed the tissue next to him for her to wipe away her tears."Richie…" Alice was still crying her heart out and refusing to look at him. She simply cried as she stared at the rain outside and said, "It hurts so bad…""It's okay… I don't even think Carson is worthy of you! Look at how many women he's had before. He ev
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Chapter 369 You've Overestimated Her
"This isn't like you. You weren't like this when you were facing Alice and Angelica. You've overestimated her," the man said in a low voice.Lisa glanced at the man beside her and sneered. "I'm not overestimating her. I just hate her too much. She is the reason why I have to suffer everything. Whenever I think of the pain I've gone through lately, I itch to tear her apart!""Alright. I still think you are too worried, she's just a woman," the man continued.Lisa seemed to be reminded of something and smiled. "Sure, she's just a woman. She used to be an arrogant, wealthy lady and even after all these years, she's still the same. She could never compare to me.""As long as you know that," the man said."Get off here. There's no surveillance around. It's no good if people see the two of us together," Lisa said.The man didn't say anything and simply opened the car door and went out immediately.Lisa watched as he left before stepping on the gas and left swiftly as though nothing ha
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Chapter 370 Like the Countless Times Before
There were also people contacting her to express their willingness to take her side. However, Everly did not bother to look at any of those and simply watched the pouring rain outside the window in silence.It was already Spring, and Cannesville welcomed its rainy season. It had been raining for the entire week, and one's heart simply grew heavy along with it."Everly." Annie came over with a blanket. She walked toward Everly and placed the blanket on her. When she saw the way Everly was absorbed into her thoughts, she could not help but say, "What should we do now? All the cards are on the table now, but Carson Baxter still refuses to let go and Oliver isn't here with us. Do we…give up?"Everly did not respond and continued to stare at the rain outside with her lips pursed.Oliver had not come to visit her for the past week. She was not sure if it was because he had been stopped by Carson, or that Oliver blamed her for hurting his father."Where is Austin?" Everly avoided Annie's
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